"That farm house is in the countryside, how do we get there?"

"It's not very far, just a few kilometers, not as far as my hometown to the county town."

"Where is your hometown?"

"I am from Dragon Country"

"Over there~ I heard that you guys are going to bring a new bride home?

When will you take me back?"

"When you stop talking, I'll take you back."


Ji Ye bit her lip and changed the subject.

But it was true. They had only known each other for a few days. Why were they in such a hurry? As the two walked on the road, Ji Ye looked around like a country girl who had just entered the city.

"What are those yellow things over there? Bicycles?"

"Have you never seen shared bicycles?"

"I've only seen it on my phone, but I haven't ridden it yet."

"Were you from the countryside before?"

"Yes, that's why I came to Tokyo to work hard.

There is still money in Tokyo. Even if I work in a convenience store, I can earn much more than I did in my hometown~"

Ji Ye poked Kamiya Shuran's arm.

"You are a high school student, do you have money?

���I make 1 million a month now, I will support you!"

"I'm not short of money, and I didn't fight for your one million."

Shingu Xiuran pinched Ji Ye's face with his right hand, very softly.

"Where does your money come from?"

"From where I learned skills"

"Do masters always bring a lot of money when they go down the mountain?

I read in novels that masters always come down the mountain penniless.~"

"The past was the past, and the present is the present."

Shinya Xiuran said, it's impossible to tell her that all the money he earned was redeemed from the system mall with points.

"You joined the Anti-Demon Public Security, but you don't want a salary or a position, you just want internal information? Is this information so valuable?"

"Of course, information is sometimes priceless and can save the life of a city."

"I don't know. This is the first time I've heard of it."Ji Ye shook his head.

"If you don't join the Anti-Demon Public Security, what will you do next?"

"Go back to high school, that's where my foundation is."

"Oh~ You mean, your girlfriends are all over there?"

"There is someone older than you"

"Oh, I thought I was the eldest sister.~"

"Come on, don't you want to eat beef?"

"Take a shared bike. I've never ridden one before."

Jiye happily ran to the row of yellow bikes.

"How should I do this?"

"Scan the code and unlock it."

"I want to sit with you!"

"You can't ride a bike?"

"I haven't ridden a bike since my sister went to school."


Kamiya Shuran put the safety helmet on Ji Ye's little head.

"Sit tight, let's go"


Riding a bicycle, shuttling through the city,

Jiye held Xiuran's belly with both hands and put his little head close to her.

"There's ice cream over there!"

"There is food at the farmhouse"

"I want to eat now!"

Shen Gu Xiu Ran pursed his lips. He should have taken a taxi earlier.

Thirty minutes later, the two arrived at the farmhouse.

It was called a farmhouse, but it was actually a small village. Several houses were renovated into a small hotel. It had a pastoral style and looked really good.

Coupled with the fresh air around, the whole person relaxed.

"Welcome, how many guests are there?"


"Please come this way, sir.

Would you like to have your meal first, or rest and play, soak in the hot springs first, and then have your meal in the evening?"

"And taking a hot spring bath?"

Shinya Xiuran looked at Ji Ye and felt that she knew the situation.

"Let’s go to the hot springs first!"

""Okay, please come this way.

This is your room card, please keep it safe."

Ji Ye hummed a little tune and strode towards the guest room, unable to stop smiling.

"Hey, Jiye, didn't you say you were here to eat beef?

How did you become here to have fun?"

"First play, then eat beef.

The novice mission this morning was so difficult, so I have to take a break in the afternoon."

"Well, I have nothing to do today anyway."

The two walked into the guest room.

Ji Ye opened the door and pushed the window open.

"Ah~ natural scenery!"

She jumped onto the bed, unbuttoned her white shirt and threw it on the floor.

Then she stepped on her right foot with her left foot and took off her shoes.

"Running around, my feet are all sweaty, and my socks are all wet."

She slowly took her feet out of her sneakers. Her feet in white socks were smooth, soft, and of the right size. Her ten toes were neatly pressed together, and there was no callus on the soles of her feet.

Her ten toenails were trimmed very smoothly and neatly, and were all light red, like ten small petals.

Jiye grabbed the beer on the coffee table and opened it skillfully.

"Gurgle gurgle ~ ha——"

"This is the life I want~"

Ji Ye sat next to Kamiya Shuran holding a beer can

"Nei, Xiu Ran, you also drink a sip"

"Do not drink"

"Have a drink~"

Jiye held the beer can against Kamiya Xiuran's cheek.

"Tsk~ It's boring, sister, I drank it myself"

——Isn't this the scene in the original work where Himeno tricks Hayakawa Aki into drinking and smoking?

——No wonder it feels so familiar.

Jiye fell back and gulped down another sip.

"Ah! The wine has spilled."

Fortunately, she even threw away her vest.

"Nei, Xiu Ran Jun, do you want to do something?"

Ji Ye came over and knocked her chin on Shen Gu Xiu Ran's shoulder.

Her face was flushed and there was a smell of alcohol when she spoke. Shen Gu Xiu Ran looked at Ji Ye's drunken appearance and really couldn't arouse interest.

"Go take a shower first, and we'll talk after you finish."

"We're going to the hot springs soon anyway, so why take a bath now?"

"Are you going to vomit in the hot spring?"

Kamiya Xiu Ran held Ji Ye and threw her into the bathtub.

"Don't move, I'll give you a rush"

"Haha, I knew that Xiu Ran is still very gentle at heart"

"I'll give you a good beating later, and you'll know whether I'm gentle or rude."

Shingu Xiuran took the shower and poured warm water on Jiye's delicate body.

Jiye sat in the bathtub, not moving around, just gulping down the beer.

After more than ten minutes, she was finally washed clean.

"Thank you, my mother hasn't bathed me since I started primary school, I have always bathed myself."

Ji Ye was about to get out of the bathtub, but was pushed back by Kamiya Xiu Ran.

"Don't worry, you'll have to take another shower soon."

"What are you doing?"


Shen Gu Xiu Ran also walked into the bathtub.

"So you washed me clean just to do this~

Hehe~ Xiu Ran, you are so bad~"

"Better than you, an adult, tricking high school students into drinking."

"It's two o'clock in the afternoon. I'm a little hungry. Let's go eat."

Ji Ye pushed away Shen Gu Xiu Ran who was sleeping on his snow-white arms and patted his face.

"I have no appetite now."

"Oh~ Why, you are so strong, not hungry at all?

Sister, I am hungry~

I am so hungry that my chest is sticking to my back"

"Your chest can't even touch your back"

"I don't care, I'm going to eat now."

Ji Ye took the small vest and put it on, then wrapped the loose bathrobe and tied the belt.

There was still a little sweat on her smooth forehead, her cheeks were flushed, her fair skin, her chest rose and fell, just like the tenderness of the dancing flower seedlings after being moistened by the spring rain.

"Let's go."

The two came to the dining area. Because it was already two o'clock in the afternoon, there were not many people eating at this time.

Ji Ye took a large plate, put all the meat in it, and put it on her table.

She went back and forth, taking a lot of food, just like college students eating buffet, rushing to clean up the battlefield.

After a few minutes, the table was already piled up like a mountain.

There were obviously two people, but they filled up this table for six!

"You grill it first, I'm going to the bathroom, don't eat it secretly~"

Shen Gu Xiu Ran nodded, put the meat slices on the iron rack

""Da Da Da~"

There was the sound of small leather shoes outside, as well as a cheerful female voice.

The door of the restaurant was pushed open, and two tall and beautiful girls walked in.

"Xueno, this is the one, it's delicious!

Let's eat first, and then go to the hot springs!"


Yukino clenched her bag tightly. She only came here to eat, why did she stay to take a hot spring bath?

She didn't even bring a swimsuit!

Is this an extroverted personality? It's really intimidating!

Yukino sighed. Now that she's on this pirate ship, there's only one way to go. She followed Yui inside.

"Over here, over here!" Yui took a table and waved happily. She looked around:

"Hey, Xiu Ran, why are you here!"

Yui looked at Kamiya Xiu Ran, they actually met here again!

Is this fate?

""Pah, pah, pah." Jiye ran over in slippers. She didn't see Yui, nor did she recognize her. She just shouted,"Xiu Ran, is the meat ready? Did you eat it secretly?"

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