「Gold Dust:"How did you find out?"」

「Huang Quan:"I never expected that something I accidentally learned would become the key to connecting everything."」

「Gold Dust:"It’s that person’s identity, right?"」

「Huang Quan:"It seems you also know"」

「Gold Dust:"I can't be sure, but I can bet on the possibility"」

「Gold Dust:"Murder is a good excuse, but it is far from enough. Even if there are one or two murders in Pinocchio, it will only affect a very small number of people and will not cause any waves."」

「Gold Dust:"This beautiful dream is not the vast ocean, but an isolated island. The family built embankments and high walls with harmony to isolate the outside world and protect people from drowning in the sea."」

「Gold Dust:"At the same time, with the help of this barrier that isolates death, the unknown secrets are buried in the deep sea. In the beautiful dream without pain and casualties, those secrets will never see the light of day, unless……"」

「Huang Quan:"Unless someone goes to the other side of the barrier and comes back alive"」

「Gold Dust:"Someone has already done it"」


【"I don't understand it at all, guys, please give me some analysis"】

【"Watching this plot, a lot of brain cells died"】

【"The identity of that person? Who is that person?"】

【"In short, someone died, went to the real Pinocchio, and came back alive."】

【"Who is it? A firefly or a robin?"】

【"I think it should be the robin. After all, the robin is a member of the family. She should know how to come back."】

【"Makes sense. Very reasonable."】

【"So, Gold Dust's plan all along was to get to the real Pinocchio and then find a way back?"】

【"I have to admit, it's really crazy."】


「Gold Dust:"I got a hint early on: if the mute is not referring to someone who cannot speak, then it can only be someone who cannot speak.……"」

「Gold Dust:"The person who still survived from the deep sea but could no longer stand on the stage and speak"」

「Gold Dust:"I am glad to know that she is still in Pinocchio and is safe."」


【"Gold Dust looks very happy."】

【"Of course, since that person was able to come back successfully, it means that Shajin may also be able to come back successfully."】

【"But, isn’t there a similar black magic on Sha Jin’s body?"】

【"Oh my god, I almost forgot about this matter. Sha Jin is still doomed to die."】


「Huang Quan:"Hint? Isn't that evidence?"」

「Shajin:"Unfortunately, I have no evidence. The only thing that can prove these conjectures is the honesty of the family when facing death. They are too generous to outsiders, which makes their attempt to cover up even more obvious."」

「Gold Dust:"But you don't need evidence to suspect something, you need to uncover the truth. For me, the former is enough, as long as someone can kill me."」

「Huang Quan:"In my opinion, you are not completely sure. You are broadcasting to the whole city to try to attract more people to join the game because you are betting on the possibility that someone can break the barrier."」

「Huang Quan:"You are indeed very lucky. Fate has brought our paths together, and I happen to have a blade that is sharp enough to cut off the curtain of your beautiful dream and at the same time sever the mark of harmony on your body."」

「Huang Quan:"You are also very cunning. You deliberately designed us to stand on opposite sides of each other, and kept repeating the words of the envoy in front of others, leaving me with no way to retreat. I had no choice but to draw my sword and fight."」

「Huang Quan:"That's why you can win. Luck and strategy are both indispensable."」


【"Oh my god, it turns out everything is really in Shajin's plan."】

【"Using the sharp blade of Huangquan, he cut off the head of Tongxie? ? This is too much of a gamble!"】

【"What does that mean? The Huangquan magic on Shajin is gone? What the hell?!"】

【"Yes, Shajin used the power of Huangquan Lingshi to cut off the same harmonic head"】

【"This behavior is really a gamble with life!! Shajin is too brave"】

【"The key is that he won the bet. Just as Sha Jin said, he has never lost."】

【"This reversal is simply unbeatable. I had always thought that Shajin had lost, but I didn't expect that he could actually turn the tables in the end."】


Inside the judges' room.

When the script came to this point, the judges all looked at each other, their faces full of disbelief.

It was as if at this moment, the air had frozen, leaving only the sound of heartbeats and breathing.

Jiang Wen was the first to break the silence. He took a deep breath, and a complex expression appeared on his face, with surprise, admiration, and relief.

He looked up at the other judges, raised a wry smile at the corner of his mouth, shook his head and said:

"Hahaha, I really didn't expect the plot to go this way."

He paused and continued:

"The character Shajin was able to use the power of Huangquan Lingshi to cut off the same harmonic black magic."

"I had never expected this outcome. Shajin's strategy was too profound."

Zhang Songwen smiled and nodded, his eyes flashing with approval. He echoed:

"Indeed, the twist in this script is really unexpected."

"From the moment Sha Jin stepped into Pinoconi, he had already laid a trap."

"Everyone was in his plan and never deviated."

"This ability to plan with the overall situation in mind is truly amazing."

After a moment of silence, he added:

"What surprised me even more was that Shajin could actually make use of Huangquan ingeniously. This method was really brilliant."

"The whole story line is so compact, and every detail is designed just right, it's really amazing."

The host Xiao Sa was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

He hosted three youth screenwriter competitions and had never seen such a wonderful plot.

Even the finalists of previous competitions were not as wonderful as the gold dust script.

He quickly calmed down, turned to look at Chen Sicheng and Liu Heping, and asked:

"I wonder if the two judges have anything to say?"

After hearing this,

Liu Heping said calmly:

""Not bad, very good. The reversal of this script is both unexpected and reasonable, and it is handled very beautifully."

Although his tone was calm, he could not hide his admiration for the script.

Then, everyone's eyes were all on Chen Sicheng.

In the expectant eyes of the judges, Chen Sicheng suddenly felt unprecedented pressure.

He subconsciously touched his nose, trying to hide his inner embarrassment and nervousness.

"Very good, very good."

Chen Sicheng finally squeezed out these words.

Before this, he may have had doubts and different opinions.

But at this moment.

Faced with such a wonderful script and the unanimous praise of the judges, he had to admit that Su Chen's script was indeed very well written.

Chen Sicheng understood that if he still insisted on his own opinion and went against everyone at this time, it would seem a bit out of touch with the times.

……………… ps: Thank you"17312" for your monthly votes!

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