Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 113: Lee Family Means

At that time, a large number of aliens were beheaded and killed, annoying the high-ranking aliens, and the real descendants of the races were sent to kill him. (Eight (one Chinese W) W> W> .81ZW.COM didn't want Xiao Chenyu to enter Zuomei's Taoist retreat and let them lose their goals. Later, for a series of reasons, the peak monks of many ethnic descendants gathered and gave birth to fierce The collision and friction caused this situation today. Perhaps, the exhibition of events has already expressed the intentions of many ethnic groups, but it is difficult to ride a tiger. Nowadays, the general situation has been achieved. .

Trials of ethnic groups are closely related to ethnic fortune, no one dares to have the slightest idea!

Xiao Chen shook her head and was glad that she had concealed her identity before secretly, otherwise she was afraid that at this moment, countless other monks of the highest ranks had been hunted down. Although she was not afraid, she would never feel comfortable.

However, the thought that the young and powerful men of all races came together to fight each other, attracted thousands of eyes, and aroused thousands of turbulent waves, so Xiao Chen could not help but have a sense of excitement.

I don't know who is stronger or weaker than them!

Such thoughts gave birth to his heart's blood, and he wandered along the meridians. He wanted to directly reveal his identity, attract strong aliens, and let go of the battle! Breathing in secret, a moment later, Xiao Chen suppressed his crazy thoughts in her heart and opened her eyes again. It was already Pingjin, like an ancient well, and could not afford the waves.

"Thank you all for telling you, I want to think quietly for a while, so I won't stay here again."

Pan Shi nodded his head, bowed his hand, turned and pushed out the door. After leaving the room, he hurried forward a few steps, then looked back to the compartment behind him, his face tinged with suspicion. When Chen was only in the room, Xiao Chen closed his eyes and meditated. Although there was no change in his look, an intangible and indifferent breath emerged from his body, permeating the entire space. Under this breath, Pan Shi could not even have the slightest idea of ​​resistance, because he knew in his heart that once this breath really explodes, he will surely die!

"The deep hiding of Liuyun Taoists is beyond our imagination. This breath is definitely above the level of heaven and humanity!"

"I just don't know, what is he doing for this purpose?"

The rock looked cloudy for a while, and after a few breaths, he breathed a sigh of relief, saying, "Why, why should I think too much, and as a friend of Liuyun Taoist, I will definitely not harm me, otherwise the stronger his strength, The better for us. "

"Since he is unwilling to mention the matter, it may be a bit veiled. In that case, I buried the matter in my heart, and I would never tell others."

Whimpering, the man then left.

Just after Pan Shi left, Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly in the room, and his eyes flashed a little admiration. This rock is indeed a sensitive mind. Perhaps he has already guessed that he has some scruples. The previous remarks just said For him.

However, since Rock knows what should be done naturally, it is best to avoid troubles.

Xiao Chen was distracted, swept through the room, and didn't notice the difference. Then he waved the cloth forbidden system and stepped out. The figure disappeared instantly, only a black stone appeared in the corner.

Left eyebrow dojo, practice secret room.

Xiao Chen sat cross-legged, his face was cloudy, and his thoughts were clearly rolling.

"Originally smiling and arrogant among the most powerful peaks of other races, broke into the prestigious name, and thought that he was already the best among the young monks of many ethnic groups in the spiritual world, but now I know that all this has just begun."

"The tribal battlefield at the moment is the place where the real strong whistled. If there were no hard work of the left eyebrow dojo for more than 20,000 years, my cultivation is nothing compared to them. But now, I Have the confidence to fight with them without losing the wind. "

"The prestige that broke out at that time has long since faded away. I want to get the attention of the high-level people. It ’s not enough for me to show my strength. In that case, I secretly waited for the best time for my shot. ! "

Xiao Chen growled in the heart, and the endless warfare burst into the dark eyes instantly.


The method used by the Li family to deal with the Panshi team is extremely simple. Even if they did not send monks directly, they have already achieved very good results.

A notice did not know where it came from, but it has been confirmed that it was the high-level Li family. As long as it can complete the agreement on it, it can get extremely rich returns.

The content of the notice is as follows: Whoever kills the members of the Rock Squad will receive ten billion yuan of spirits, a set of first-class exercises, a top Taoist instrument, and can directly join the Li family. The future is bright.

When the news came out, it instantly caused a great shock among the ethnic trial monks.

Although the Li family is not a weak force in the human race, although it has always been extremely overbearing in its style, such a widely announced solemn announcement will never falsify. As long as the Rock Squad is eliminated, everything can be obtained.

Spirit Stone, Gongfa, Treasure, Origin!

All of this, for ordinary monks, has an irresistible temptation.

For a time, countless monks gathered from the gathering points of human races in various places. Some people watched the excitement, but more monks came directly to the high rewards in the notice.

In this way, the Rock team suddenly faced great pressure. In this case, they had to choose to take a long break, and the team members closed their doors and practiced. They would never leave their own courtyard for half a step. The monk looked at each other, even if he secretly hated his teeth, but he did not dare to act arrogantly. After all, it is now in the meeting place of human races, there are iron rules that do not allow hands-on killing, otherwise they will be hunted down by the organizers of the meeting place.

it is good!

Since you want to be a tortoise, let's spend it with you and see if you can't get out.

Around the courtyard where the Rock Squad was located, there were a lot of monks shaking without incident. They were not close, walking around Baizhang, it became clear that they were under surveillance. Once the Rock Squad took action, the news would come out immediately.

In the courtyard, all the members of the Rock Squad were here, one frowning, the other with a worried face, but his heart was a cruel and cruel way to scold Li's family. Although there is a guardian of restraint, the inside of the courtyard can not be seen at all, but it is conceivable that countless road-like eyes outside the wall still make them restless in their hearts.

"Boss Rock, you have to think of an idea to let us leave here as soon as possible, otherwise we will really become the oldest in the cage and can't even run away if we want to run." Wang Hu glanced around the courtyard, showing anxiety breath.

"Yes, we have to figure out a way to do it, otherwise we will be nailed to death here, and it will be really troublesome when the monk Li arrives," Jin Shang said solemnly, and said in a deep voice.

Xiao Chen sat on the upper part, his eyes flickered across the rock, seeing that the calm color on his face didn't seem to be forgery, and there was a moment of care in his heart. It seems that this person should have thought out the countermeasures.

Sure enough, Panshi coughed and laughed: "I've already prepared the strategy to get out. As long as the brothers act according to what I say, they will be able to retreat from the whole body. As long as they are out of the sight of these monks, the sky will be high, You and my brother changed their appearances and behaved in a low-key manner. Even if the Li family is powerful, I am afraid it is not a simple matter to find you and me. "In the voice, there was a hint of self-confidence.

When Wang Hu, Jin Shang, Lan Qiu and others heard the words, their eyes flashed together, and their faces were filled with joy. "Haha, we know that Brother Rock has many ideas. Since you already have a mind in mind, we can rest assured."

"What do you say, brothers absolutely follow the command."

Pan Shi smiled mysteriously pretending to be mysterious and said, "The plan is temporarily confidential, and it is not yet time to implement the plan. You should give me a good rest in the past few days. Presumably after a while, life will not be so easy. . "

The 2o-day time elapsed, almost two months have passed since the end of the deathmatch fight. Many human monks waiting outside the courtyard of the Rock Squad have been unable to bear anxiety.

Now it is almost a hundred years before the end of the trial of the ethnic group. If the Rock Squad has not been closed behind, they will be here for a hundred years? And although the reward is generous, it is destined to be obtained by only a few people. If it is later, it will not be a tragedy to live a busy life. Therefore, after a short period of restless thought, a large number of monk teams retreated. Although the remaining number was only 30% of the original, they were all the best in these teams. Each of them had extremely powerful power, obviously having a very high level of self. Confident. As long as you get a reward from the Li family, even if you waste a hundred years here, it's worth it.

On the 21st day, the monk squatting was bored and thought that this day would be a waste of time. The portal of the Rock Squad opened suddenly, and a large monk stepped out, and then strode away.

Wang Hu!

The images of several people from the Rock Squad have been spread all over the place. Many monks have a copy of their hands, and they know their identity.

This tiger appears, is the Rock team ready to act?

The monk, who dare to carelessly, sent out letters to Yujian and quickly returned to the matter. At the same time, he hurried away and followed Wang Hu, fearing that he would lose it.

call out!

call out!

Even if it is not possible to perform a flying flight, the breaking sound of monks rushing forward is still extremely harsh. In a short period of time, hundreds of monks gathered and divided into large and small teams.

Waiting for the rabbits for so long has already made them impatient, and the killing of the Rock Squad has been a little heavier.

However, when they were fierce and murderous, they followed this Wang Hu nearly to the fireworks willow alley, but all of them looked instantly gloomy, as if they had lifted their breath for a long time and were about to find someone to work hard, but now they did not care This huge gap is undoubtedly extremely uncomfortable in my heart.

After an hour, the contented Wang Hu pushed out the door, smiled mockingly at many ugly hunting monks, and swung away.

hateful! It's abominable!

Damn it! Damn it!

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