Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 144: Crisis breaks out

If he wants to die, no matter who it is, he must pay enough price, even if this black light is powerful and unmatched, he still doesn't want to let him stand alone!

The shop roared, even though the hearts were wailing again and again, but in the face of this weird black light, they had to once again consume the original breath, burst out the strongest combat power, and desperately resist. [


As if struck by a peerless beast, there is a majestic force that explodes along the impact. It instantly explodes on Xiao Chen's body and bursts suddenly. The flesh and blood in the body breaks, the bones are broken and the viscera is broken. .

The shop wailed and went straight out, whistling into the sky under the influence of a majestic force, and disappeared.

Xiao Chen flew upside down, spitting blood all over his nose and nose, his face was pale and there was no trace of blood. The force of this shock, even with his physical strength, was like a piece of paper, and he couldn't resist it.

The heavens and the five realms are indeed the peak of the ethnic group. Even a single blow can knock him off the dust, and there is no power to fight back.

Even if he didn't dare, he looked at the dark shadow that he just cut off. Xiao Chen now only smiled bitterly, couldn't make a slight reaction, and just watched it fall.

Xiao Chen did not expect that the seven killings of this movie killer actually contained such a terrible killing move. Today, I am afraid that it will really be ridiculed.

call out!

The wind blew on the face, Wu Guang fell, Xiao Chen clearly sensed the sharp breath emitted from it, not yet approaching, his eyebrow was already cut by a wound with Wu Guang scattered breath, and blood dripped out, before falling, he It was directly crushed and dissipated.

Close your eyes and wait to die.

But it was at this moment that Wu Guang cut down Xiao Chen's eyebrows, and the Wu Guang carried on it suddenly shook violently. It seemed to want to persevere and kill Xiao Chen, but ultimately failed. .

After the loss of Wuguang, the power of this weird thing suddenly dissipated. It seemed to have lost all its energy. It could only be cut by inertia, but it had no momentum that it could not resist before, and its shape was revealed.

Under this dark light, there is a dark golden short knife with a slightly short handle, just enough to grasp it. The blade is long and narrow, but it has weak feet, and it seems that it can be broken with a little force.

Although the additional power on this knife dissipated as much as possible, it seemed to be alive. He wanted to complete the master's final order, but still blasted to lock Xiao Chen's heart.

If that black light strikes, Xiao Chen's resistance will be in vain, but it is impossible to kill him only with this purple gold knife.

During the roar, he forced himself to endure the mad pain that came from within his body, raising his arms and blocking them in front of him.


Stabbed with a short knife, penetrating his palm between them, blood and water immediately flowed out, soaking the knife. The knife body carried an impact force, which made Xiao Chen hit dozens of feet away before he stopped. The blade was only an inch from his eyebrow.

Even so, he still failed to cause fatal injuries. This killing game is broken.

Within a short period of time within the finger of silence, the body of the black shadow had been cast down, and a pair of firm and indifferent eyes were slightly dimmed, but they were not disturbed and remained stable as before. At this moment, when the assassination failed, a stun was born in Seven Sadness, but he was instantly depressed, and turned and galloped. I did not know what method he used, but he could escape from the ordinary killing of the sacral bones of silence and raise his hands. Summon the short knife pierced into the palm of Xiao Chen.

The knife felt the call, and immediately trembled violently and wanted to get away, but because the flesh cut by it was too tight, even if it trembled, it couldn't leave!

"The assassination of Xiaomou drove me almost into extinction. I can't kill you today, and this short knife was used as a price." Xiao Chen said faintly, although weak, but extremely firm, obviously he would not be shaken in the slightest.

Now that he has run out of oil and no more fighting power, the same is true of the seven injuries. Although he escaped from the finger of silence, the power of destroying vitality had already penetrated into his flesh. If he could not retreat as soon as possible, he would wait for the end of his decay into loess.

During the gallop, the seven wounds were silent, and the body didn't stop. It turned into a dark shadow, disappeared into the space. But before disappearing, the man's old fingers were juxtaposed as blades, and he swept across the neck.

Silent, the meaning is quite simple and clear: today's event is just the beginning, he will definitely come back in the future and kill Xiao Chen.

This hurts seven people, Xiao Chen also understands, looking at this person's direction of departure, his eyes completely darkened.

"Shadow Killing Clan." There was endless murder in the groan.

Xiao Chen is not a saint. He has sadness, joy, and anger. Today, almost all ridicule is due to this tribe. If he has the opportunity, he will never be kind and make his family pay a sufficient price.

Based on the origin of the killing, the seven wounds have been completely separated and disappeared into the induction. Until this moment, he sprayed a blood clot in the chest cavity. He was about to leave to find the shop, but his face changed instantly. The space ripple has already appeared, but he has no power to enter.

Close your eyes, fall on your back, look calm, breathing normally, seemingly fell into a deep sleep.

Dream Road magical powers, open.

It was when Xiao Chen was lethargic that the short knife stabbing into the palm of his hand instantly regained his freedom. He easily pulled the blade out and went straight to his head.

Suddenly, a touch of Jin Mang's eyebrows burst from Xiao Chen's eyebrows, and gradually turned into a vortex. The imaginary shadow of the golden seal looming in this vortex, the Jin Mang was scattered from it, covering Xiao Chen.

Under this golden light, his external injuries recovered rapidly, his palms penetrated the wound, his flesh grew, and he had recovered in just a few breaths.

As for the short knife being covered by Jin Mang, a short and terrible rumor suddenly came out of it, and then it seemed as if it had lost all its power, such as scrap iron and fell directly to Xiao Chen.

After doing this, Jin Mang dissipated, and the vortex in Xiao Chen's eyebrow gradually narrowed, and eventually vanished.

Everything seems to have never been born.


The sky was dim, the wind was calling, and a white shadow was driving in the sky between heaven and earth. If you look closely, there is a young man in this light, which looks quite young, but his look is rather embarrassed, and his eyes are filled with sadness.

"My father is dead, uncle is dead, it's all me! It's all because of me. If it wasn't for me to improve my cultivation qualifications, how could my father and uncle enter the ethnic battlefield, otherwise they would not be killed!"

"it's all me!"

The young man had already suffered a minor injury. At this moment, his heart was sad, and even his breath was unstable, and a burst of blood spurted from his mouth.

"I can die, but I'm not willing! Not willing!"

"My father and uncle died to save me, and I want to take revenge on them! But with my qualifications, I can't be promoted throughout my life. I am just a waste in a family. How can I do this!"

"I hate! I hate!"

The young man was sad and angry, but he did not dare to yell out. Otherwise, in the trial of this ethnic group, any attention that would attract him would lead to his death.

A junior monk of the late Yuan Ying period, this is nothing but ants.

During the gallop, the young man gradually became silent, with firm belief in his eyes, he could not die, he could not die! There is hope for life, and death will eventually become empty, you must live!

Li Sheng, be alive! Even if you die, you have to pay the **** one later!

However, at this moment, his complexion suddenly changed, and he hurriedly lowered the light and went straight to the ground, while at the same time fully contracting his breath. Although this Pu Sheng was repaired as a weak one, this hand-gathering Qi technique was quite extraordinary. Unless Xiu reached the extreme level of crossing the robbery, he could never realize it.

After a few breaths, the three rays of light came roaring. Although it was just galloping, the powerful breath that escaped from the rays of light still made the underground Cheng Sheng look white and watched the rays of light leave with eyes. Out of envy.

If the monk who crossed the realm of realm had such a powerful practice, why would his father and uncle be ridiculed.

The man in his robe sleeve clenched his fists. The man clenched his teeth and turned to leave, but his body suddenly froze, then he eased down, hesitated slightly, and proceeded carefully to the place where his eyes fell.

A blue robe monk was lying on the ground, looking calm, still breathing, but rather long and subtle. If it was not a small induction, it might not be noticeable. On his side, a dark golden short knife was inserted into the ground. Nothing extraordinary, but his eyes fell on the blade, but a sense of coldness came out of his heart instantly, it was as if we were forcibly pulling his mind out, quite strange!

Su Sheng turned away suddenly, panting heavily and looking pale, at this moment he can be sure in his mind that this short knife is absolutely extraordinary, and it must be an extremely magic weapon.

This kind of treasure, even their uncle, never owned one.

The treasured one can get it. Since this short knife is extraordinary, his master is definitely not the next generation! Although this young monk in Qingpao is a little ridiculous, there are not a few monks who are capable of staying in the face, maybe this is an extraordinary senior before him.

An idea appeared like lightning, which instantly penetrated the entire Yuan Shen of Yun Sheng, letting the original idea in his heart dissipate instantly, and became more and more firm, and eventually filled his entire mind.

Giving up the idea of ​​searching for treasures and escaping, and instead assisting the senior, so that when he wakes up, Wu Sheng can ask the senior to accept him as a disciple, presumably because of his previous good destiny, the senior absolutely will not Will refuse. And in the midst, Yun Sheng has an inexplicable intuition. The predecessor in front of him is definitely not a vulgar person. For now, it may be his only chance to change his destiny in this life. If he can relate to it, he will be able to achieve something in the future. This is also an important reason for his decision.

Of course, the premise is that this senior man in the green robe was a human monk, otherwise Qi Sheng would have understood it all at once, and then searched for treasures and left, how would he waste time here.

With a decision in mind, and having determined to worship the predecessor of the Qingpao as a teacher, Wu Sheng now asked himself to be respectful and be courteous to the predecessor. After all, according to legend, in the power of a monk, even if someone is asleep, he can vaguely sense changes in the outside world, but he is unwilling to leave a bad impression on the future master.

"Senior Tsingpao, juniors don't know if you hear me. The juniors are not malicious, but just want to help you. I hope you will be compassionate and accept me as a disciple."

"This time, offended."

Respectfully salute while speaking, Bian Sheng took a treasure resembling a disk from the storage ring and drove it to make it large to the size of a futon. Then he carefully moved the senior in the robe to sit on his knees. , And carefully put down some simple restraints to prevent wind and rain erosion, fall and fall.

Thinking of the purple gold knife on the ground, Sheng Sheng thought a little, and said, "Predecessor Qingpao, you can't take this treasure away, and the younger will take care of it for the time being. After you wake up, the younger must return the original."

While talking, the man took out a shirt and covered the knife before carefully putting it in the storage ring.

Lifting distinguished the direction, Qi Sheng controlled the Yupan to fly, and then carefully controlled Qi Guang to leave.

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