Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 96: The anger of the shop

Pan Shi looked at a hint of helplessness in Xiao Chen's eyes, and wondered what he thought of instantly. A bit of pity was revealed on his face, and he reached out and patted his shoulder with a sadness. The people in my monastic practice are reconstructed, as for the enjoyment between men and women, they look very weak. ] OM "

"You can make such a move for the cultivation of the avenue. The firmness of the heart towards the Dao has made him quite admirable."

"Relax, brother, today you can tell us about this kind of thing, I guarantee that a few of your brothers will be tight-lipped and will never leak it to you. In this way, you can go back with Lan Qiu, we will take a step. "

After sighing, he patted Xiao Chen's shoulder silently, turned and strode away.

Xiao Chen was stunned, but he couldn't understand Pan Shi's act, but it fell into the eyes of several others, but he became a short-term loss of mind when he was told by the boss. It should be noted that most monks are firm in their minds, and this situation will definitely not occur unless there is a large emotional ups and downs in their hearts.

It seems that the boss of the rock is right. Brother Liuyun really is, sorrowful, pitiful. In order to cultivate, even this kind of bliss between men and women cannot be obtained.

Wang Hu: Don't worry, brother, I will never tell anyone about this.

Jin Shang: Brother, your perseverance in monasticism will definitely shame me. Work hard. There will definitely be a place for me in the future.

Jiang Chen: My eldest husband can hold it down, Liuyun Daoyou, I admire you.

Night Breath: Brother Liuyun, I heard that there is an elixir in this world. After swallowing, it is not a problem to regenerate the broken limb. I will help you pay attention to this elixir. You wait for the news.

The five left one after the other, leaving Xiao Chen alone with fog, and couldn't help asking, "Hey, what do you mean?"

Pan Shi and others returned, looking sadly at Xiao Chen, slightly hesitant, this product still raised a jade Jane, saying: "Brother Liu Yun, rest assured, this is not uncommon in our cultivation world, you do n’t have to have Psychological stress. "

"Well, you are leaving now."

Let's say, five people hurried away.

After taking Yujian, Xiao Chen frowned slightly, and then a little consciousness was explored into it. The next moment she looked dull.

"The Book of Sunflowers" requires extreme mantras to practice pure yin mana. In order to avoid the hotness of the yang, the yin and yang hedges are not adjusted, and the priming power swallows the fire into the magic. Before practicing this method, you must break the yang. -Root, since then practiced as a half-man and half-woman, with powerful power, which is the second-most evil way of doing things. Among them, the representative figure of the cultivation is the eastern master of the Sun and Moon, who has different talents and cultivates the Sunflower Treasure. In the realm of heights, it turned out to be almost completely transformed into a daughter's body, and the power was world-renowned, but it was a well-known strong among the people. "

"The" Book of Exorcising Swords ", the ancient Lin family puppet mastered the magical powers in the same vein as the" Song of the Sunflower ". The prerequisites for cultivation are exactly the same. Become a peerless powerhouse equal to the Eastern founder. "

"Pure Yang Tongzi Gong" is the magical power from the spiritual world to the first to the yang. As the day progresses, the stronger the power of Yuanyang is accumulated in the body, often in the later period. Cut. The representative figure is said to be the father-in-law in the world of mortals, an imperial city. "


There are many examples, and the problem is very typical, and the last sentence is added as an explanation: Brother Liuyun, there are so many sages who can prove that your path is feasible. Since this step has been taken Don't regret it, because regret is useless. Practice well, you promise, you wo n’t tell others, you can rest assured.

Xiao Chen lifted his mouth and twitched at the corners of his mouth, his face became extremely ugly.

This guy's imagination is too strong.

"Hahahaha! My elder brother, my most admirable dear brother Xiao Chen, I didn't expect that you would have this kind of embarrassment, hahahaha, I really laughed to death, I must go back and tell Sister Ruler knows with little bricks and bones. "

"It's just a pity that they didn't see your face now. Hehe, I haven't seen you look like this for so many years with my elder brother. It's really a great harvest."

Behind his head, Black was held up by a sword-shaped beam, which was extremely inconspicuous, but at this moment, there was a wave of hey smiles coming directly into Xiao Chen Yuanshen space.

This bunch is shaped by the shop.

After a few breaths, Xiao Chen had calmed down his mood swings and looked calm. At this moment he heard the words and said lightly, saying, "If you let me hear a little bit of wind about this, I will make your dream come true.

"Presumably one of the supernatural powers such as" The Book of Sunflowers "," Book of Evil Swords "and" Pure Sun Boy Gong "is always suitable for you to practice. Do you think I am right?

The voice was calm and there were no fluctuations, but it made the shop cold all of an instant. An unstoppable coldness came directly from his heart and spread quickly, making him fall like an ice cellar.

If you practice this method, the ruler sister will never ignore him in the future!

The desire to fight with beauties is completely lost!

In this way, what significance does Jiansheng have? It is better to kill yourself early and cleanly.

"Ah! Brother, my dearest Brother Xiao Chen, you must not treat me this way, otherwise I would rather fight desperately to the end."

This is a threat of hoarseness.

"Brother Xiao Chen, seeing that the shop has always been loyal to you, you must not treat me so cruelly, or it will make people chill, in the future, the shop, small bones and small blood will , Who will work hard for you. "

This is a seductive explanation.

"I know that you know what I know. The store promises to bury it deeply in the future and never mention it to anyone else. Even if the sister of the ruler punishes me for kneeling and rubbing the board, I will never tell her. Brother Xiao Chen Adults don't remember villains, and the right thing is not done. "

This is grievance and begging.

It is said that the power of the shop today, no matter who fell into it, will only serve carefully, even the status of the master is even lower than his magic weapon, a situation of powerful magic weapon appears. But in the case of Xiao Chen, this does not apply. Xiao Chen has obtained a small shop so far, although he has not deliberately exerted any means, but has established an absolute deterrent status in it. Even if the small shop is so powerful, it must be a little short when facing Xiao Chen. The so-called drop of one thing is exactly the same. Xiao Chen is the nemesis of the shop. So when he faced him, he always had no chance to bargain.

Xiao Chen groaned helplessly, and really didn't have the energy to get involved with this hoe, but waved helplessly, turned and strode in the direction of Qiu Lan's departure.

The shop "hehe" accompanied the smiley face, but in my heart I thought that sooner or later I would let the five guys like Pan Shi suffer a bit. They provoked Brother Xiao Chen but let it be seeded. This thing, the shop uncle remembered !!

You guys wait for me!

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