「Huang Quan waved his sword lightly and put the blade back into the sheath.」

「At the same time, the explosion turned into nothingness」

「The whole world has returned to peace」

「The black and white world regains color」

「The sky is covered with heavy dark clouds」

「Heavy rain poured down from the sky, blurring everyone's vision.」

「At this moment, the world fell into silence, leaving only the sound of the falling rain.」

「In this quiet moment, Huang Quan's figure is particularly dazzling」

「She stood quietly, letting the rain wet her clothes and hair.」

「The rain slid down the scabbard, forming a string of crystal water drops, dripping on the ground.」


【"Isn't the posture of putting away the knife so handsome?! I am numb to it"】

【"Huang Quan is not pretending to be cool, she is pretending to be cool herself"】

【"If I hadn't read the previous script, I would have thought Huang Quan was the protagonist."】

【"Huangquan's shaping is as perfect as gold dust"】

【"This script made my blood boil and I was sweating all over my body."】

【"Gold dust?! This is the question I am most concerned about now."】

【"Alas, I'm afraid it has turned to dust. Gold dust is too arrogant."】

【"Not necessarily. Could this be part of the gold dust plan?"】

【"How is that possible? Do you really think gold dust is God?"】


「Sha Jin suddenly opened his eyes and was stunned by the surrounding environment.」

「He looked around and saw only desolation and deep」

「"What is this place?"」

「"Huge black hole, and sea……"」

「He slowly raised his head and stared at the huge black hole.」

「The darkness of a black hole is bottomless, as if it can swallow everything. Not even light can escape its powerful gravitational pull.」

「The edge of the black hole flashes with a mysterious and dazzling white light, which is both fascinating and terrifying」

「Because of the black hole, the sea beneath our feet is reflected in black」


【"Where is this place? Is this the world after death?"】

【"This is so scary, what is going on?"】

【"Could it be that Su Chen’s script also created a world after death?"】

【"Hell? Or heaven?"】

【"The feeling is different from what I imagined."】

【"Is there going to be a twist in the script?"】

【"Who knows? I don't know what Su Chen is up to!"】


「Gold Dust:"Did I… succeed?"」

「Gold dust walking on the sea」

「White water splashes」

「From time to time, he heard a familiar voice in his ears.」

「???:"Welcome to this sad world, Kakavasa"」

「???:"Your good luck is our most precious wealth and that of all Evijin people.……"」

「???:"Come out alive in two days to prove your ability"」

「???:"Wealth, status, power...the company will give you everything you want and don't want"」

「???:"And we will meet again under the next aurora of Kakawa"」


【"Is this the Naihe Bridge? Oh my god?!"】

【"I heard that when people die, they will see a revolving lantern. Does Sha Jin mean that he is dead?"】

【"I recognized the voices just now, including the mother, sister, jade, slave owner,"】

【"Yes, I heard it too. These are all memories of the past."】

【"Zhuo, is he really dead? That's it? Is this the end?"】

【"To be honest, if the story ends like this, it always feels like something is missing."】

【"What else do you want? It is not easy for a junior to write such a script."】


Inside the judges' room, the judges were also a little confused.

A huge black hole and sea?

Xiao Sa scratched the back of his head and asked in confusion:

"Judges, do you know what is going on now?"

After hearing this, the judges did not answer Xiao Sa's question immediately.

They also fell into thinking.

Jiang Wen was the first to speak:

"Maybe this is the last glimmer of light before the death of the gold dust"

"Through this method, the gold dust is allowed to meet death."

"Gold dust itself has a strong tendency to self-destruct"

"So, when death really comes, Sha Jin may be able to untie the knot in his heart?"

"Of course, these are just my guesses."

To be honest, even Jiang Wen is in a state of confusion.

He doesn't understand why Su Chen wrote the script like this.

What's the point?

While the other judges were thinking, Chen Sicheng laughed out loud:

"Sorry, didn't mean to do that."

"Maybe it's not as complicated as you think."

"We have to admit that the script was well laid out in the early stages."

"The confrontation between the major forces was handled with some flaws, but it was still at an excellent level."

"But in the end, Huang Quan took over the main role and snatched the role of Sha Jin."

"Excuse me for being blunt, but Su Chen's script definitely has a bad ending."

Chen Sicheng felt relieved.

He had been guessing from the beginning that Su Chen's script would most likely have a bad ending.

The steps were too big and the relationships between the characters were too complicated.

It was obvious that Su Chen could not handle such a complicated plot.

A bad ending was also expected.

Now that he saw that Su Chen's script really had a bad ending, he was happier than anyone else.

After these words came out, the judges' room fell into silence.

The judges were also thinking about what Chen Sicheng said.

Is Su Chen really going to have a bad ending?

No way, right?

The judges were a little unconvinced.

Can someone who can make such a wonderful setting tolerate his script having a bad ending?!

Liu Heping said calmly:"Don't worry, there are still more than ten minutes before the end of the competition, maybe Su Chen can give a perfect ending."

Chen Sicheng smiled and said:"Yes, let's hope, haha."

Chen Sicheng has already won.

He also pretended to hope that Su Chen could write a perfect ending.

He was already certain that Su Chen could not do it.

There are still more than ten minutes before the end of the competition.

Unless Su Chen is the god of scripts, it will definitely have a bad ending!!

……………… ps: Thanks to"18890" brother for urging me to update!

And thanks to the brothers who voted for flowers and reviews!

Thank you very much!!

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