Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 66: Jun Wugui's big turn over

The pinnacle of the human race is highly praised, and among the monks of the different races, he has made a big name, and is honored as the son of Wen Yu, with a great reputation and respected status.

In Cang Yuejian, once defeated, everything disappeared with the spring breeze. In the past, respectful, reverent, and worshipful gazes are now all turned into complex colors, with even more ridicule and indifference.

The gap between the front and the back is unimaginable!

Jun Wujiu is not a man without scheming, so he can't bear it, but he keeps preparing, waiting, and looking forward in secret. Finally, today, he has the opportunity to make a comeback and regain his reputation.

Now he has taken the most critical step, making a breakthrough in his cultivation, stepping into the realm of celestial beings with one foot, breaking the invisible bottleneck, and then as long as he can practice safely, he can naturally rise to realm of celestial beings.

The Celestial and Human Realm is the strongest of the entire ethnic group. Even if the ethnic group fails in this trial, they will still receive the attention of the ethnic group. But Jun Wugui didn't want this. He needed more attention, a higher status, and a broader world, so he was unwilling to fail.

Today's battle is his best opportunity. As long as he grasps it, and the past is wiped out, he is still the king of blame, the pinnacle of the human race, glamorous and respected.

Feeling the awe from the surrounding eyes, a long-lost pleasure lingers in my heart.

Jun Wugui felt that every drop of blood, every trace of blood, every inch of bones cheered and trembled. This feeling was really good. He hoped that he would live in such an atmosphere all his life and never lose it.

There is no room for loss in today's battle.

Jun Wugui's thoughts are unprecedentedly concentrated, he can clearly sense every spiritual power movement in his body, he can easily control the battle body to make any sensitive movements, feel the rushing energy in the battle body, a confidence is born in his heart, fast Spread out and fill the whole body.

With such power, who can stop!

Today, the gods are obstructing the killing of the gods, and the Buddhas are obstructing the killing of the Buddhas. The opportunity for him to rise again is ahead. No one can stop him, otherwise he will only end in death.


The roaring sound exploded from the mouth of 330,000 zhang Confucianism and Taoism warfare, like a low roar of gods and demons, and the sound was tumbling and rolling, and swept away suddenly. Only the breath has shattered the surrounding space into powder, and there is turbulence in the silver space. The power escaped from it.

The countless strangers in the surrounding area changed their faces, and then turned pale, and their bodies were forced to retreat back and forth until they barely stopped until hundreds of miles away, their eyes filled with fear.

So strong!

This low roar not only shook the surrounding monks back, but also made the complexions of the four powerful aliens on the first peak of the twelve peaks changed drastically.

In the midst of the mighty righteousness, there was a thousand-zhang figure slowly condensing, wearing a Confucian shirt and carrying a long bow, his face was slightly dim, but his eyes were extremely sharp, like two sharp arrows, which seemed to be shot in the next moment. , Runs through the world, shatters the sky. This figure is impressively the image of a Confucian disciple.

The six arts of Confucianism, shooting, the main attack and killing, the power is unmatched, and the powerful cannot resist.

"My Terran cultivator has been suppressed by fellow daoists in the past few months. Today is when you are waiting to pay the price."

"Summon the righteousness of the heaven and the earth, condense the demon, slay the demons and defend the arrows, defend the prestige of my Confucianism, protect the majesty of my human race, and annihilate all obstacles!"

"go with!"

Jun Wugui roared sharply, his mind changed, and the archeologist moved along with it. In the backhand movement, he held the longbow in his hand, pinched the bowstring with three fingers, and slowly pulled it to the full moon, just as the bowstring was pulled. , The mighty righteousness between heaven and earth seemed to be summoned to gather frantically on the bowstring, sharply condensed into a sharp arrow, aura flashed, and the central and majestic coercion slowly revealed from it.

Accompanying the last roar in this population, the arrow shot instantly, turning into a stream of light, moving forward and whistling forward, and it was the first peak of that Langcang twelve stream!

On the first peak, although the cultivation of the four peak experts of foreign races was extremely strong, they felt the vast energy scattered in the arrow, and their faces were still pale, and their bodies instantly stiffened.

They couldn't resist this blow!


From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, the four powerful aliens had such thoughts in their hearts at the same time. The aura flashed from their bodies, and they could no longer use the teleportation to escape under the guidance of the aura. They could only escape by dodge.

call out!

call out!

call out!

call out!

The four figures escaped extremely fast, but the archery Confucian arrow was faster, like a falling meteor. The ground collapsed along the way, the space shattered, and the space turbulence went straight into the turbulent space. The force of swallowing force exploded from it. Thousand kilograms of boulders and thousands of ancient trees are swallowed into them and twisted into powder.


Like the most dazzling aura in this world, the arrow pierced the space and blasted off the first peak.

In an instant, the earth shakes the sky!

The mountain collapsed, rocks pierced through the sky, smoke and dust rose into the sky, obscuring the sky.





The four peak foreigners, even if they evacuated early, were still injured by the sharp aura carried by the arrow. There were multiple physical damages, long blood flow, bleeding from the seven orifices, pale complexion, and the intense contraction of the pupils revealed endless fright and anger. .

This Human Race Lord is blameless, when did he become so strong!

At the same time, they still feel a bit grateful in their hearts. Fortunately, they haven't been tough, otherwise the end will be unimaginable at this moment.

Around the Xiongfeng, countless foreign monks retreat in embarrassment. Whether it is the breath of archery Confucian arrows or the piercing rocks, it is enough to make them rushed. Their eyes are on the 330,000 zhang Confucian and Taoist combat body, all in awe and fear. Meaning.

What a terrible blow!

Jun Wugui's explosive power at this moment is more than three times stronger than that of the Cang Yuejian battle platform that day. Compared with the ancient demon's solitary shooting, it is also among the best.

This person is obviously also a generation with great opportunities and great fortune. When the sunset was defeated, not only did it not become depressed, but it allowed him to make a breakthrough in his cultivation.

Where the human race was, the applause immediately rang through the world, and the complex meaning in his eyes was swept away.

When Jun Wugui with his monstrous power descended again, his dim figure in the hearts of many human cultivators suddenly became taller, and the emotions of awe and worship were uncontrollable in their hearts.

Human race is such a strange race. When people are down and down, no one cares about ridiculing, but once they stand up to the sky, everything before will be selectively forgotten. They are still the proud sons of the heavens. People admire existence.

Just like today's Jun Wugui.

Langcang Twelve Streams, starting from today, perhaps the name Langcang Eleven Streams should be more appropriate, because the first peak has now been pierced by life under the horror blow of Jun Wugui and turned into pieces. The stone falls.

The barriers between the rivers were forcibly erased, and they became stronger and surging when gathered together, rushing away in a bang.

In the distant sky, there is a flash of aura, and the pressure is shining from it. The archery scholar did not dissipate after breaking the first peak with an arrow. He still moved forward and rushed straight to the second peak.

Jun has no guilt and spirit, feeling the enthusiasm and worship exuded by the human monks, he only feels that his chest is full of blood, and he wants to burn him.

"Human Race has no blame here, whoever dares to stop me will end up like this!"

Yuluo's combat body walked forward, seemingly slow, but in fact it was as fast as a thunder, whistling forward.

Su Su looked at Jun Wugui's back, and the corners of his good-looking eyebrows wrinkled slightly. The sight before him reminded him of that thin figure. He couldn't help but bit his lip slightly, a look of worry flashed in his beautiful eyes. "I don't know now, where are you, wicked man?"

"They all say you are dead, but I don't believe it, Su Su thinks you will be back soon!"

Different from the obvious thoughts of the little girl, An Ran, Qi Yun, and Jade looked at Jun Wugui with extremely obvious excitement.

Brother Jun, finally came back!

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