Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 100: Who is Liuyun?

Although his mouth was generous, at this moment Li Yunqi's team showed its strength. Who would dare to help the Rock team? Otherwise, it would be that Lao Shou star hanged himself and was impatient. ({Bayi [[Fiction [{? 网 {W> WW.81ZW.COM

The fierce light of Li Yunqi sweeping around, many monks dodged their eyes away from the place where they passed, and did not dare to look at it, which made him satisfied, and his face was a little proud. . But at this moment, his gaze suddenly broke, and then his eyes were exasperated. I saw one of the monks in the surroundings looking calm. When Li Yunqi's eyes swept away, instead of flinching, he looked at the man lightly.

Calm, indifferent, and understatement, it seems that he did not look at him at all!

Li Yunqi was immediately angry, but the boy was in the mid-term repairs, but he was so ignorant of the heights and heights. When the rock and others were resolved, he must take a good lesson and give him a long memory.

He murmured in secret and gave a deep glance to the monk in the blue robe, and then he turned his head.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly. Based on his current practice, his induction ability is extremely keen. As long as others are hostile to him, he can be aware of it. Li Yunqi's maliciousness was felt, but he stopped there and didn't take it seriously.

With the strength of Li Yunqi and others, even with these two powerful sword repairs, he still has no qualifications to let him fear!

This is self-confidence of absolute strength. The left eyebrow dojo retreats and re-appears outside, and has given Xiao Chen full confidence to deal with all situations. In his opinion, Li Yunqi is nothing at all.

But this is for Xiao Chen. In the eyes of Pan Shi and others, now is the crucial time for life and death.

"Damn, this Li Yunqi is so insidious. He secretly hid these two tyrannical figures, and they shot them. If you don't want some other way to remedy, I will definitely lose this battle." Still showing a slight anxiety.

This battle is not in the past, and it is invincible. If it is defeated, all it takes is its own life.

"A strong helper must be found, or the consequences will be disastrous."

"We have just secretly sent the letter Yujian to Yuancheng Zidaoyou, and told him what was happening here, maybe he will come to help." Wang Hu frowned, although he was so open, but his heart did not have the slightest confidence. Although he had a good relationship with Naohara, he entered the situation was too complicated, and even involved life and death. It is reasonable for him to choose to evade or refuse politely. After all, if the situation today is different, maybe he will make the same choice.

"I also sent a letter to several close-knit close friends. The repairs are not weak, but I don't know whether they are willing to help."

Jiang Chen was equally worried. As a sword repairer, he could directly and clearly sense the terrible aspects of Cheng Yun and Cheng Feng. Facing the two, he actually gave him a vaguely irresistible thought. This feeling The danger is extreme. If he really fights and fights hard, Jiang Chen is not sure that he can support ten breaths!

Lan Qiu didn't speak, and she played several jade slips between her hands, apparently looking for help.

The members of the Rock Squad are all acting secretly, but there is a faint feeling in their hearts that maybe things will not be completed smoothly.

The convergence point of the size of hundreds of miles is based on the monk and the monk, who is a letter of jade, and it can be sent to any corner instantly with an idea. Now that it has been more than ten minutes, there is still no response. Two explanations.

One of the jade monks is not in the meeting point. This is very unlikely, and it can be vetoed.

The two received a monk seeking help from Yujian, because they were afraid of Li Yunqi's strength, they chose to turn a blind eye and hide in secret.

Whatever it is, it is not good news for the Rock Squad.

"Ha ha ha ha! Why, this seat has given you enough time, can't you find a helper?" Li Yunqi laughed, and the laughter was full of sorrow, "Since this is the case, then don't Continue to waste time, you and I enter the deathmatch, and die! "

"Of course, if you are afraid of wanting to live, you can now confess your surrender immediately, and this seat will definitely not embarrass you. Haha, make your choice quickly, surrender or die."

Li Yunqi laughed wildly. Because of his background, this person has always been aggressive and arbitrary, but he is an extremely difficult character. Today, he obviously wants to put the Rock team and others to death, otherwise he will not open up.

Sure enough, the members of the Rock Squad immediately became angry.

"Even if you die, you must not shrink back, otherwise you and my brother will have a place in the future!"

"Kill! I have fought fiercely with these little cubs and haven't played yet. It's too early to say victory or defeat!"

"Done, Lao Tzu would rather stand dead, and never bend his knees for mercy, humble life!"

"Fight with them!"

Wang Hu, Jin Shang, and others have spoken successively, and the murderousness is very heavy, almost condensed into a general general, and the chill is pressing.

The rock frowned. At that moment, his eyes flashed suddenly, and then a light flashed in his eyes. "Lan Qiu, did you tell Liu Yun brother when you left the residence?"

Lan Qiu frowned slightly, I don't understand why Brother Rock now mentions the flowing cloud. Maybe he thinks the current situation, and this person will not be qualified to intervene in the mid-term cultivation. Although he was puzzled, he nodded slightly and said, "Well, I told him before I came, but then there were too many monks, and he broke up with him. I don't know where others are at this moment."

No matter how many people there were, there was no fierce fighting. How could the monks who were crossing the robbery easily dispersed. Although this explanation is rather far-fetched, the situation is now critical, and no one is thinking about it.

Rock nodded, frowning tightly together, suddenly a strange thought came to mind, maybe today's Liuyun shot, can resolve the immediate crisis! This idea came very suddenly, without foundation, but like the seed of a bud, Xun took root in his heart, and thrived.

At the beginning, Xiao Chen was recruited. The reason was that he had explained to Wang Hu, Jin Shang, etc., but that this man was calm and stable in the face of strong enemies. He must have some means, but only he knew in his mind that in addition to the above reasons, A slight sense of awe was the main reason for him to make such a hasty decision. Rocky and magnanimous, seemingly rough and arrogant, in fact, proud and long-lasting, coupled with superior qualifications for arrogance, has rarely served people, let alone awed by people. But in the teleportation square, when facing Chen Chen, he suddenly developed this feeling. Whenever he saw his calm and calm complexion, the awe of Pan Shi's heart became stronger.

For his own feeling, Panshi believes that it will never be targeted. In addition, today's situation has been retired. As a member of the Rock Squad, Xiao Chen can never get out of the business. In this case, it is better to let it go and try, maybe things will turn for the better.

Thinking about this, Panshi took a deep breath, and then took a step forward, Shen Shen said, and said, "Can Brother Liuyun be here, I wonder if I want to fight with me today?"

The voice of calmness echoed above the void.

Many monks in the surrounding area heard a slight movement in their hearts, and then showed a little incomprehension.

Since it was the situation to ask for help at the moment, obviously Rock's heart recognized this Liu Yun's strength very well, so this person is by no means an unknown person, but why they haven't heard anything.

This matter is a bit weird, who is this lingering cloud?

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