Crying is not a stupid person. He can guess by the means of Gu She and Qing Teng. It is nothing more than to irritate him and use his hands to remove Xiao Chen from this family, but even so, he heard two He was admired and respected by him, and still made him unhappy and murderous. W) W>. } 8) 1) YW. COM. Moreover, the earth giants have already made good relations with the demons and have no favor with them. In this case, it is natural to pretend to be ignorant.

Anyway, in his original intention, he never wanted to let go of this human race, Xiao Chen, and watching this small human race look calm and indifferent in front of him, so that crying could not help secretly angry, dare to take such a gesture, apparently did not let him In the eyes, so, hehe ,,

The man laughed in his heart and looked at Xiao Chen a little bit colder.

For a while, the situation turned sharply again, and the earth giant cried directly against Xiao Chen, ** unceasingly, wave after wave!

Suddenly, countless previous fears and horrors turned into sneer.

It is difficult for the powerful men of the Clan Power to have witnessed with their own eyes. They are extremely powerful and unmatched. Xiao Chen, the human race, fought against him and could not end well. As for the monks, after the surprise, it is difficult to hide their worries.

Xiao Chen showed up today, but they couldn't give them the full confidence. They can laugh at many alien races, just because this cry is too strong!

Xiao Chen's face was calm, not complacent because of the previous awe and fear, nor irritated by the sneer and ridicule at the moment. His mentality has been cultivated to be not weak, and the calm mentality cultivated in countless life and death has never been because of others. Three or two gossips or seven or eight eyes changed and fluctuated.

There is no wave in the ancient well, calm and calm.

Xiao Chen is like the rocky coast of the endless ocean. No matter how stormy the waves are, you are attacking in all directions.

However, he appeared here today for revenge, for murder, for seizing opportunities, not for being ridiculed, not to be provoked, or even to be suppressed.

Today's Xiao Chen has to rely on the sword in his hand to kill a sky, revenge, establish prestige, and lay the most solid foundation for the future.

So, who wants to stop him, he asks if the sword in his hand promises?

Xiao Chen lifted his breath slowly from his body, like a sleeping beast, and now slowly waking up, he began to open his minions, exposing his desire to be higher than Heaven, and fighting for strength.

Qingpao hunting, no wind automatically, full head black irritating behind him, aura of light flashed in his hands, the three-foot Qing Feng immediately appeared in his hands.

One person, one sword, and the combination of the two have made Xiao Chen's general situation even worse, such as the raging sea of ​​anger, skyrocketing madness, sweeping the wasteland, and the six poles.

Raising his hand, Jian Feng Yao refers to crying, although he did not speak, the meaning is self-evident.

For a while, the posture was unparalleled, and the crown was incomparable.

The whole world lost its voice.

Countless strong aliens carried it, looking at the man in the robe in the void, his face ridiculed and suppressed, as if he felt some kind of extremely dangerous breath from him. It seemed to tremble slightly, and they could be wiped . This feels very bad, like a sharp sword hanging over my head, I don't know when it will suddenly fall off.

This is a feeling of fate being held in the hands of others.

Although Xiao Chen would give them this feeling for some reason, the strong aliens relented and kept their eyes moving, waiting for a shocking battle to burst.

This battle must be the strongest since the trial of the ethnic group began, and this is beyond doubt.

Su Su looked up, her eyes cleared, and looked at the wicked villain. For some reason, a little pride came from her heart, but she was quite happy for no reason. It seems that the evil man's performance today has nothing to do with her.

From the perspective of others, Xiao Chen is not weak, but she is definitely not worthy to cry, but Su Su does not have this worry. Based on her understanding of the wicked, if he is not sure, he will never do it, let alone the fate of his own life. At this moment, since he dared to appear bright and upright here, Qing Feng was crying in his hands, he must have full confidence in his heart. Today's battle, this cry will be defeated, becoming a stepping stone in his progress.

This idea may seem somewhat subjective, but Su Su is convinced, so she is not worried, but rather expects in her heart. I don't know what means the evil people will use this time.

Jun Wugui kept watching Xiao Chen, but he did not forget to observe the people around him. Su Su's mood changed. Although he tried to keep calm, he couldn't hide his eyes. The red face, the bright eyes, the admiring look, the expression of joy, all of which he looked into his eyes, only felt that a big stone was pressed on his chest, so he did not succumb.

Just because of all this, he appeared before Su Su because he had no blame, but apparently he has now transferred to others.

Jun has no blame and admits that he is not a beauty-conscious person, but he can never ignore it too much, not to mention that the person involved in this matter is Xiao Chen, letting him secretly grit his teeth, and the resentment in his heart is more weight.

With his eyes fixed on Xiao Chen, he kept cursing, hoping that it would be better for him to be killed by crying.

Qi Yun and Jade are also complex in appearance, but they are not aware of the slightest abnormality. Only Enron glanced at the traces of Xiao Chen, Su Su, and Jun Wubu. They couldn't help sighing and shaking their heads secretly.

Brother Jun is indeed a talented person with great talents, but compared with Xiao Chen, he still has a lot to do, especially on the side of heart.

The woman sighed secretly, but nothing was revealed.

Crying face was dignified, his eyes fell on Qing Feng in Xiao Chen's hands, and there was a hint of fear. Although Xiao Chen, the Clan Yueying clan, monopolized the 33 strongest aliens of the day, joined the battle, but the figure of the first battle of the day, Ying Yujian, had already spread to all ethnic groups in the spirit world, and he had naturally seen it as his identity.

Although the human race Xiao Chenxiu is strong, it is not a concern. The biggest threat is the sword in his hand.

Such treasures can be called the treasures, at least also the level of Tongtian Lingbao.

This time I cried, I did not miss the idea of ​​coming to the treasure. Although my heart was jealous, my eyes still flashed with fiery color.

Relying on the power of treasures, although it has a strong combat power, it is not its own thing. It is natural to deal with monks below the same level, but if it fights with him, it will be defeated. To this, Crying is extremely confident.

So at this moment, Xiao Chen had no fear of her, and even uttered her sword in opposite directions. Her anger was a little heavier, and she made up her mind to leave his life today and take away the treasures and return them to her. use.

"Ha ha ha ha! Human race Xiao Chen, there are barely some means, I just hope that you do not have the same blame as that jun, raw noodles and noodles, but they are not beaten at all, a certain punch can not bear, and dare to take care of the human race Somewhere. "

"Let's eat my punch."

Crying and laughing, seemingly unintentional, but punched out with no warning, he has exhausted all his strength.

In the face of Xiao Chen, he dared not have the slightest intention, and he was unreserved.

With one punch, the sky collapsed, the earth shattered, and the violent energy burst from the void, sweeping the endlessly, and the power was unparalleled.

The entire sky, within ten million miles, suddenly became dark.

It is comparable to the shots of the heavens and the three realms. It is a powerful monk, and it is an extraordinary monk's imagination.

Numerous strong aliens in the surrounding area jumped fiercely in their hearts, then turned pale, thinking that before the human race Xiao Chen slammed 33 peaks of the ethnic group, the magical power of Yu Bosheng killed and killed more than 100,000 monks, who dare to step forward, one after another Hastily stepped back.

Even if the monks such as Gu She and Qing Teng are at the moment, they can only sigh with complex complexion, but they dare not slow down a bit. Even at this level of fighting, even they are not qualified to intervene, and if they are not careful, they will kill their lives.

One punch forced the retreat of ten million monks, which is evident from the cry.

Xiao Chen felt the mighty power coming on his face, instead of showing a sense of fear, he became calmer and indifferent, and his dark eyes were dazzling.

"Battle, unite!"

While drinking low, the celestial power of the heavens and earth violently turned into a tide of energy.

Xiao Chen's human body warfare, cohesion!

Suddenly, the spiritual power violently raged, madly raging and surging, condensing into a spiritual tide, rowing mountains and rivers, powerful and unmatched, ups and downs, straight to the gathering of Xiao Chen, silver and white, with endless sharp breath from the explosion.

The body of war is condensed, and the attributes of the monks themselves are gathered. Xiao Chen has no spiritual roots. The attributes change as he wants. Today, the body of war is the power of the gold spirit. The atmosphere of the store is consistent, and the two are linked, and the power of the explosion is naturally stronger.

The human body of Xiao Chen's human body is like a sharp sword that crosses the sky. Although it is silent, just a little breath is enough to completely deter the entire space. This battle body, which is more appropriate, should be called the sword battle body. It is as high as 370,000 feet. Countless sharp breaths continue to disperse from it, condensing into the Dao Gengjin sword qi, and there is a horrifying sound of horror breaking in Wuthering.

At the same time, the sword in Xiao Chen ’s hands grew madly, condensing the ghost of millions of swords, completely compatible with Xiao Chen ’s combat atmosphere, and the two complement each other.

The 37-million-zhang sword battle body should deal with the crying 4o-million-zillion earth battle body.

The surging force madly circulated within the body of war, an omnipotence, the feeling of raising hands and throwing one's feet to break the world spontaneously, let Xiao Chen's heart be full of lofty sentiments, with this combat power, who can stop him today.

Even if it's crying, it won't work!

Suddenly lifted, greeted the falling fist, watching its dispassion, Xiao Chen sneered in the heart, without any fear, the Qing Feng in his hand was cut without any pause, and the phantom of the million Zhang sword followed. , Carrying down the power of destroying heaven and earth, chopped down.

Today, let this cry as a stepping stone for him to go a step further and to countless other powerful aliens!

Crying in shock, he sneered again and again, but the shadow of the million swords was powerful and even more powerful than his power, but after all, it was obtained by forcibly stimulating treasure power, even if it is stronger, Can be used several times.

This method of forcibly exploding powerful combat power must have extremely serious damage to magic weapons and monks.

This cry is clear in his heart, so he wants to see, how long can this human race Xiao Chen persist, one sword or two swords, but never three swords. At that time, he may suffer a little injury, but Xiao Chen will definitely end up with no fight back. Only then will he be slaughtered.

Although the explosive power of the millions of swords shocked him, he did not scare him.

With a punch, now instead of retreating in the face of Jian Ying, the breath has become stronger and stronger, going forward!

Countless strong aliens retreated thousands of miles or even tens of thousands of miles away, and stared into the field, unwilling to miss the slightest bit.




Just under the eyes of everyone, the shadow of millions of swords collided with the fist of 4o million feet of the earth's warfare, and endless majestic force burst from it, turning into a wave of destruction, and the whistling explosion swept across the eight wastelands and six poles.

The sky is shattered, and the space is turned into a dark color for thousands of miles. In this dark background, there are countless silver and white cracks crisscrossing. The dense linen is like a cobweb. The force of turbulent space exploding from it bursts and tumbling. If the monks below the Three Realms fall into it, there must be no doubt.

The earth collapsed, immeasurable energy burst from it, and it contained powerful power. It easily erased the peaks, canyons, rivers, vegetation, and the powerful wild beasts that survived, making the area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles into a deserted and dead area.

Above the sky, the figures of the two major warriors receded at the same time. Although the shape of the battle of Xiao Chenjian was slightly smaller, relying on the prestige of the treasure, it prevailed. Instead, it crushed the crying warrior and caused it to suffer. Trauma, a huge wound was cut across the body by the Sanjian sword, which was slightly illusory.

Hundreds of thousands of miles away, countless alien powerhouses turned pale and looked at the center of the war, and instantly set off endless stormy waves, stiff body, cold sweat, and wet their robes.

Whether the human race Xiao Chen or the earth giant cried, the arrogance of the two was far beyond their imagination.

Just before crying, it was easy to rebuild the human race without blame. It has not yet been seen how they are fighting each other, and the terrorist power they possess immediately burst out completely. What a terrible power of destruction!

They are all monks at the level of robbery, but the gap between them is as big as the sky. It is incalculable!

Accumulate levels of combat power by crossing the calamity limit, which is comparable to the three powerful men in heaven and man. This kind of qualification is a peerless genius that can be reached by hundreds of millions of monks in the entire spiritual realm. The future is bound to be limited, and it is likely to be repaired to the heavens and the five realms and become the pillar of the ethnic group.

For a while, the eyes of countless alien powerhouses were frightened, and it was difficult to hide the fiery color of envy.

Crying with a gloomy face, his eyes flashed brightly, his body chilled outside, and his heart was infinitely murderous. This human race, Xiao Chen, relied on the strength of Zhibao's explosive power, and indeed he was far beyond his limit. In this person's opinion, this Xiao Chen's ontological combat power is only the peak level of Heaven and Man's Second Realm, and now showing its combat power, it is comparable to the peak of Heaven and Man's Three Realms! Don't underestimate the level of ascension in this area, but the perception between the two cannot be surpassed by nature.

The peak of Heaven and Man Two Realm compares with Heaven and Man Three Realm.

The human race Xiao Chen can have this power, obviously relying on the treasure power.

Perhaps he still underestimated the treasure in his hands.

Crying was hotter in his heart, and now Xiao Chen's treasure was considered by him as something in his pocket. The stronger the power, the happier he was in his heart.

"Keep fighting, and see how long you can hold on!"

"When you are exhausted, this is the time to kill you!"

Crying roared madly in the heart, the battle body burst into momentum, and one shot was shot again.

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[I'm sorry for all the Taoists, but the update during the Chinese New Year period is very scum. Baozi has nothing to talk about. I can only hope that everyone will be more considerate. I tried to recover as soon as possible, my nose was running out, my head was stunned, and I bowed out of the office, hanging water, sad. 】

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