[Tomorrow 15th, talk and count, start to restore 4D update, here! 】

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The teleportation was not too far away. It was still in this place where the people gathered. The rock figure appeared directly in a secluded alleyway. The left and right views were not noticed, so he took out a set of black robes and put them on his back. . Bayi Chinese W} W) W]. > 8? 1] Z & gt; W]. & gt; C] OM

Without any accidents, Pan Shi successfully came to a small humble courtyard, knocked on the door of the courtyard according to a special rule, and then closed his hands and backed away.

After counting the interest, the courtyard door "squeaked" opened, and he walked directly into it.

A pale-looking man in a wheelchair was waiting in the courtyard and saw a rock with a mild smile on his face. Although the self-cultivation world is cruel and cruel, its clever means is far from comparable to the secular world. It can be cured by any kind of injury, so there are very few disabled monks. The wheelchair man was still unable to walk with his legs, apparently, he had suffered extremely severe trauma to his leg and could not be treated by ordinary means.

"Brother Pang, I don't know if you have prepared what I want." Pan Shi apparently knew this person very well, and went straight to the subject without much politeness.

The wheelchair monk nodded, his hand flashed, and then an item resembling a tortoise shell appeared in his hand. "Brother Rock's order, naturally, my brother will do his best. I have designed this basalt array as you ordered. The teleportation is where you choose. "

"If it wasn't for Brother Rock's shot, I'm afraid that it would be more than just these legs. It's important to keep in mind the life-saving grace. After that, you and I don't know if there is a day of goodbye, and please take all care.

Pan Shi took it, inspected it slightly, and immediately put it in the storage ring. He nodded to the wheelchair monk, and said, "Brother Pang should also be careful not to show the wind of this incident, or it will inevitably lead to the danger of killing yourself."

"I'm in a hurry and I won't stay long anymore. Goodbye."

After arching his hand, the rock hurriedly pushed the door away.

When the gate of the hospital was closed and the prohibition was opened, the wheelchair monk looked towards the direction of Rock's departure, and his face couldn't help showing a little complex color, which finally turned into firmness.

"Rock, you saved my life then, and I have helped you a lot over the years, enough to pay off your kindness."

"If I can get help from the Li family, my legs will definitely recover, so this time, don't blame me!"

Low Yin fell, and the man took out a letter of jade Jane, and threw it backhand after a few breaths.

Yu Jian shot and disappeared in a flash.



Wen Sannian's eyebrows were slightly frowned, and she was slightly anxious walking around the room. Although no one would come to disturb at this time according to the usual practice, but in case of an accident, it would be no harm to give her life, but it would break Bro. plan of.

This is what happens in the world. The more things you want to avoid, the more often you are dating.

"Ding, Ding, Ding."

The purple bell on the hanger rang again, but the sound was not the same as before. When hearing the ringing bell, Wen Sanniang's body stiffened instantly, panic appeared on her pretty face, and she was forcibly depressed by it. .

This ringtone means that someone outside the room is invading with the spirit. Generally, when a woman in a blue house picks up a guest, the room will be banned. Although it is not clever, it is sufficient to alert the monks when it receives damage. Most monks pay attention to their faces. Although men and women love to do things, they do not want to be seen. Therefore, knowing that Wen Sanniang is picking up customers, she still has to invade with Yuanshen, which is extremely rude, or can be called provocation. For no reason, no one naturally did this. At this moment, it is obvious that some monks have noticed something strange.

Wen Sanniang said, "I don't know which grandfather is joking with the slave's family. This one has already picked up customers. Please hurry up next time, the slave's family must wait for the grandfather to be comfortable and comfortable." Laziness is the exhaustion after being in love, and the camouflage acting is extremely clever.

The purple Xiuqi bells fainted, and the sound faded, apparently the repairman outside the room had heard it.

"Oops, this uncle, I told you long ago, San Niang has already received the VIP. You just believe it. Now you have verified it yourself, there should be no doubt."

"Let's go faster. The slaves will find other girls for you. They are as beautiful as you choose."

The old lady looked about 3o in her early days, and she was full of body. Although her appearance was not beautiful, she smiled with an endless charm, and apparently practiced some kind of charm. However, at this moment in the face of the monk in front of her, her means did not have much effect.

Biancheng Jian frowned slightly, I don't know why he always felt something wrong in his heart today, so he came forward to test it, but this time, there is no difference. Could it be that you really think too much?

Cultivation of "Magic Heart" magical powers does not hurt the enemy's defenses, but the Biancheng sword has been suffering hardships in these years because the only effect of this magical power is that it can vaguely sense the changes in the whole body, and avoid evil and evil.

"No, today, as my heart feels inductive, it will never be groundless. This time, there must be an unexpected situation!" A flash of light flashed from the bottom of his eyes, and his consciousness once again came out, turning into waves rolling into the room, He shouted: "San Niang beauty, uncle came straight to you today. If you don't show up, uncle will never give up."

"Open the door, open it!"

At this moment, Biancheng Sword was full of alcohol, and looked like an over-drinking alcoholic, but when he knocked on the door, many sights faintly swept around, paying attention to here.

Wen Sanniang has a pale face. Although the restraint in the room is not weak through her shots, she cannot resist the infiltration of the monks in the later stages of the disaster. If you continue in this way, I am afraid that after a few breaths, it will directly collapse. It's troublesome.

Just as she was so anxious that she was helpless, the magic light on the embroidery bed flashed, and the rock figure appeared directly in it.


Bian Chengjian's heart is getting stronger and stronger. He has already broken the ban. The rock didn't react at all. This is wrong!

"Don't dare to open the door to this uncle, okay, don't I just go back and do it myself!" The man was talking drunk, but his eyes were cold, and there was no pause in the words. One palm shot down.

Although it was not fully exploded in the later period, it was enough to smash the portal directly.

"Huh! Where did the drunkard who didn't understand the rules, find death!" But at this moment, a cold drink came out suddenly, then the door opened, and a fist was mixed with Wanjun's strength, and he fell forward fiercely. .

Bian Chengjian's eyelids jumped, his heart burst suddenly, but at this moment he didn't wait for him to retract his hands, and the fist in the room was already falling.


The fist palms collided, and an astonishing loud noise burst, sweeping away, and the small courtyard here was immediately smashed directly, arousing the dust of the sky, making the surrounding monks embarrassed and evaded.

The edge of Jiancheng's face suddenly turned pale, and a blood sword was sprayed out of his mouth. The figure was smashed and flew a hundred feet away. Under this blow, he had suffered a minor injury.

Rock stepped out of the room, glanced coldly around, sneered, and said, "I know that there are countless people here who want to kill the reward in exchange for the reward, but don't forget that this is where my people meet Within, do n’t go too far. ”

Yu Luo directly turned and strode away, leaving a group of monks secretly gritted teeth and looked iron-blue.

Walking silently all the way, entering the courtyard, Pan Shi directly waved his hand to open the ban, and set his eyes on Xiao Chen, saying: "Liu Yun Dao, please take measures to completely block here to prevent me from waiting for conversation The content was heard. "

Xiao Chen didn't ask much. He waved his hands directly, and there were countless forbidden runes in the void, which screamed together, and instantly turned into a complete prohibition, covering the entire courtyard. "Well, there is a forbidden guard, let me talk. The content is absolutely secure. "

His words flickered, and he looked at the rock, saying, "The friends of the rock are so careful, but they have completed the plan."

Wang Hu, Jin Shang, Lan Qiu, Jiang Chen and Ye Xi also turned their heads, and there was a look of anticipation on their faces.

Pan Shi didn't deliberately pinch, nodded with a smile, and said, "It's already here. This time out of the sight of the Li family, I waited for my brother to keep a low profile. It shouldn't be a problem to retreat."

Everyone heard the words, Qi Qi laughed.

"Haha, Brother Big Rock pays attention to Gaoming, thinking about these guys outside watching us as we leave, but there is nothing but helplessness in my heart!" Wang Hu said with a smile, looking extremely relaxed.

"Yes, yes, it's best when we go out to make it bigger, attract enough attention, and then leave in front of them, this is the most perfect." Jin Shang said with a smirk in his face.

"That's it."

The members of the Rock Squad laughed, but only Xiao Chen frowned without a trace, and there was some unease in his heart. Things seemed to be going too smoothly. With the strength of the Li family, this should not be the case.

But at this moment watching the crowd rejoice, he did not say this, but added a bit of caution in his heart.

"In order not to cause trouble for San Niang and Brother Pang, let's go after 3 days. We will continue as usual in these 3 days, and give me a good spirit in the future. I will not be too comfortable in the future." Speak slowly.

Xiao Chen had no opinion on this, and Wang Hu and Jin Shang nodded in response.

In 3 days, it passed away in an instant.

On the 4th day, the dawn of the East dawned, and the monks outside the courtyard suddenly appeared in an extremely alarming situation. The members of the Rock Squad were ready to go, and all went straight to the transmission square.

Well, after a month of shrinking tortoises, I finally couldn't help it!

The monks, who were full of anger in their hearts, acted now. He said that he wanted to take a hard look at Pan Shi, Xiao Chen, and others. Like everyone else, Yang Yang threw out a letter of jade Jane, and he hurried to follow up.

There was movement in the Rock Squad, and the parties chased after the killing team and heard the wind. For a moment, there was a surging current inside the gathering point of the entire human race.

"There is movement in the Rock Squad."

"Come and see. Today it is said that a fight is not going to happen. We are not qualified to fight, but I think there should be no problem following it."

"Hey, although the Rock Squad is strong, it may not end well in the face of many powerful teams beheaded. Whoever told them to offend the Li family without opening their eyes, it is also their own fault that they end up in this way, and they cannot blame others.

"That being said, the Rock team must not be humiliated, especially that Liuyun, a forbidden Taoist monk, can be compared to a monk at the beginning of the heavens. If he is killed in life or death, he must be more powerful and want to be killed. It takes a lot of life to fill it. "

"Whatever it is, why this matter has to do with us, as long as we go to watch the excitement, if the chance is enough, maybe there will be a chance to catch fish in muddy water."

"Yes, that's it."

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