Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 93: Shangyuan Auction House

Pan Shi grinned, and reached out and patted Xiao Chen's shoulder, and said, "Welcome to join us, Liu Yun Tao friends. [August Chinese

"Let me introduce you to the members of the team. This is Wang Hu, Jin Shang, Lan Qiuzi, Jiang Chen, Ye Xi, I am Rock. We all have a relationship of life and death. Join our team, Liuyun Taoyou Despite the peace of mind, there is absolutely no secret means. "

Although the words are straightforward, it is very easy to make people feel good. This rock has a bit of personality charm.

Wang Hu, must be dense, rooted at first, really like a tiger, powerful.

Jin Shang, with a white complexion, was wearing a robe with a smile on his face, and his eyes flickered from time to time.

Lan Qiu, with a sturdy figure, white skin, and a pair of watery eyes, seemed to speak normally, but most of her eyes stayed on the rock, and Xiao Chen didn't seem to have much interest.

Jiang Chen, with a calm complexion and unsmiling smile, had a faint coldness outside, carrying a long sword, dark in color, and extremely sharp in breath.

At night, his appearance is beautiful, and his physique is thin. At first glance, he looks like a weak boy, but his body breath is clear and sensitive, but he is undoubtedly a late monk.

Xiao Chen greeted him a little at a time, and he was willing to join, also because these people have very different breaths, but they have no evil spirits in their eyes, otherwise he would not be associated with them.

In the face of Xiao Chen, all five nodded faintly and didn't say much. Xiao Chen had already anticipated this. After all, he was not familiar with each other. If he was very eager at the beginning, it would make him a little wary.

"Haha, okay, now that everyone knows, just leave, I don't want to be seen as a monkey." Rock laughed, regardless of the surrounding monks, and waved his hands and walked towards the meeting point, "Liu Brother Yun, you are very lucky. We just went out hunting for ten days. You can just rest with us for a while and then go out to work. "

Xiao Chen nodded.

The seven of them stunned from the outside, then turned into a rainbow, and whistled forward.

The place where the people ’s gathering points are built here uses extremely clever spatial means to stretch the space in a large area. Although the valley is not large, the gathering point located in it is hundreds of miles in size, which can be called a small one. city ​​of.

The sky is simulated by prohibition, and the sun is shining. If the eyes are not scanned by the consciousness, it will be like the outside world.

The road is neat, and some kind of low shrubs are planted on the roadside, which is not precious, but the fragrance is calm and calm. The ground is paved with bluestone slabs, the buildings on both sides are crowded, and the streets are lively.

Shops, restaurants, exchanges, and even fireworks venues for fun, there are everything in this gathering point.

After entering the street, Pan Shi, Wang Hu, and others successively lowered their glances. Xiao Chen's eyes flickered a little. He swept across the void without any traces, and his eyes flashed a little. It is obvious that extremely severe air-banning is arranged here. Allowing Kuangguang to fly is forbidden to perform space magic. Presumably this is also to prevent accidents and ensure the safety of the gathering point.

"Let's gather here in a small valley. There are no less than 200,000 Taoist friends. They have a lot of fluidity, mixed fish and dragons, and all kinds of characters are among them. In the future, Liuyun's brother must be careful, and don't be secretly calculated. Now. "

"Let's go to the city's exchanges and sell some of the unused treasures we harvested, and then return to where we left off."

Pan Shi explained with a smile.

Xiao Chen nodded, only he was unaware here, these words are used to tell him.

A group of 7 people, even if they did not perform a flying flight, the degree was still extremely fast. After crossing a few streets, the distance was dozens of miles away, and a building occupying about 3ooo feet appeared in front of them. Endlessly, there are plaques on the gate, and the five characters on the Shangyuan auction house are written. The pen is sharp and lightly kills the air. Obviously, the author intends to deter people. Don't pretend here.

Six strong men on each of the left and right sides stand upright, their eyes are like electricity, and they are constantly swept in the flow of people. If there is a sense of intimidation in the body, there is a fine sense, and it is actually 12 monks in the late period of the robbery. The strength of the joint effort is amazing, preventing the monks and other idle monks. As for the true strongman, although these 12 people will not be taken into consideration, it can also be inferred that the strength behind the auction house is not weak. Think a little bit more and don't dare to embarrass yourself.

Pan Shi, Wang Hu, and others came first, and Xiao Chen followed, and his party was mixed with the crowd and joined the auction house. Just came in the door, and before walking a few steps, a joyous laughter came from the front, "Haha, I said how the right eye jumped non-stop this time, and I knew that something good would come, so I was waiting here to go out, Sure enough, it's a good thing that we are expecting some friends from the rock, etc. "

The laughter didn't stop. A raw, white and obese monk appeared in front of several people with a degree different from his figure. The fat monk had a smile on his face, his mouth grinning, a kind and friendly look, and a pair of small eyes surrounded by fat, but from time to time he flashed a little smart, obviously the very smart man. If there is another prominent place, it is that this fat man's skin is too good, fair and delicate, and slightly red, if born in a woman, even if the appearance is ordinary, with this skin can add a little seductive Color, but in this fat man can only make people feel helpless.

Lan Qiu's eyes fell on the fat monk. Although he was dissatisfied, he had to admit that the dead fat man's skin was indeed better than her.

"Well, sister Lan Qiu's eyes are a little bad, and it scares your fat brother, hopping in your heart. I told you long ago that after you have your sister-in-law, you will no longer be embarrassed, Do n’t provoke me. Your fat brother is fine. It ’s almost self-control. In case of something wrong, seeing the fat brother die in the hands of your sister-in-law, can you be patient . "When speaking, the fat man looked distressed, and if he fell into the eyes of the unknowing monk, I was afraid that he would really suspect that there was something messy between them.

Lan Qiuqiao's face became flushed with a "swipe", and she seemed to be bleeding, and her eyebrows were upright, and her eyes were apricot. She reprimanded: "Dead fat man, dare to make fun of your grandma Lan Qiu, see me Nothing tore your mouth! "

During the conversation, she glanced over Xiao Chen with imperceptible eyes, and saw that he was calm and did not show the slightest difference in color. Then she was slightly relieved in her heart, but she still hated to grit her teeth. Fat man's skin comes.

"Sister Lan Qiu said well. This guy always likes to talk about flowers. If I don't dare to talk about him next time, you can directly tear his mouth and see if he dare to provoke others." The voice came from behind the fat man, making this guy's body stiff for a moment, with a sense of terror on his face, and suddenly turned around, but he had turned into a charming and flattering smiley face, and the rate of change was breathtaking.

"Why did you come here in person, this is just a matter of running a errand for your husband. You just have to wait for the identification later."

"Hurry up and go, the lady's national beauty is heavenly, and she was glanced at, and she felt a loss for her husband and could not bear it. So many people are watching now, because her husband is afraid to die directly."

The fat man bowed his head and hunched his waist, and the words in his mouth were unbearable, and the goosebumps fell off his body.

Bright-eyed, cold-looking, petite, and bumpy. Compared with him, this fat lover is completely two extremes. He can't help but look like this, his temper is even more different, but the two are born together and can walk together. I have to lament that there are so many strange things in the world.

The indifferent woman was obviously very aware of his own man. When he finished talking quietly, he looked at the fat man with a cold look, and immediately made the goods shorter by three points. He looked like a thief desperately begging for mercy, which was quite funny.

"Usually you say you have no eyesight and you always quibble. Do n’t you see that there are more new people in this team of Rock Taoist friends, you ’re so joking, Lan Qiu ’s face is tender and naturally angry, you really treat others like you The skin is as thick as a city wall. "

With a slight touch, the woman's eyes fell on Xiao Chen's body, and the base of her eyes flickered slightly.

After hearing the words, the fat man hurried to make a look, until he saw Xiao Chen clearly, his face suddenly showed a bitter smile, "Little brother, you have hurt me this time, I said how the girl Lanqiu reacted this time so smart."

"You're not interesting enough, don't say hello when you come, why would I come here if I knew it."

During the talk, it was a feeling of grievance and grievance, but it made Xiao Chen unable to help but laugh out of nowhere. This fat man was also funny.

Lan Qiu stepped forward and took the indifferent woman's arm, and hummed, "Sister Qing, you have to take a good look at your man. This fat man is definitely a big radish. Be careful, he will follow you to attract bees and butterflies. Cause a lot of trouble. "

The fat man heard that, his face was "scruffy" and pale.

The indifferent female youngster heard a faint glance at the fat man and said softly, "If he dares, I will cut him." The voice was still cold and flat as before.

The fat man was instantly indifferent.

"Ha ha ha ha, okay, we all know that Qingyou Daoyou Yufu has a way, so don't show it in front of us. After we are busy, you two will return to the room to solve it by yourself."

"Our brothers have been so tired for more than half a month, and they should go back to cultivation earlier when they have taken the treasure."

Pan Shi said with a smile, and said that when he was resting, he laughed with Wang Hu, Jin Shang, Jiang Chen, and Ye Xi, and his eyes flashed the meaning that all men knew.

Qiu Lan Qiao blushed and sighed hard, but didn't say much.

The fat man swallowed his mouth and spit, and looked at the people in Panshi, without feeling a little envious, and then sighed in his heart, knowing that, why should he get married early, and now hang himself on a tree.


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