Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 131: Tianjiao life and death battle between the two races

[It's a bit late, you Taoists forgive me, see you tomorrow. {< [八? 一 小? 说 网 W] W & gt; W ?. ] 8? 1> YW. COM

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Killing the Tian Si Mo to deal with the violent thunder **** is invincible. At the moment of the two shots, the demon demon and the Confucian priest Fu Yunqi are naturally unwilling to fall behind, and at the same time, they are magical.

"The invisible demon, the source of fear, splits the soul, devours refinement!"

"With the blood of the descendants of my demon, summon the soul of the ancestor, the demon, to devour the soul of this person and make a sacrifice for me."

"Daemon, Soul Eater!"

In the roar, the Dread Demon shot with all his strength and hit countless tactics on his hand, which were completed in an instant, converging into a weird pattern with a strange dark light, shot suddenly, disappeared into the void. The next moment is where this magic pattern blends in. The space suddenly trembles violently and turns into layers of ripples spreading in all directions. Eventually, a black spot emerges from this ripple, and then expands madly to the size of a thousand feet. This hole is extremely dark, and at a glance I don't know its end, a cold, cruel, ancient atmosphere spread out from this black hole, it seems that the fear of the demon masters shot, directly connected to some space before the ancient times.


Suddenly, a roar suddenly came out of this black hole, mixed with an endless violent atmosphere, bursting out.

Numerous monks of various ethnic groups around him, when they sensed this breath, couldn't help but abruptly changed their face, then went pale, raised the bottom of their eyes to show endless fear, and turned to back.

This roar seemed to be coming out of their ears and directly into the space of the Yuanshen, trying to tear them apart.

This power is really terrifying.

A hundred-hundred-foot-sized Soul of Demon stepped out of the black hole. Its whole body was dark, with a strong decay of death, and there were many places in the body that were broken and illusive. Health kills in general. But even so, the intensity of the breath radiated from the soul of this demon still reached the point of stone breaking. An insane and violent urge to devour the raging atmosphere of life, exploded from its body, such as straight smoke, straight into the sky, making the whole sky darker under this death.

At this moment when the dead soul of this demon appeared, the roaring sound went back to the Demon King and swallowed it, which immediately attracted countless monks from all around. But at this moment, the Dread Devil is extremely calm. It seems that he had already anticipated this. He took out a trick in his hand, thinking about the dead soul, and yelled, "Come!"

With one finger, a magic pattern suddenly appeared at the soul's eyebrow, which was the one that had disappeared into the void before. With the emergence of the moire, a roar suddenly appeared in the mouth of the dead soul, but the swallowing stopped suddenly.

The Dread Lord did not dare to stagnate, and it was just a click, but it went straight to Fu Yunqi.


Li Li did not fall, the ancient demon dead soul roared again, but suddenly turned around and went straight to Fu Yunqi swallowed. Under this swallowing, there was suddenly a horrible engulfing force in Mingming, as if to pull Fu Yunqi's primal spirit.

In the face of this strange magical power, Fu Yunqi's complexion suddenly changed, and her eyes were a little shocked. At this moment, she dared not have the slightest bit of ambition, and tried her best to resist.

"Confucianism and Taoism, Li!"

In the cheers, there was an infinite amount of righteousness coming from right and left. They gathered in front of Fu Yunqi and turned into a figure full of the size of a demon soul. This figure was wearing a blouse and a square scarf. Although the face was vague, it could sense A gentle breath on him.

Six moments of Confucianism, Taoism, and ritual art, the moment when the Confucianism's virtual shadow manifested, it was to worship the demon soul.

In a week, there was no magical power to show, but the sound of pain and roar suddenly appeared in the mouth of the devil soul that day, and a large amount of black gas escaped directly from its body. The originally illusory body would suddenly dim. Go on. It seems that under this worship, a force forcibly extracted the power within this dead soul and worshipped it away from the space that should not exist.


As soon as Fu Yunqi drank, the ritual master Confucianism Xingying once again arched his hand to worship the dead spirit of the demon again. With this second worship, more black gas escaped from this soul, and the shape also showed signs of collapse and instability.

The face of the Dread Devil changed suddenly, and at this moment he hurried his finger, and suddenly a blood sword shot from its fingertips, and instantly penetrated into the body of the demon soul that day. Along with the integration of blood, the dead blackness in the dead soul's body suddenly stopped, and a trace of strange blood suddenly emerged, spreading to the whole body of the soul with a crazy degree, causing its entire soul to emit a strange blood awn, which originally weakened. His breath rose again, three points more than before.

The blood that pops out of the fingertips is the pure blood in this demon's body, which is extremely precious. At the moment, the face of the demon demon looks pale, but at this moment, there is no pause in the demon head, and he controls the day of the demon soul. Take a shot and devour Fu Yunqi's soul.

"Blood soul, swallow!"

Under this swallow, the power of swallowing the soul was more than twice as strong as before, which made Fu Yunqi groan in her mouth and pale at the same time.

"Confucianism, Taoism and Six Arts, Book!"

The Confucianism, Taoism, and magical power all evolved from Liuyi, and it never changed.

At this moment, Fu Yunqi gave a low sigh, and there was a magnificent righteousness gathered in his hands, turned into a writing brush like a substance, was held in his hands, waved in the void, and there were small pieces of pale golden ancient writings scattered with light gold.

"At the beginning of the world, the demons ran rampantly. With the power of our Confucianism and Taoism, they sealed thousands of evil charms and helped to correct the path. . "

Hundreds of Xiaoyan ancient writings were created in an instant, and the handwriting was free, strong and powerful, and a mighty force from ancient times was contained in it. At this moment, it burst into flames. Among the endless golden awns, the big shadow of one party is slowly condensed, and a mighty breath is scattered from it.

On the ground, Xiao Chen's complexion changed slightly, just because he was very familiar with the breath of Da Ding, which was almost the same as that of the Quartet Da Ding driven by the spirit of the ancient ancient town of Ascension.

This thing, or the heavy weapon of the country, can suppress the National Games Agency!


In a single stroke of hundreds of scriptures, Fu Yunqi's complexion was pale, and apparently his skill in performing books and arts caused him a serious loss. But at this moment accompanied by his growl, these hundreds of golden obituaries, bearing the heavy artifacts of this country, shot out, and went straight to the **** demon's dead soul to suppress it.

The peak monks of the two races, man and demon, didn't waste any words between each other, and began the brutal life and death fight directly!

The sky shattered, the earth collapsed, the wind rolled down, and it was dark.

The whole space is filled with infinite evil spirits, and there is a strong coercive atmosphere permeating the surroundings, and the monks are forced to retreat here. In this way, the strength of monks in many ethnic groups is undoubted.

The first level of the many monks spread out by radiation is naturally the peak monks of the various races left behind. At this moment, they look dignified, their eyes are cloudy, and their thoughts are clearly rolling.

They just stepped back because they didn't want to be involved in the fight, and the wave of destruction that had escaped would have been resisted before they were close to them.

There are the least number of people at this level, with just over 20 people.

The second layer is the monk of Heaven and Human Realm, most of whom are in Heaven and Human Realm. About 3ooo people, all of them are white and frightened, and have withdrawn for thousands of miles to avoid being affected by the fighting method.

The third layer is the highest monk at the beginning of Heaven and Human Realm, the number is about 50,000, and Xiao Chen is among them, 5ooo away from the core of the battlefield, and can be reached instantly with a thought. At this moment, he focused his attention on the war situation, but more attention was paid to the figure of the Lingyuan tribe. The Shi Mudan on this person must be taken into his hands.

The fourth layer is the monk who has not yet reached the limit of crossing the world. The number is dense and incalculable. Roughly, I am afraid that it is at least 10 million years ago, and all of them are far away from 10,000 miles, otherwise there is a slight accident. The aftermath of the battle swept away, and they would instantly disappear.

It was among the thousands of monks that fierce fighting was furious.

Fu Yunqi's Confucian Taoist Six Art Magical Powers are on par with that of the Dread Demon's weird Heaven and Earth Magical Powers. Both of them shot wildly, the magical powers covered the sky, and the Xeon Power broke out.

However, the two who killed Tian Si Mo and Duan Mo Di have risen to the height of billions of dollars, manifesting their respective warfare bodies and fighting madly. Each strike will produce a huge aftershock of terror from the sky, even if far away. After countless distances, they can still sense the horror level between the two.

The 5o-thousand Thunder Road war body is a summoning of the thunder from the enemy. It is made up of the power of pure thunder. It contains endless thunder destruction power. With one blow, the thunder power can explode and destroy everything.

The 5o-magnitude ancient demon body is now very different from the ordinary demon body. Above the head of its war body, there is a thick dark cloud of clouds rolling and faintly turning into a crown virtual shadow. The blood of the pure royal family relies on the horrible existence that is close to the ancestral and demon war body formed by coercion. This battle body is composed of the violent magic between heaven and earth to overcast to cold. With one punch, it is mixed with the force that can destroy the heaven and the earth. It is more enchanted and corroded, and even more powerful.

From the gangster to the thunderous to the yang thunder, to the yin to the cold ancient demon, the two are in the same form. This is the existence of the dead enemy, and now the fight is even more dangerous.

Lei Guang was mixed with magical energy, madly devouring and merging with each other, making "Zila La" a trembling chilling voice, and even more roaring in the fight, spreading across the sky.

From a distance, the fighting of these two wars is just like the fight between the ancient thunder **** and the great devil in the sky, which makes people look down, and then they feel a strong visual impact, which makes the body stiff and white.

This level of battle, even above the level of the Spirit World 6, is already a very high level, and ordinary monks may not be able to see it once in their lives!

Where the surroundings are, the destiny twins of the demon tribe and the king of arabesque frown at the same time, and there is a deep fear of jealousy in their eyes. Obviously, the powerful fighting powers of the geniuses of the human and demon tribe are bursting out, even if they are also fearful.

As for other ethnic groups, Tianjiao, such as the unicorn, yaksha, tianling, earthling, one-eyed, earth giant, and shadow-killing people, are even more shocking in their hearts. Originally thought that there was little difference between the real combat power of each other, but until now, it was not noticed that the gap was by no means a tiny bit. But the changes in the faces of the people at this moment alone do not prove anything. Maybe this is just a deliberate exposure to paralyze others, so that when people are unprepared for trouble.

Except for these people, the monk here already has endless awe of the warring parties at this moment, but there is one more person who is not included.

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed, his gaze looked at the battlefield, but he did not show the slightest sense of fear. In the dark eyes, some were only the deep tranquility. This attitude is only because of his current practice, which can give him a leisurely look at Yun Cun Yun Shu's confidence.

What about Tianjiao, the people and the two ethnic groups, he didn't see it!

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