"what's the matter?"

"That's right."

Mao took off her sunglasses again, revealing her charming big eyes, and her jade hands gently pressed on Xueno's shoulders.

""My pretty girl, do you know where there is a clean hotel nearby?

I just came back from abroad recently, and I'm not very familiar with this area."

The Nekomata held Yukino's shoulders, not giving her a chance to break free.

After all, what Nekomata likes most is beautiful cat girls.

An iceberg like Yukino is very suitable for the coldness of cats, and coupled with her beautiful face, she is simply the best food for Nekomata!

Therefore, he will never let her go!

"As for hotels, you can go to the xx hotel near the school, which is relatively clean."

"Oh~ Really? Then, little beauty, can you take me there?"

Nekomata said delicately.

Yukino wanted to refuse. After all, it was late now, and it was still in the era of weird revival. Kamiya Shuran had warned that it was best not to go out at night, so Yukino was unwilling to go.

More importantly, she could feel a majestic breath from this woman, more like spiritual energy, but with a few points of difference.

Perhaps, it was the breath of an evil spirit.

Yukino swallowed her saliva, and some cold sweat appeared on her forehead.

She knew that she had met an evil spirit again!

How many times has this happened!

"Nei~ My little beauty, take me with you~"

Nekomata grabbed Yukino's shoulders and used a little strength, causing her to cry in pain.

Such a strong force was definitely not something a woman could do, even if she was 1.8 meters tall!

"good......Then I'll take it to you."

Xueno nodded and took out her phone to send a message for help.

But as soon as she took out her phone, it was taken away by Mao again.

"My dear little beauty, I think you are very beautiful. Please talk to me more. At this distance, I think you don’t need navigation.~"

"Yes, yes, I know the way. I just wanted to check the time."

Yukino said awkwardly. She hadn't even pressed the emergency number, let alone typed a message.

Her every move was seen by this monster!

Nekomata smiled slightly. It felt so good to tease the weak. It was completely different from teasing those dead mice.

It was more refreshing to play with humans!

Yukino suppressed her worries and took Nekomata to a nearby hotel.

She was thinking about how to get rescued.

The hotel's facade was on the street. Should she call for help directly?

This was inappropriate. If the monster opened its mouth and bit off her head, it would be fatal.

Yukino remembered what Kamiya Shuran said at the time. Things to note: evil spirits are not scary, what are scary are demons and monsters!

Those creatures are unreasonable and don't follow rules. Once they get angry, they can bite off a person's head in one bite without giving you any time to ask for help.

Evil spirits follow the rules and they have to scout places and possess people.

One trip will take at least several days, which is enough to find someone to help.

In comparison, demons and monsters are much more brutal!

Yukino's brain kept working as she thought about countermeasures.

She could only pray that the anti-demon police nearby could find this monster.

Ten minutes later, Yukino and the cat walked to the front of the hotel again.

It was a big hotel, very luxurious, and it cost 20,000 yen a night.

"This is the hotel." Xueno pointed

"That's it~"

The cat stroked its chin, enjoying Yukino's fear.

This kind of fear was very delicious and was the best food for demons and monsters.

"Little beauty, I've been outside for a long time and I don't know the characters. Can you help me register?"

The cat stretched out her finger and poked Yukino's cheek.

A small red dot appeared on Yukino's cheek.

It was the blood from the nail piercing the skin.


Xueno was about to enter the hotel, and two men came out of the hotel.

"Go find some car models to play with!"

"I want to have a threesome!"

The two men smelled of alcohol. When they passed by Nekomata, their eyes were stunned!

What a super queen!

This figure is better than many internet celebrities!

The man stopped beside Nekomata and said with a smile:

"Beauty, are you here to stay in the hotel too?

How about we stay together? I have money!"

"Go away."

The cat said again, with an impatient look on his face.

"Hey, don't be so anxious~ My brother is very good to women, and he is known as the flower protector in the world!"

The man stretched out his hand and was about to touch the cat's skin, but the cat grabbed the man's arm.


The man's arm was crushed and blood gushed out.


The man yelled


" Shuu...


The man's body was broken into pieces, his brains splattered all over the ground!

The man's companions were all shocked!

"Kill, murder, murder!"

The companion screamed and ran to the nearby store, but before he took two steps, he was also reduced to pieces on the ground.

"There is a monster!"

"Run, run!"

The crowd nearby scattered, and the vehicles turned around and ran away.

"It's so noisy.

Are all humans so cowardly and ugly?"

Neko took out a silk handkerchief from her handbag, gently wiped off the dirty human blood on her hands, and threw the handkerchief gracefully on the ground. Neko said to Yukino:

"Little beauty, do you want to run away or let me eat you?"

"I.......I don't want to be eaten......."

"There is no point in not wanting to be eaten.

Nekomata are born to eat human flesh."

The Nekomata poked Yukino with her long nails.

"With skin like yours, eating this will definitely be a great tonic."

The cat laughed again, the corners of her mouth cracked, and her bloody mouth suddenly opened.

Just as she bit Yukino

"Bang, bang, bang!"

After several gunshots, the cat retracted its mouth, jumped to the side, and stood on the street lamp.

""That girl over there, go away! Go away!"

Xueno calmed down and made her trembling legs move quickly.

"It's so annoying to disturb people while they are eating~"

The cat licked her paw again.

She looked at the man who shot her. He was wearing a suit and holding a pistol. He had no other weapons.

Judging from his clothes, he seemed to be a member of the Anti-Demon Public Security Bureau.

"Kill the man first and then chase the girl.

The prey I have set my sights on cannot escape.

The cat took another step forward, and both of its hands turned into sharp claws.

""Pang! Pang!"

Two attacks flew out, and the man in the suit dodged to the side.

He was not fast enough, and was immediately knocked out, hitting the wall heavily, and blood flowed down his chest.

Ordinary people have no chance of winning against high-level monsters.

Just standing up requires great courage!

"Weak, useless people should not live!

The cat was about to harvest the life of the man in the suit, but when her claws were about to touch the man in the suit, she felt an inexplicable panic, so she quickly retreated and jumped onto the tree next to her.


"Have you been discovered?"

Kamiya Shuran's figure walked out of the mirror behind the man in the suit.

"Another one seeking death?"

The cat looked at Kamiya Shuran impatiently. They appeared one after another.

Are all human men so disgusting?

Can't they just enjoy the beautiful girl's brain happily?

"Cough cough cough......"Man in suit spits out blood

"You, you go away.....She is dangerous......."

"It doesn't matter, I'm the strongest."

Shinya Shuran pressed the suit man's chest, and his vitality was transferred to him, and his wounds healed.

"Who are you......who......"

"Kamiya Shuran."

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