"Xiu Ranjun, when did you come out?"

"A minute ago, what were you doing, walking around?"

"No, nothing, since you are here, let's go eat hot pot."

Yui calmed herself down and couldn't let her panic disrupt her plans.

Her mother was going to her friend's house today, so she had to make good use of this time!

""Okay, let's go."

Kamiya Shuran followed Yuigahama Yui out, and the two came to the kitchen.

Yuigahama Yui turned on the induction cooker and put the remaining beef in.

She tied an apron and looked like a housewife.

Maybe this was to adapt to the future life?

"Let me help you"

"No, no, just sit down, Xiu Ran-kun, and let me do everything.

Yui pushed Kamiya Xiu Ran to sit on the chair, then put the chopsticks and knife and fork into his hands, ran to the kitchen by herself, and took out the bowls and basins.

A few minutes later, Yui prepared all the food and brought it out.

"That's all, Xiu Ran-kun, you must finish it, don't waste it."

Yui also took out a bottle of sake from the refrigerator and poured it into a small cup.

"This is the wine given by my mother’s friend. Would you like to drink it, Xiu Ran?"

"Have a drink"


Yuigahama Yui smiled slightly. Everything was going according to her plan.

Now she would drink and eat until the evening, and then she could carry out her confession plan!

Pour the sake, Yui raised her small wine glass

"Xiu Ran, let's drink together."


Kamiya Shuran took a sip and found it sweet, very similar to fermented glutinous rice wine, and it tasted good.

It allowed him, a non-drinker, to also feel the taste of fine wine.

Yuigahama Yui kept picking up food and pouring wine for Kamiya Shuran, much like a wife taking care of her husband after work.

In addition, Yui also changed her hairstyle today.

It was not the usual cute bun, but she tied up her long hair slightly and put it on her shoulders.

She had the charm of a mature woman, much sexier than usual, and more feminine.

This was the first time I had seen Yuigahama Yui like this.

After a while, the hot pot was finished and the sake was almost finished. Yuigahama Yui's little face was red, not only because of drinking, but also because of nervousness and anxiety.

She was about to take the next step. Would she succeed?

What if she refused!

All kinds of thoughts flashed back and forth in her head.

She shook her head vigorously to calm herself down, patted her face, and Yui began to implement the next plan.

She stood up and said:

"Um, Xiu Ran-kun, I bought some new clothes, can you take a look?"

Yui's words are very straightforward, and the main theme is a simple and straightforward

"What kind of clothes?"

"that is.......some......Clothes to wear at home

Anyway, Xiu Ranjun, take a look, my mother doesn’t support me wearing these, I bought them with my own pocket money"

"Okay, go change it."

"Well, you wait for me here~" Yuigahama Yui trotted towards the bedroom, then turned back and whispered:

"Also, don't peek~"

After saying that, she ran into the bedroom like a frightened deer and took out the winning suit she had prepared earlier!

It was a complete set of clothes, from the innermost underwear to the outer dress, as well as aristocratic gauze gloves and snow-white socks....

It took Yui a month's pocket money to buy it.

She took off her clothes, quickly changed into a suit, and then skipped to the front of Kamiya Shuran.

""Jiangjiang~ How is it, does it look good?"

Yui stood in front of Kamiya Shuran, swayed a little, and her dress fluttered.

"Yeah, it looks good."

"Well, does this look good?"

Yuigahama Yui pulled up the hem of her dress.

The hem, which was originally below her knees, was pulled down to a little below her panties, making it so tight that she couldn't even take a step.

"It's also very beautiful." Kamiya Shuran probably guessed what Yui's next step would be.

"So, how about this?"

Yui walked towards Kamiya Shuran, but in a hurry, her left foot tripped over her right heel and she fell forward.

Kamiya Shuran stretched out his arms and caught Yui's delicate body.

"Be careful"


Yui's little face turned red. She opened her arms, hugged Kamiya Shuran, put her little head next to Shuran's ear, and whispered:

"Xiu Ran, I like you."

Then, she kissed Xiu Ran's cheek.

She was very shy and could only lean on Kamiya Xiu Ran's chest. She didn't know where to put her hands and her eyes were blurred, not knowing where to look.

She only felt Kamiya Xiu Ran's heartbeat and strong vitality.

Kamiya Xiu Ran pinched Yui's chin and kissed her.

The action expressed his opinion.

Yui was very happy. It seemed that she succeeded!

She took Kamiya Xiu Ran's hand and ran towards her bedroom.

"Um, Xiu Ran-kun, I actually have a lot of clothes, can you take a look at them all?!"

The clothes Yui was talking about were the QQ underwear she bought at that time.

There were several pieces, red, black, white, and fishnet.

Now that the confession was successful, there was plenty of time, and she could wear all of them once!

Yui came to the bedroom, holding a small white dress, and gestured on her body a few times

"Yui, don't worry, besides, you should take a shower first"

"ah......Um.......It seems like this in the movies........"

Yui lowered her head slightly, her cheeks flushed.

Is it finally time to get to that point?

Isn't the pace of development too fast?

"Um, Xiu Ran-kun, I'll go wash first.......You, please come back later......."

Yui is still very shy and has not adapted to the life of a couple.

How can we take a shower separately!

Yui walked towards the bathroom and was about to close the door, but was stopped.

"Yui, we are a couple now, shouldn’t we take showers together?"

"me me me me......I'm not ready yet."

Yui's face turned red, and she was about to cry!

"Practice makes perfect."

Kamiya Shuran raised his lips, and with a little effort, the door was pushed open.

Yui's body was weak and powerless, and Shuran squeezed in easily.

"Xiu Ran-kun is so bad!"

Yui clenched her fist and hit Kamiya Xiu Ran's shoulder.

Kamiya Xiu Ran directly carried Yui on his shoulders and put her in the bathtub.

That night, Yui changed all her clothes and they all needed to be washed.

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