Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 81: Cultivation help

"Congratulations to the master of the palace for getting the war character Arcana. Bayi Primary School said [Net

Xiao Chen nodded, reluctantly suppressing the turbulent mood in his heart, restoring calmness, "Thank you, Shubo, for this matter."

Shubo waved his hand and said, "The main character of the palace is heavy. Even if there is no talk from the old slave, you can still get these two characters. They are your chance, and they belong to you."

"The monks practice, the opportunity is the most haunting and indestructible, but it is indispensable. Shao Gong is born and inherits the heavens and the earth, and there must be a sky soaring in the future."

This time, Shu Bo was sincere, apparently in his heart.

Ganoderma lucidum was a little bit, eyes were full of recognition.

Xiao Chen smiled, and didn't say much, but directly changed the topic, and said that he was going to conduct a long retreat in the left eyebrow dojo.

"The master of Shao Gong can have this knowledge. It is enough to know that he is calm and not bewildered by the momentary victory. As you said, the monk's way to climb the avenue can ultimately rely on his own cultivation. The magic weapon is a foreign object. . "

"Today, the owner of the Shaomiya family, the ancient demons and the space avatars are all in the early stages of the calamity. If they can be promoted to the later stage of the calamity, they will certainly make their strength soar, even if there is no treasure in hand, Trial and cross-border races, smash the heroes. "

Shu Bo smiled, his face full of satisfaction, apparently Xiao Chen's calmness made him extremely happy.

As for Ganoderma lucidum, it is a little head-to-head. She wished that Brother Xiao Chen could stay with her all the time. It was better than boring cultivation alone. Even if she can't speak, as long as she can look at it a few times a day, she will be satisfied.

"Brother Xiao Chen is now famous for all ethnic groups in the spiritual realm, so there is no need to rush to continue to shoot. It is the right choice to first refine all the harvest now and use it for his own use. Otherwise, leave the treasure in the air without using it. Not regrettable. "

"Lingzhi inherited Zuo Mei's medical practice, and this time can also provide some help for Brother Xiao Chen's practice."

Xiao Chen heard his words flicker slightly. According to his understanding, the left eyebrow doctor, Ganoderma lucidum, inherited the magical power of medical treatment. He should focus on treating the injury. Could he still help him to practice?

Xu Shi saw the confusion in Xiao Chen's heart, and Ganoderma smiled, but he did not continue to sell Guanzi. He said directly: "Brother Xiao Chen has no idea. In the medical practice of Zuo Mei, there is a medical deity named Tongming Xiu. After the show, Help monks get rid of drug residues in the body. "

"Although panacea can help monks or upgrade or treat injuries, some drug residues will remain in the body and cannot be removed. These drug residues may seem inconspicuous and harmless at first, but if they accumulate to a certain extent, Will have a great impact on the monk ’s body, and even prevent the practice of ascension. Moreover, after performing the bright training, you can prevent the drugs from absorbing fatigue, even if the continuous refining and swallowing tens of thousands are the same elixir, it will not Affects drug absorption. "

"Brother Xiao Chen, I wonder if you think this magical power is useful to you?"

When Ganoderma was dictated, Xiao Chen's eyes had already developed a bright color. He did not know about the drug residue, but Ganoderma would not lie to him if he opened his mouth. If he wanted to use the power of elixir to improve quickly Cultivation, this wine becomes essential. But on the other hand, he had a personal experience of drug absorption and exhaustion. At the beginning-the place of bloodline retreat, and devoured and promoted cultivation, this situation has occurred. This has been resolved. In the future, he will rely on his own alchemy. Refining the spirits and swallowing cultivation can undoubtedly be more effective.

"It seemed that Ganoderma had inherited Zuo Mei Yi Dao from the beginning, and it was indeed a very correct choice, otherwise it would not be possible to benefit from it today."

"That being the case, Brother Xiao Chen will be rude, and in the future, he will have to work harder for Ganoderma lucidum."

Xiao Chen said with a smile.

Ganoderma nodded excitedly and could help Brother Xiao Chen to cultivate. Naturally, Ganoderma was extremely happy.

At this moment, Shu Bo frowned slightly, a little thought flashed in his eyes, then nodded slowly, and said, "If the Ganoderma lucidum girl opens up to help the young palace master practice, the old slave would almost forget one thing."

"If it is correct, the old slaves can also contribute to the master of the Shao Palace."

Xiao Chen heard a joy in his heart. Since Shu Bo spoke, he must have had a firm grasp in his heart, so he didn't urge him, but he couldn't hide a little joy in his eyes.

Shu Bo didn't show off Guanzi, thinking a little, saying, "The old slave remembers a method commonly used by the sectarians in the spiritual realm to help the disciples in their practice. They can use the large array of spiritual stones to draw from the spiritual stones. Pure spiritual power achieves an unbelievable realm by compressing and condensing through the matrix method. Monks practice and absorb, and the effect is not much different than refining and elixir. And more importantly, this method has no adverse side effects. Pure spirituality will not have a bad impact on future cultivation. "

"This spirit stone formation is called Shengling Jiyuan Formation, and the old slaves remember how to arrange it. It is in this jade bamboo slip that the master of the palace will know it at a glance."

During the conversation, Shu Bo took out a space jade, penetrated into it, and imprinted all the information about the ascension array.

Xiao Chen took it, and the consciousness went directly into it.

Ascending spirit array, using the spirit stone as the material, you can use the force of the large array to forcibly draw the pure spiritual force from the spiritual stone. After the matrix operation, the layers are compressed to make the spiritual strength rich. An amazing point.

Arranging this array can be divided into three levels according to the strength of the effect. The primary level requires a trillion spirit stone, the intermediate level requires a trillion spirit stone, and the upper level requires a primitive spirit stone [1 道 = 1ooo trillion].

Seeing this, Xiao Chen's current net worth can't help but take a breath. Good guys, trillions of spiritual stones are needed at every turn. This is a noble practice method. This large array of layout methods will also be amazed at the huge demand for spirits. Fortunately, Xiao Chen massacred for two consecutive times, and he got extremely rich harvest, otherwise he could only shake his head with a bitter smile and postpone the method proposed by Shu Bo indefinitely. Presumably, Shu Bo didn't know this repair method, but because Xiao Chen had no qualifications for cultivation before, so he could not bear to say so as not to embarrass him.

But now that I know this Shenglingjiyuan array, naturally I have not let go of the unnecessary reason. Although the amount of lost spirit stones is extremely horrible, it is easy to obtain and Xiao Chen is not distressed when using it.

Whenever you want to do it, Xiao Chen immediately moves his thoughts into the jade slip, and carefully records the array of the ascension array, and remembers each line of runes in each line clearly. Chu, after repeatedly confirming that there is nothing wrong, this is deeply imprinted in the Yuanshen.

Ascend the spirit array, gather trillion spirits spiritual power for your own use, and the effect is amazing, but you need to be careful when setting up the array. A half-point difference pool may cause the matrix to back bite, and detonate the converging terrorist spiritual power. Unthinkable.

Detonating the trillion spirit stone contains spiritual power, and the strength of the killing power formed by Xiao Chenxiu fell into it, fearing that it would be worrying in the end. Therefore, the formation of large arrays, no mistakes are allowed.

Forcing down the formation method, Xiao Chen did not rush to do it, but kept scrutinizing in his mind, making sure that there was no omission in all control, then he was ready to start the formation!

The Shengling Jiyuan array absorbs and guides the trillion spirits spiritual power. The base must be solid and not urged. It can withstand the impact of the spiritual force to scrub. Otherwise, once the formation method is running and the rolling wave of spiritual power runs, it is very likely to cause a large array to collapse. Then there was an accident. In Yu Jian, Shu Bote marked this point deliberately. To arrange the matrix method, it is best to use the Nether Spirit. This kind of hard texture, but with extremely light materials, has very good spiritual power transmission properties, which will not hinder the flow of mana, and further reduce the impact force formed when the spiritual power runs to the extreme, making the large array stable and difficult to appear. Unexpected situation.

Nether Spirit Gold?

Xiao Chen frowned slightly. He had not heard of this kind of material. It seems that even if there are enough spirits, it is not easy to complete the array.

Uncle Shu saw the thought in Xiao Chen's heart, and now respectfully said, "The master of the young palace does not have to embarrass the matter of arranging the material. Although this emptiness gold is nothing in the great realm, it is rare in the spiritual realm. It ’s not easy to get things. However, the owner of the Shao Palace has a chance to get in, but now he has already obtained another alternative material. Although the effect is slightly worse than that of the ethereal spirit, it is also enough for the array. "

"Among the treasures sorted out by the old slave this time, there is a piece of warm fat and warm jade with a size of 3oo feet, which saves some use. Presumably it should be enough for the array. This thing is in the storage ring of the strange treasure. The palace master can take it out. "

Xiao Chen nodded. It seemed that Shu Bo had already planned in his heart. In this way, he saved a lot of energy, cleared his senses, and flashed aura in his backhand. He had already taken out the warm fat and warm jade. The whole thing is white, the texture is dense and apparently extremely strong.

I carefully estimated it in my heart, and be careful, as long as no mistakes are made, this group of warm fat and warm jade should be enough for the array.

The robe sleeves waved, and a group of mana hit at once, and instantly melted into the warm fat and warm jade, and then the mana melted into the moment, and instantly turned into countless threads of thread, spreading like a spider web covering the entire jade, dividing it into large and small pieces. Into countless small pieces.

Mind moving, this cobweb-like mana thread burst suddenly, like a sword that cut iron like mud, split and disintegrate the whole jade instantaneously, and turned it into pieces and quickly circled around its body.

call out!

call out!

The jade roared, and in the sound of breaking through the air, Xiao Chen's eyes flashed a bit of dazzling light, with a finger of his hand, there was a finger width, 3 feet 3 inches and 3 minutes. The jade plate shot instantly, fell instantly, and fell silently Into the ground.

The formation begins.

Now that Xiao Chen has already shot, obviously he has full confidence in his heart. At this moment, he waved his hands again and again. In the flash of spirits, pieces of warm fat and warm jade shot out and hit the ground. At first, it seemed cluttered and clueless. Constantly falling, at first the messy formation gradually showed a mysterious and obscure place. Taking Xiao Chen's forbidden Taoism for now, it can be said that the Master of Forbidden Tao exists, and he still can't completely figure out this ascension. But only the part he mastered made him admire in the heart and secretly convinced. The person who was able to create this ascending spirit array at that time must be the one who cultivated to the sky and forbidden the path to achieve the highest peak.

Although the hand moves extremely fast, there is no slight deviation when it is arranged. Every place where the warm fat and warm jade falls is exactly the same as the matrix method requires.

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