Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 109: Not afraid of threatening to kill

[A lot of things have been happening recently, I am very tired. Every day, I update all night to stay in the code, let everyone down, really sorry. [

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Even if Li Haowei didn't try again, if he was not careful, he would probably suffer a big loss. The old man was silent, his eyes flashed in different colors, raised after a few breaths, and he said with a deep voice, "You, the young man in the rock, today you let me go, Li Jia Yunqi, and the old man took on your kindness, before the trial of the ethnic group was over. , You will never embarrass you, otherwise, you will never return to live in my tribe!

"With the power of my Li family, it must not be difficult to achieve this. It is up to you to decide how to choose."

The exchange conditions are very simple. If Li Yunqi is let go, the Li family will not secretly shoot for the remaining 100 years of the ethnic trial. Otherwise, if they insist on killing Li Yunqi, they will be immediately strangled by the Li family.

Even in the ethnic trials, not in the human race, the strength of the Li family cannot be ignored.

This threat is very important.

But Pan Shih said that her face did not show the slightest difference in color, and the corners of her mouth showed coldness, and she said in a cold voice: "The means of the Li family, juniors and others have heard of it. No way! "

"Since sooner or later, you will encounter the Li family's counterattack. So sooner or later, what's the matter? Today's great opportunity for revenge will never be missed by younger generations. Li Yunqi must die!"

The words fell without any warning, and the rock shot arrogantly. Between the hands, the mana flowed from the body, the sound of roaring and rolling, the clothes slamming, the black turning flying, and the sound was terrifying.

One palm shot down, stimulating the whole body, mixed with hundreds of years of hatred and suffering, at the same time burst at the same time, making the breath of breath amazing, there is also a terrifying terror.


The palm fell as fast as a thunderbolt, like lightning, turquoise, and whistling down, went straight to that Li Yunqi.

"Ah! The elders save me!"

The situation changed again, Li Yunqi watched the rock straight down to the killer, his face turned into a pale color, screaming, and hurried to resist. However, the treasures in this man's hands have been mostly damaged under the **** swordman in order to save his life. By virtue of his own cultivation, where is the rock's opponent.

The turquoise palm print was blasted down with great power. Li Yunqi hurriedly fired three auras. When he wanted to resist the writhing, he was directly suppressed and collapsed. Under the traction of the air machine, blood spewed out of this population, and the figure flew away.

"Elder, please help me, I don't want to die! For Ruo Wan's sake, you can't see death!"

"Cough! I don't want to die! I don't want to die! Sister, sister, where are you, come and save me!"

Li Yunqi was sobbing blood, his expression was terrified, but there was nothing like the former momentum, just like a bereavement.

Pan Shi shot abruptly and did not give Li Hao a little bit of reaction time, and even if he knew it, he could do nothing. This kind of divine thought has been hidden in Li Yunqi for many years, and the power he carried was not much, and it is now exhausted.

But no matter what, he couldn't watch Li Yunqi die. Even if Li Haowei didn't take it to heart at all, the boy was lucky to have a good sister. Otherwise, how could he use the power of the family to make a fool of himself so far.

"Rocky junior, Hugh wants to bully people too much!"

"The old man gives you a promise today. As long as Li Yunqi is let go and he leaves safely, my Li family can write off the previous thing, and we will never wait for you again, otherwise it will be an endless situation!"

"Junior, you have to think about it!"

Li Hao was extremely gloomy, and his heart was murderous, and he wished that the rock, Xiao Chen, and others would be cramped and chopped up, and the corpse would be broken in order to relieve the bad feelings in his heart. Thinking of his old Mr. Lee, he has always been overbearing and arrogant.

But for Li Yunqi, he could only choose to endure it for a while, but his mind was constantly twitching his thoughts. In the future, he must find a way to kill the juniors as much as possible, otherwise how can he vent his anger!

Although it was promised that the Li family would not take the initiative, but if you provoke it yourself, no wonder he did not keep his promise. As for how to do this, Li Hao has a natural way!

The most important thing now is to stabilize the rock and save Li Yunqi's life.

"Ha ha ha ha! From now on, there are two grievances, and it really is a big temptation. If you don't understand your Li family's behavior, I am afraid that the younger generation will be cheated today!"

"Old man, no matter how you speak, don't worry about keeping Li Yunqi, or stop wasting your saliva!"

Rock sneered, while he was talking, there was no pause in his hand movements, and he slammed his hands again.


The turquoise palm print reappeared, and Sheng Yun smashed Li Yunqi away from thousands of feet away. Qiqiao bleeds, his body collapses, his head is scattered, and his description is miserable. He has lost most of his life, and screams endlessly.



Rock shot with all his strength, like a madman, and every stroke was exhausted with no reserve.

Tortured by hatred for hundreds of years, today he is going to repay him with interest!

Under the eyes of countless monks, the figure of the rock suddenly leaped high, rising to the void at a hundred feet, with one leg like an ax, bursting.

"Li Yunqi, you die for me! Fuck it!"

The roar roared and the figure fell.

There was endless fear and despair in Li Yunqi's eyes, and a hoarse scream came out of his mouth: "No!"


The ground trembled violently, and a large hole with a size of 3oo appeared on one side. There were several huge cracks spreading like spider webs in all directions, and the eyes dropped with a strong visual impact.

At the bottom of the cave, the rock was trembling, and a large amount of blood was impregnated on the robe. As for Li Yunqi, the flesh had been smashed into powder by the fierce violence of the last blow, and even the consciousness could not escape the slightest.

"Qing'er, Dahu, Shanbao, Erhu, Li Nan, Panshi finally avenged you! The Li Yunqi who killed you at the beginning has already lost his soul and got his due, and you're all the way!"

In the roar, tears fell down in the eyes of this tower-like man.

Li Hao's face was so dull and watery that his eyes were full of incredible meaning. He couldn't believe it. The rock faced his threat and the oppression of the entire Li family's power, he even dared to shoot!

How dare he! How can he!

How to explain to Ruo Wan!

Even if he is Li's parents, he still has no confidence in the face of the best offspring of the Li family for hundreds of thousands of years. The thought of the trouble that may arise may even make Li Hao's murderous skyrocketing.

"Young man from the rock, the old man vowed that in the future, you must suppress you, tortured by tens of millions, and then draw souls and refine your soul, so that you will never live!"

The voice was resentful and extremely horrible.

But before this word came down, a sneer suddenly came to his ear, "I want to hurt my Rock Brother, and see your grandfather can't agree!"

"Lao Tzu has long seen you as displeased, and now I can dress my grandson honestly without strength. It is really disgusting. Noise, your grandfather Wang will send you directly on the road today."

Li Hao was shocked in his heart, but at this moment he didn't wait for him to react at all. He just felt a strong sweep. If these minimal powers were in the heyday, he wouldn't naturally see them. , But tantamount to extinction.



The idea of ​​losing power cannot resist the strangulation of external forces at all.

He is a grand old man, a strong man in heaven and nature, and an avatar with such an identity was actually killed. Although it was just a ghost image of God's thoughts, he still felt deep shame.

"Junior, you wait, the old man will never let you go!"

"Ahhhhh! I am so angry!"

The roar came to an abrupt halt, and Li's parents, Li Hao, broke up for the gods.

At this point, all the monks of the Li family had exhausted their strength, but today the battle ended with the victory of the Rock Squad.

"Damn! Why did you let Wang Hu be the first to know that this is a faint thought of the strong man in the heavens and the three realms. Even if it is not the body, but it can be bombarded, it must be a very happy thing. Why? I didn't expect it. "Jin Shang's face full of pain and remorse, shook his head again and again, a sad look.

Wang Hu was so proud of his expression that he raised his head high, apparently quite proud of it, "That is, you do n’t have to look at who we are. How can I miss this opportunity, or else in my life It ’s hard to say if you have a chance. "

"Well, it's okay if you don't say that. I really feel good about my whole body. This feeling of breaking the divine power of the heavens and the three realms is really good, wow ha ha ha ha!"

Jiang Chen, Ye Xi and Lan Qiu laughed at the same time.

For a while, because of the pressure brought by the Li family, it suddenly disappeared.

Pan Shi's gaze was implicitly glanced at Wang Hu, Jin Shang, etc., and finally fell on Xiao Chen, his face suddenly suddenly, and immediately got up, regardless of the blood on his body, strode toward it, a few feet away Stopping and giving a deep gift, "Liuyun Daoyou, I can live today, Rock can get revenge, and I all accept the blessings of Daoyou. This kind of virtue is remembered in my heart and I dare not forget it. "

"Since then, Liuyun Daoyou has instructed that there will be no words in Rock and Fire!"

His words were sincere, apparently self-defeating.

Wang Hu, Jin Shang, Ye Xi, Jiang Chen, and Lan Qiu also showed a dignified color on their faces. They followed the rock and said in a deep voice. "Your friends in Yunyun Tao will order it in the future. "

For a time, countless lights came together again.

Outside the deathmatch, a group of monks came back to their minds, thinking that the situation today has reversed all the monks of the Li family, leading to the most crucial person in all these things. It turned out to be this one.

If it wasn't for Xiao Chen's forbidden Taoist practice, he would probably write it down completely now.

For a time, these people looked at Xiao Chen again, with a little more awe in their eyes.

Liu Dongbo's eyes flashed in different colors, and finally frowned. He still called Liu Baisheng, whispered something, and waved it away.

On the top floor of the Shangyuan Auction Hall, Wang Fatty smashed his mouth and sighed, "Poor, who can think of the Li family who has always been overbearing and tough, and today ate a big cockroach in this small gathering of people. "

Although the mouth is pitiful, but the goods are full of gloat, apparently insincere.

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