Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 89: End of cultivation

[February 1st, originally promised to resume Sichang from today, but now it seems that I have to delay a few days. ? Bayi Middle School

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Reassured Ganoderma, and promised Shubo that he would no longer take risks to practice. After the two left, Xiao Chen sat down with her knees crossed, her eyes closed sensing her own change.

Although the quenching failed this time, and the drug residues were not completely removed, Xiao Chen's harvest was still great, even some of his imagination.

Breakthrough promotion of Yuanshen!

So far, Xiao Chen has practiced Taoism. He has always had physical strength first, Yuanshen second, and mana last. However, today's hardening and endless pains have helped him to grow soaring. Promotion.

Today, if Chen Chen suffers the pain of the body again, Xiao Chen has the confidence to bear it easily.

Slowly closing your eyes, the majestic consciousness slowly flowed out, and the flow was silent, but it was like a river galloping, the sea was angry, and it contained endless power of destruction. A powerful, mighty, all-in-control feeling emerged, and within the envelope of God's consciousness, all the wind and grass could not hide his sense of consciousness, even a subtle dust can be seen clearly.

The gods of heaven and humanity cultivate!

Xiao Chen's mouth showed a little smile, and it quickly expanded. After life and death, he nearly lost his life. Now he has really received a generous return. This time, his spiritual thoughts have soared in a short time. Several levels, directly promote the level of heaven and man, although only the initial stage, it is already extremely amazing. With the spiritual and spiritual practice of the heavens and the human world, the supernatural powers can be used to match the idle monks of the real world.

It is worthwhile to have such gains and to endure endless pain almost to death.

The Yuanshen space has been more than ten times wider than before. The vastness is boundless, and the clouds and mist are like a fairyland. There is an ancient sky standing in it. The tree crown is large, covering the circle 5ooo. On the branches, naturally falling, Baoguangyingying.

Taking Xiao Chen's Yuanshen as his current practice, and the ancient Bodhi tree to suppress the Yuanshen space, even if there is a shot at the peak of the heavenly people and the five realms, it can't be hanged by the Yuanshen attack.

After sensing the sound for a long time, Xiao Chen slowly regained the sense of distraction, her brows were slightly wrinkled, and her eyes were a little worried. In the previous coma, when his thoughts were about to collapse, a strange power appeared to help him go through the danger of the trough. He had not previously thought about it, but now he thinks about it, but it is a bit strange.

Where does this power come from?

Xiao Chen suspected that the sleeping character in Yuanshen was sleeping. This was a strange inheritance from the Tao Demon in the secret realm. However, if you look closely, it is still in a sleeping state. determine.

"Also, since you can't be sure, don't think about it any more, and things will be explained someday."

Shaking his head slowly, pressed this doubt to the bottom of his heart, Xiao Chen closed his eyes and meditated.

After 1 day, under the repeated assurances of Xiao Chen and under the supervision of Shu Bo, Ganoderma reluctantly reluctantly offered to perform the Tongming training and supernatural power, but stated in advance that if something is wrong, he can terminate the supernatural power at any time. Looking at the little girl's nervousness and dissatisfaction, instead of not being impatient, she felt a slight warmth in her heart.

Fortunately, everything went very smoothly. As Xiao Chen thought, the pain caused by Yuan Shen's re-implementation of the Tong Ming Xi Shen Di Tong after the breakthrough, although not reduced, was within Xiao Chen's mind.

Because the first quenching failed before, this time I continued to shoot, and the difficulty increased a little bit compared with before. It took a full 2 ​​months to remove all the drug residues deeply implanted in the bone marrow.

The drug residues are eliminated, and the exhaustion of absorption caused by the refining and refining of the elixir naturally disappears.

When the last trace of dark-colored residue was discharged from the pores, Xiao Chen closed her eyes and opened them suddenly. Although her face was pale, she had bright light in her dark eyes.

A sense of ease and crispness haunted my heart, and the entire body was extremely pure, like a transparent crystal, without the pain of the previous half. After experiencing this, the physical body was invisible for another promotion.

Ganoderma lucidum was pretty white with a little sweat on the tip of her nose, but her face was full of joy, which could help Brother Xiao Chen, even if she suffered too much loss, she was still happy.

Shu Bo nodded with satisfaction, looking at Xiao Chen, and couldn't help but smile. The master of the Shao Palace really has a great chance monk. When facing a dangerous situation, he can always be able to turn a fortune, and can even be transformed into his own help to help himself further.

This is true of alien killings, and it is still true today. The dojo was inherited by the master of the palace, and it will surely have a bright future and reshape the glorious day!

"Shubo and Ganoderma, come, today you and I have a good drink and celebrate."

Xiao Chen lifted his face with joy, and he has never been as happy today as he has risen to the spirit world.

There are fine wines in the storage ring. Although Xiao Chen did not prepare specially, but killed countless monks and harvested rare wines. They are not a small number. After taking out a few spirits, they can be used as wine dishes.

Under the stone pavilion, Xiao Chen took the lead, and Shubo Lingzhi came in order, with five Yasha maids waiting by the side.

After drinking, Xiao Chen did not use his mana to disperse the wine power, but let it disperse naturally. He rejected Shu Bo's suggestion that the yaksha maids would stay in bed, and took the road in the eyes of the five yaksha women's mourning eyes. Then suddenly fell asleep.

One night is one day and one night, rest a little, and wait until Yuanshen recovers. Xiao Chen didn't delay much. After notifying Shu Bo and Ganoderma lucidum, he went directly into the secret training room and started to practice again.

Take trillions of spirits, fill the ascendant array, and gather mana.

Take 10,000 medicines, refine them into pure medicine, swallow and absorb.

Now that there are hundreds of years before the trial of the ethnic group is over, Xiao Chen is trying to promote cultivation as much as possible during this period, so that after returning to the territories of the human race, he will get enough attention to obtain the best cultivation resources and get the ethnic group. Cultivation.


The matrix method works, and the spiritual energy gathers.


Refining elixir, the medicine is rolling!

Cultivation must continue!

Yunjuanyunshu, Baiju crossing the gap, time is like Juanjuan stream, flowing silently, in a blink of an eye, it has been nearly 20,000 years.

In the formation method, trillions of spiritual stones simultaneously release spiritual powers. Even though the spiritual powers scattered in each are insignificant, the wave of spiritual powers formed by the gathering is huge, quite scary, and insane.

At the core of this formation, the spiritual power is thick and viscous, almost solid, and a figure sits cross-legged in it. The figure is looming, but any spiritual power close to it will be swallowed up.

call out!

call out!

The spiritual power writhed, and a roar broke into the air.

Suddenly, in the formation method, the color of the gray spirit stone suddenly trembled. With the last spiritual force being forcibly sucked away, the body could no longer be maintained. It was directly pressed into powder under the pressure of the spiritual force, and it was not visible. Suddenly, the "click" sound formed by the fragmentation of the spirit stone continued into a tide. The spiritual power in the array lost its replenishment, and the color began to fade. In a short period of time, it was swallowed up by the whale, exposing the erect figure in the array.


In the courtyard, Xiao Chen sat on, Shu Bo and Ganoderma accompanied, drank fine wine, listened to the bamboo leaves and capricorns, sniffed the floral fragrance of the nose, laughed wantonly, free and easy.

Xiao Chen smiled, holding a white jade pattern wine bottle in his hand, raised his hand slightly, raised his glass and drank, his eyes were full of joy.

Shu Bo's expression was respectful and calm. Occasionally, his eyes fell on Xiao Chen, but he couldn't help flashing a bit of relief.

Ganoderma lucidum drank fine wine, and her face turned red, as in the early morning sun. A pair of clear eyes had steaming in it, adding a touch of charm, and the more glorious. Today's little girl is undoubtedly extremely beautiful.

"Congratulations to Brother Xiao Chen for coming out of the gate and supernatural powers to go one step further. After that, no one is invincible in the battlefield of the vertical and horizontal races." Lingzhi showed her tenderness, holding her wine glass with her green fingers, rising up, and toasting.

Xiao Chen nodded with a smile, full of wine, and drank it.

Shu Bo got up, first bowed his hand toward the center of the dojo, and then said in a deep voice. "The master of Shao Gong lives in a great fortune and has a calm and tolerable loneliness. He will be more cautious in the future. Day! "

Xiao Chen had another drink, and the three laughed in unison.

Five maids of the Yasha clan like the butterfly in the flowers walked side by side and thought of the waitress occasionally mentioned by Shu Bo, they only felt that they were embarrassed in their hearts, their faces were crimson, and their eyes turned to Xiao Chen from time to time.

After drinking for a long time, Ganoderma lucidum was so powerful that he had fallen asleep at the table, whispering a few words in his mouth from time to time, the blur was untrue, but the occasional "brother Xiao Chen" was very clear, and his attachment was revealed.

Xiao Chen looked soft. He got up and picked up Ganoderma lucidum. He put it in the room and set it down. He stood in front of the embroidery bed and looked at it for a while, carefully covered the quilt, turned and pushed the door to leave, and covered it gently. Door.

Just after Xiao Chen left, Ganoderma lucidum's eyes opened, slightly blurred, but it was difficult to hide a bit of disappointment, and then I didn't know what I thought of. The cheeky face turned into a red color, and the redness was quite attractive.

Ganoderma lucidum thought about it for the time being, and said that Xiao Chen returned to the courtyard, waved the screen to retreat the Yasha female nun, and drank a cup with Shubo, and then said, "Shubo, I have some doubts in my heart that have been circling for a long time. I asked, would you please untie it for me? "

After hearing the words, Shu Bo's eyes flickered slightly, and he was slightly surprised, then nodded, and said, "Even if the master of the young palace has any questions, if the old slave can solve his doubts, he will know everything."

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