Perhaps in this woman's point of view, the opponent who can make Brother Rock feel tricky and even hesitate to summon the order signal must be an amazing and extremely difficult person. There is no certainty to intervene in it by her means, not to mention this flowing cloud, A mediocre monk. Bayi Middle School (text W) W> W}. 81ZW. COM told me this time, but it ’s just a reminder. Maybe Lan Qiu ’s heart had no intention of letting him go together, otherwise he could n’t help and did n’t even talk about it. He even dragged their hind legs and became a burden, which required distraction. Protect him.

Regarding Lan Qiu's attitude, Xiao Chen could vaguely guess, but did not take it to heart, hesitated slightly, or followed. After all, he has now joined the team, and things are not easy to stay out of.

The gathering point of hundreds of miles of human race is really nothing for the monks. Even if they can't display the light, they can move forward with all their strength and pass through in a moment. After turning over seven or eight streets, we walked into a winding alley, where the famous fireworks willow alley in the gathering place of humans is here. The entire alley is about twelve to three miles long, and there are seven large places for fun and hundreds of small romantic places. No matter the size of the gates, the festive red lanterns are hung high, and the burning inside is through the distance. The fat of the male tuna who came here from the sea will produce a faint fragrance after burning. It smells refreshing and exhilarating. In a nutshell, the fragrance produced by this fish oil after burning has a certain The aphrodisiac effect is particularly effective for monks, but it is not harmful, and is naturally a must-have in joyous places.

The Huamanlou is one of the 7 places in the fireworks willow alley, covering an area of ​​more than 2 miles. Although the place is not the largest, it is quite luxurious, with pavilions, small bridges, and even a small one. Small lake waves, there are still flower boats floating in the lake, accompanied by a bit of candlelight, rouge gouache fragrance rushes out, people can not help but indulge in it, it is difficult to extricate themselves. On the side of the path, near the lake, there are flowers and plants, green leaves, fresh flowers, and pleasant flowers in the front and back of the house.

In terms of layout alone, it is quite good here.

However, at this moment, there is always a lot of laughter and laughter. The joyful and joyful place of you and me is becoming extremely chaotic. When Xiao Chen and Lan Qiu arrived, there were already monks inside and out. All of them looked excited and excited, and drank two times from time to time.

"Hit, that's bad for your guys. Today, if you don't make a difference, we won't agree."

"Yes, Lao Tzu is trying new tricks with Lao Xiang. Suddenly startled by the sound of the outside, it almost softens. If you can't even see a lively event, be careful I will really fly."

"If you want to fight, hurry up, or you will be dispersed immediately, what should you do, so as not to waste everyone's time and feelings."

"Yes, if you want to fight, leave if you don't. It's boring to be so old."

The crowd was noisy. During the trial of the ethnic group, they took advantage of the interracial fight to seize the opportunity. This is the knife-licking blood. There is no Ming Dynasty today. The cold-blooded killing will definitely not shrink. Will be thoroughly enjoyed. Therefore, most of the monks in the gathering place are very fond of liveliness. If they can see some flesh and blood flying, it is naturally more wonderful. So once there is such an opportunity, no one is willing to miss it.

In the place surrounded by the crowd, there was a small courtyard with delicate layouts. Five handsome women with handsome bodies were eccentric, and they were hiding in the corners. The two sides confronted each other in the courtyard.

One of them is Panshi, Wanghu, Jinshang, Jiang Chen, and Yexi, while the other is a pale middle-aged monk with the same cold eyes. There are also five people, all of whom are irritable, obviously Not easy.

At this moment, the surrounding monks were noisy, and the pale middle-aged monk flashed a little anger instantly, and then he snorted again and again. The sound was mixed with deep repair and diffused into the atmosphere, making the entire space momentarily quiet.

After all, watching the liveliness is good, but if it causes trouble for yourself, it is extremely unwise.

The middle-aged monk's face was a little proud, apparently very satisfied with the crowd's response, and his eyes fell on the rock, and then he expressed a faint sense of sorrow, saying: "The mountains and rivers are flowing, so people meet each other. Small can. Rock, we can meet again. "The voice is light, although it is the language of an old man, it is extremely cold and full of faint murder. Obviously there must be some holidays between this person and Rock.

Pan Shi has always been grinning and laughing, but he is very generous and always calm, but today, facing this middle-aged monk, he couldn't help breathing thicker, his face gradually turned red, and his palms trembled slightly, which shows how excited his heart is.

"Li Yunqi!"

"Today, you die, or I die!"

A low roar, full of craziness.

Behind them, Wang Hu, Jin Shang, Jiang Chen and Yexi face all changed together. Perhaps they still ignored the grievances between the two and could make the rock so morbid, and even spoke directly about life and death. It seems that today, There is absolutely no way to be good.

Several people joined hands to form a tacit understanding. Although they did not speak, only one gaze looked at each other enough to understand each other's meaning. At this moment, the four people approached slowly, their breath was faint, but they were ready to take shots at any time. Once the situation is slightly wrong, you can shoot instantly.

The other people were obviously war-torn generations, and when they heard the opening of the rock, instead of being afraid, they sneered together, and their eyes were even worse, moving at the same time as Wang Hu and others. Confront.

The meaning of Li Yunqi's eyes flashed instantly, sneer: "Rock, I could chase you to heaven without a road and a door, and it can be done today. But don't blame me for not giving you a chance to survive, as long as You obediently present the three little Cuizhu sisters, and then obediently lie on the ground and give me three rattles, and I will let you go alive, hey, how about, am I very magnanimous. "

"Promise, you can live, or die!"

The face of the rock was gloomy and watery, his eyes were murderous, his writhing almost turned into substance, but he didn't move. Obviously, Li Yunqi was quite frightened in his heart. After a while, he said in a deep voice, "Wang Hu, Jin Shang, Jiang Morning, night, and today's business is my personal vengeance, don't get involved in it. "

"This Li Yunqi has a great background. If he offends him, the consequences will be unthinkable. If you step back, I will fight him today. Even if I die, I must not watch him leave safely."

"I have sworn to see this person again, either he died or I died! Now is the time when the vow is confirmed!"

Words are decisive, decisive and decisive, robes flying, hunting!

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