The sudden scene made all the audience in the broadcast room stunned, and then their pupils trembled.

No one expected that

Su Chen's script had not been finished yet, and a company started bidding.

This has never happened in the history of the Youth Screenwriter Competition.

After all, it is very common for the script to be unfinished.

In general, in order to be safe, companies will wait until the contestants have finished writing the script before choosing to bid.

【"Jiaxing Media actually bid for the project? Am I seeing that?"】

【"Oh my God, a company has come in to bid so quickly, could it be that Boss Yang has made a mistake?"】

【"This is outrageous! You have to know that this is the qualifying round for the top 32, not the finals!"】

【"Even in last year's finals, the bidding didn't happen so quickly, right? There's still nearly an hour left before the end of the competition."】

【"It was so explosive that I couldn't even believe my eyes."】

【"Su Chen’s script is really awesome. Are you convinced, the haters in the live broadcast room?"】

【"What's the big deal? It's just a company.���Bidding? And I have reason to suspect that Boss Yang clicked the wrong button."】

【"That's right, the bidding price is only 100,000 yuan! For a company, it's child's play"】

【"Zhuo, are you still being stubborn? Is it so difficult to admit that others are excellent?"】

【"Do you think Jiaxing Media wants to bid for the script? It's just spending 100,000 yuan to get some traffic."】

【That's right, that's right, I really don't know what's so great about it. 】

No matter how the audience in the live broadcast room argues.

The end of Jiaxing Media is like a nuclear bomb falling into a calm lake.

Suddenly, there was an uproar.

In front of the screen.

All the companies that followed Su Chen's live broadcast were shocked by this wave of operations.

They originally wanted to wait and see, and it would not be too late to bid after Su Chen finished writing the script.

But now, someone has fired the first shot.

They must make some response.

Mihoyo Headquarters

"Brother Dawei, Jiaxing Media has made a bid." When Shaoji saw the golden gavel coming down, his pupils trembled.

He suddenly became a little flustered.


"Shall we bid?"

"According to the program group's rules"

"Each script has a maximum of five bidding slots."

"Jiaxing Media took one"

"Only four left"


Shaoji's tone was a little anxious.

It was obvious that he wanted to make a move.

As a professional screenwriter, he naturally understood the awesomeness of Su Chen's script.

Such an excellent script is rare.

But Dawei was a little hesitant.

He touched his chin. He seemed to be thinking about something.

At present, Mihuyou's business situation is not good.

There is no extra money to participate in the bidding.

Although 100,000 yuan is not a lot of money.

But as long as you participate in the bidding, it is not something that 100,000 yuan can solve.

The companies that participate in the bidding later will certainly raise the price.

However, just when Dawei was wavering.

The golden gavel appeared on Su Chen's live broadcast screen again.

As the gavel fell.

The dazzling big words appeared again

【Tencent, bid one million!】

Boom! ——Da

Wei's head suddenly buzzed.

Tencent actually participated in the bidding.

It actually raised the price from 100,000 to one million!!

It's outrageous!

""Brother Dawei, we can't hesitate any longer. Tencent has already made a move. If we don't make a move, the price will reach 10 million soon." Shaoji said anxiously.

Brother Dawei gritted his teeth and said,"Bidding!"


Mihuyou also participated in the bidding.

A gorgeous special effect appeared in the center of Su Chen's live broadcast screen again.

【Mihoyo, bid 1.1 million! 】

When many netizens were still shocked that Tencent participated in the bidding,

Mihoyo also participated.

Suddenly, the live broadcast room was boiling.

【"What the hell!? Tencent is also bidding?"】

【"No way, if Tencent is gone, what else can other companies do?"】

【"Mihoyo? What kind of company is this? Why haven’t I heard of it?"】

【"What the hell!? It turned out to be Mihoyo, I must have seen it wrong, right?"】

【"Bro, do you know Mihoyo? What kind of company is this?"】

【"Only old ACG people know Mihoyo, a small game company, whose representative work is"Honkai Academy"》"】

【"Well, I've never heard of such a small company daring to challenge Tencent! Isn't this courting death?"】

【"This is enough to show how awesome Su Chen's script is, attracting so many companies to bid for it."】


After watching Jiaxing Media, Tencent, and Mihoyo leave,

NetEase Games finally couldn't sit still anymore.

Three places have been taken, leaving only two.

If we don't make a move, we may not have a chance.

Marketing Director:"It looks like we're going to leave too, with only two seats left." Director of Screenwriting:"

Hurry up, hurry up, bid. I didn't expect them to make a move so quickly."

After the director of screenwriting saw the three special effects, he was completely dumbfounded.

He originally planned to bid.

But the prerequisite is to read Su Chen's script. But what about now?

Who knew that the other companies would be so unethical.

Su Chen's script hasn't been finished yet. They all made their moves one by one.

Seeing that there were only two seats left, he quickly took out his mobile phone and logged into the backend of the app.

Then he also participated in the bidding.

Seeing the special effects of the successful bid, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.


【"What the hell?! The Internet Depression Game is also participating in the bidding?"】

【"It's outrageous, three game companies all want Su Chen's script!!"】

【"There is only one seat left, I wonder who will get it."】

【"There is only one media company, Jiaxing Media. What about other media companies?"】

【"J���Don't let Internet depression get the better of you. They're OK at making games, but TeMeow's operations are really scary."】

【"I'm dying of laughter. I've also been tricked by the management of Wangdeng. Damn it, it's really disgusting."】

While many netizens were discussing, the fifth gavel special effect appeared.

This time, all netizens were stunned.

The next second, they were all horrified.

The company participating in the bidding was none other than Douyin!!


【"I really like what the netizen said, huh?!!"】


【"Douyin is also involved?"】

【"I don’t remember Douyin having a media business or a gaming business?"】

【"This world is crazy. Douyin wants to enter the content industry?"】

【"Just because there isn’t one now doesn’t mean there won’t be one in the future. Maybe Douyin also wants to make a movie!"】

【"Damn, I’m so excited watching a match for the first time!!"】

With the end of Douyin, he got the last seat.

The heat of the entire live broadcast room was pushed to an unprecedented climax.

The barrage in Su Chen’s live broadcast room completely exploded


Outside the screen, after seeing Douyin take the fifth spot, at Mihoyo headquarters,

Dawei's face suddenly changed!

The same goes for the others.

"My god, it's a fight between gods."

"These big companies are interested in Su Chen's script"

"How can we, Mihuyou, have the strength to compete with them?"

"Jiaxing Media! Internet Depression! Tencent!! Douyin!!"

"We are doomed to lose!"


Jiaxing Media, Boss Yang was also dumbfounded.

She never expected that

Tencent and Douyin would also participate.

You know, these two companies have a market value of trillions.

Competing with them?

Even if the company is sold, it will not be enough to fill their teeth.

She could only sigh.

Su Chen's script is too good.

The charm of gold dust is too great!

It actually attracted the two strongest capitals in Longguo!!

……………… ps: Thank you"15256" for your monthly ticket!

Thank you"16693" for your monthly ticket!

And thank you for the brothers who voted for flowers and comments!

Thank you very much!!

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