[Today ’s first chapter, there are two more chapters, 4D updates, I hope everyone supports them.

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Wang Hu smiled "Hey", his eyes glanced around like an idiot. "Enough is enough, let's go now."

Jin Shang didn't speak, but smiled coldly. He made a cutting edge on his hand and slid slowly around him, which is self-evident.

The other Jiang Chen, Ye Xi and Lan Qiu nodded with a smile.

Only Xiao Chen's face was calm and did not show the slightest difference in color. Somehow, now he was about to get away, and he felt a bit of a bad feeling in his heart, and it was more intense than before.

However, even so, he still did not say that, firstly, there was no evidence to convince people. The two with the supernatural powers he now has, both made up his mind to help Pan and others escape, even if there was an accident, it was not enough. For worry.

Whatever your conspiracy means, I wait silently to break it!

Pan Shi laughed a long time, and his hand flashed a little. The basaltic teleportation from the wheelchair monk suddenly appeared in his hands and arched his hands. "You friends will have a period. Today, my brothers will not be accompanied."

The laughter was a break, and with a little force on the hand, the teleportation symbol was crushed directly, and a violent atmosphere of space exploded instantly, turning into a strong horizontal wave sweeping away.

"No, it's a powerful teleporter!"

"Hurry up and stop the Rock Squad from teleporting away, otherwise it won't work today, I may find it in the future when it's slim!"

"Nonsense! Still in my clan meeting point, who dares to take the initiative, unless it is dead. If you want to stop yourself, don't take us to suffer."

"Abominable, it took a lot of time, but I didn't expect it to end like this!"

"Ahhhh! I am so angry! I am so angry!"

It was in the reluctant roar of the monks, that the figures of Xiao Chen and Pan Shi were engulfed by the aura burst from the teleportation charm, and disappeared in a flash.


The transmission was not calm, and it could even be said that there were some bumps. Xiao Chen frowned slightly, and a slight hint of her body breathed out. She immediately forcibly suppressed the surrounding space so that she could not shake violently and affect her.

With space avatars, this teleportation is naturally nothing.

The transmission time is not too long, but the ten-minute interest time is over.

Somewhere in the mountains and forests, ripples appeared in the void, and then a monk in a green robe stepped down, and the figure instantly appeared outside. Xiao Chen's eyes glanced around, with a little thought, and his body flickered to somewhere.




It was at the moment of his action that the green vines entwined above the ancient trees at the passing place suddenly exploded, making a piercing sound, and whistling straight toward him. The ivy, which was originally unexcited, gave birth to layers of sharp poisonous thorns at this moment. It was dark and mixed with a little blood, and there was a horror of forest cold from it.

This ivy is actually a strange plant beast.

Xiao Chen's face was calm, and nothing strange was revealed about it. As early as he appeared here, he had already noticed the existence of ivy. At this moment, his eyes flashed coldly, and he patted forward without a trace. As soon as the three vines trembled, they stiffened into the void as if they were caught in a quagmire.

call out!

Xiao Chen stopped without a pause, the figure passed directly, and went straight ahead. Until he left for a moment, the three ivy vines collapsed without warning and turned into flying ash and fell to the ground.


Just in case, the Xuanwu Teleporter did not teleport the members of the Rock Squad to the same place, but randomly spaced thousands of miles apart, and then assembled at a certain place.

The place here is this lonely peak.

The mountain is nameless, steep and erect, the stone is blue, and the whole body is like a sky-high sword, pointing directly at the sky, and killing coldly.

Jiang Chen's transmission was over, his face was white, but he didn't dare to have any delay. His consciousness swept away, and he suddenly rose into the sky, turned into a rainbow, and came straight to the mountain.

Wang Hu's body was arrogant, and the transmission bumps did not affect him too much. The figure was wrapped in a stream of light and whistled forward.

Jin Shang frowned, glanced around the surrounding forest, somehow he always felt that the forest was too quiet today.

Lan Qiuqiao's face tightened, pushing her mana operation to the limit. Now that he has not completely escaped the danger, he must gather with Brother Xiao Chen, Brother Rock and others in the shortest possible time, and then leave here in a hurry.

Ye Xia's mouth faintly bleeds a bit of blood. For him who pays attention to Yuanshen Shentong, it is a bit reluctant to use physical body to resist the bumps. He whispered in his mouth and moved forward.

Pan Shi did not control the light, and walked on foot, but at the foot of the ground, the yellow light flickered in layers. Under a flash, it was whistling for dozens of miles, and the speed was lightning fast.

At this moment, the monks of the Rock Squad are doing their best and heading straight for the unknown peak.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out!

Thousands of miles, for the monk to cross the robbery, but the space that can be crossed in an instant, 6 people such as Panshi have a few time differences, and at the same time reached the top of the mountain, stepping on the peak.

The rock fell, his brows could not help but frown tightly, his gaze glanced around him, and for some reason, a sense of anxiety suddenly developed in his mind, as if something bad was about to happen.

This feeling was very bad, which made him cold at the back and his body stiff.

"No! Come on!"

At the moment when this feeling came out, Pan Shi suddenly drank a kind, expressing anxiety.

Although Wang Hu, Jin Shang, Lan Qiu and others were unclear, but because of their trust in the rock, they did not make any further delays, and flashed out in an instant, so they wanted to leave in all directions.

But at this moment, it is too late.

"Huh! Although there is still one person who hasn't arrived yet, it must not be too far away, so I'll try to pack up the six of you first, and it's not too late to solve him."

A little cold humming came out, and Sen Han was ruthless. Although it was light and low, it fell like a thunderous thunder in the ears of Rock and others. A horrible sound swept across the 6 people, making the 6 people humming in unison, their faces paled suddenly, and their mouths flowed Blood stains.

call out!

The two figures cascaded one after the other, besieging the situation, besieging the Rock Squad 6 people inside. Although only two people showed up, the momentum spreading out of them felt that Pan Shi and others fell directly to the valley with one heart.

Crossing the calamity limit repair, heaven and earth level combat power!

Lee family!

The teleportation has just ended. At the meeting point, Brother Li's family is waiting for the rabbits and waiting for them to be arrested. The meaning of this is needless to say.

Pang Lianyun, something went wrong!

The pain in Pan Shi's eyes flashed, and he did not expect that at such a critical moment, he would be one of the most trusted people in his heart and gave him a deep and heavy knife secretly, deep and heavy, and wanted to set him straight. To death!

I thought that the plan was flawless and flawless, but I didn't expect it to be so ridiculous to others. You don't need to force them to jump into the trap.

"Liu Yundao friends go, there is fraud!"

The roar sounded like a flat thunder, and it turned into a billowing sound, sweeping away in all directions.

Li Yunshui frowned, and whispered, "Noise!" The sound didn't fall, and he waved his sleeves. In the void, there was a momentous force suddenly condensing out, and he went straight to the rock to suppress.

Faced with this person's casual blow, the rock was instantly close to the enemy, and his face became red, and he already shot with all his strength, and punched with a punch, trying to resist it. But the next moment, his face suddenly turned pale, blood spewed from his mouth and nose, and his body flew backwards if he was hit hard.

With a single strike, the power is superb!

The faces of Wang Hu, Jin Shang, Lan Qiu, Jiang Chen and Ye Xi suddenly turned pale.

"Resolve them, or try to find the last one, so as not to let him escape, you and I are not good at explaining to the elders." Li Yunqing frowned slightly, and said slightly. The voice is calm and high, it seems that the six people on the rock are just ants, and they can be destroyed easily.

Li Yunshui nodded, and with the highest level of combat power in his heaven and human realm, he was actually dispatched to slay these monks at various levels, and it was really a little talented and a chicken knife.

Although he was thinking like this, he didn't hesitate to move his hands. The slender palm inside the robe sleeve protruded and held it high, thinking about where the six members of the Rock Squad were.

The palm fell, the void shook, and then there was an endless spiritual power rioting instantly, turning into a tide of terror energy, spreading in all directions during the rolling. In this tide of energy, a large palm with a size of a hundred feet directly condenses, and the heavy force is pressed down.

This blow is the peak of the fighting power of Heaven and Man. Once it falls, the Rock Squad and others will surely die!

But at this moment, a faint voice came, "My friend of the flowing cloud, is it that you and others can hurt you."

"Guardian of the stars!"

The sound did not fall, and there was an infinite forbidden rune in the void suddenly. It was linked to each other, echoing the breath, madly converging into 365 forbidden stars, forming the number of weeks, bursting into endless stars, enveloping the rock and others instantly Inside, resisted this palm coercion.

Thousands of palms shot down, the stars guarded, and the two instantly appeared deadlocked.

"Liu Yundao friends!"

"Brother Liuyun!"

Pan Shi and others lifted their eyes, and instantly fell on the monk who stepped into the void in the distance, and his eyes were very excited. In today's situation, changing to other repairs will worry about their life and death, for fear that they have already fled in order to save their lives. But Liuyun Daoyou can still rescue each other, this alone is enough to admire.

"Xiao Chendao friends go, you are not their opponent!" Pan Shi.

"Brother Xiao Chen, leave us alone and leave here!" Lan Qiu.

"Good brother, we remember your kindness, this life can't be repaid, I will come to be a brother with you in the next life, and return you together!" Wang Hu, Jin Shang, Jiang Chen and Yexi.

When the six members of the Rock Squad arrived, Xiao Chen had done everything to them and had done enough. Now a few people sincerely advise Xiao Chen to leave, and don't scorn with them.

Li Yunqing lifted his eyes and fell on Xiao Chen with a cold demeanor, saying: "The love and righteousness is really admirable, but it hurts the monk Li family, so you must pay the price. Now that you are here, you also Save me the trouble of waiting for you to take a shot. In this case, leave it to me. "Senran whispered, this man pulled back the Qingfeng long sword behind him, clenched his hands and severely cut off.

This shot, he shot with all his strength, without any reservation.

Li Yunqing has always been cautious in his actions and has the mentality of trying his best to fight with a lion and rabbit, but even so, he still has full confidence in his heart at this moment. With his current practice as a sword, the strong man in the heavens and the world is still thinking about the whole body and retreating. Although this forbidden road is not weak, it will still die.

"Killing the Rock Squad and other people is just to let Miss Ruo Wan accept my friendship. Even if she doesn't have a chance to kiss Fang Ze, Ms. Ruo Wan always has her grievances and will definitely give me the opportunity to compensate in the future."

"Hum! This kind of rare good thing, those idiots in the family actually push back and forth, it is really stupid."

At the moment of this man's shot, his thoughts were still constantly rolling, apparently he did not look at Xiao Chen at all.

However, at this moment, Li Yunqing did not show up. In his eyes, he looked humble as an ant-like opponent. At this moment, instead of showing the slightest fear and panic in the face of the sword, he frowned slightly, and his eyes were utterly cold. mango.

Stretch out with one hand, bend your four fingers, keep your index finger out, and drop forward.

"Swallow a finger!"

Drinking and falling, the void is trembling. If Li Yunqing and Li Yunshui shot before like rivers roaring, then Xiao Chen's magical shot at this moment, the energy tidal riots set off are like the vast ocean, and the sky is shaking!

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