The red Susanoo appeared instantly, holding a sharp blade in his hand.

Kamiya Shuran moved his mind, and the Susanoo suddenly stabbed forward. The sharp blade pierced through the zombie demon's head, and with a light flick, the rotten head broke into two halves. The huge brain fell to the ground, splashing blood and water, which was very disgusting.

"Ahhhh——You actually, you actually gave me my head!"

The zombie demon condensed another head. This time it was really angry.

The blood and flesh needed to repair a head are extremely precious! It can’t be compensated by those rotten fish and shrimp!

"Human, I want you to die a miserable death! Come on, everyone!"

The zombie demon gave an order, and all the minions nearby rushed up, one wave after another, like a swarm of bees launching an attack.

"So many, we......"

Ji Ye looked at Kamiya Shuran in fear. There were hundreds of zombies!

She grabbed Kamiya's hand nervously, and her white shirt was soaked with sweat.

"Don't worry, these minions are useless.

And I still have a trump card."

The height of Susanoo's complete form is far more than the current 20 or 30 meters.

You have to know that when Uchiha Madara was fighting to the death with Hashirama in the Valley of the End, Susanoo was 200 meters high!

But with his current Mangekyo strength, if he insists on opening the complete form, he will probably go blind immediately.

Kamiya didn't want to break the legendary record of Sasuke's fastest blindness, so he only opened it to 20 meters high. ps: The height of Susanoo in the comics, animation, and game Ultimate Storm is different. The comic version height is used here.

Wave after wave of zombies rushed up, biting and kicking Susanoo, but to no avail.

Even those zombie cadres could not leave a wound on Susanoo.

The zombie demon was furious, saliva flowing from his mouth.

"Impossible, impossible!"

It's obvious that he could torture this human kid to death, how could he have a trump card!


The zombie demon moved his body, greased his feet, and prepared to run away.

"You want to run away after showing off? It won't be that easy."

Susanoo stretched out his right hand, grabbed the heart, and tossed it to the ground with a strong pull.

Then he slashed the heart in two with another fierce blow.

The zombie demon fell to the ground as if it had lost its soul.

Kamiya Shuran controlled Susanoo to speed up the cleanup of the minions.

The sharp blade kept harvesting the minions. After a few minutes, all the zombies fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

"The cleanup is complete."

Kamiya Shuran lowered the Susanoo to a lower level, but still wrapped himself and Ji Ye.

He walked to the side of the zombie demon and looked at the huge meat ball.


The zombie demon opened his mouth weakly, breathless

"Jiye, take photos and record, it will be over soon"

"Ah, um."

Jiye has not yet come out of the shock and shock.

A few minutes ago, there was the shock of a large wave of zombies, and then there was the reversal of Susanoo.

Kamiya Shuran brought too many surprises.

She took a deep breath, took out her mobile phone to record, and her cute little face flushed. She was completely shocked by the huge Susanoo!

In short, [shocked]!

In Jiye's opinion, Kamiya Shuran should be regarded as the strongest person in Tokyo, or even the entire island country!

This thigh must be hugged!

A minute later, the recording ended.

Seeing that the evidence of the novice task had been obtained, Kamiya Shuran's right eye rotated again,


He looked around and set all the piles of zombie debris on fire.

After just a few minutes, the entire site was cleared, and nothing else could be found except traces of fire.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for solving the intermediate-level zombie demon!】

【Get a chance to win a prize x2】

【Intermediate product exchange voucher x1】

【Congratulations to the host for solving the low-level zombie x532】

【Intermediate Zombie x6】

【Obtained product points 592】

——Intermediate demon, it seems that I still overestimated the ability of the zombie demon

——Such a big fuss, but it's just a mid-level demon.

——There are so many little zombies, but they are all low-level, and each one only costs one point.

——Never mind, there are two chances to win the lottery, which is not bad, I hope my luck will be better



【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the ability - Multiplication Technique】

【Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the ability - Upgrade Card】

【You can upgrade the host's ability once】

——Upgrade card, use it to upgrade [Body of Abundance], the consumption brought by the kaleidoscope is really not to be underestimated

——As for the ability of the multiplication technique, it seems I have to study ninjutsu!

——It is our responsibility to restore the glory of the human race!

"Mission accomplished, let's go."

Shen Gu Xiu Ran closed the kaleidoscope and relaxed.

The reaction of the kaleidoscope hit him immediately, and he staggered and almost lost his balance.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?"

Ji Ye held Shen Gu Xiu Ran and leaned him on his shoulder.

"Are you consuming too much?"

"It's okay, just take a rest"

"That move just now must have made you feel very uncomfortable, right?"

"I have used it less often, so I am not very skilled at it."

Shinya Shuran held Jiye's shoulders, which were soft and sticky because she had sweated a lot.

Jiye supported Shinya Shuran and slowly walked out of the abandoned building. The two of them sat in the abandoned pavilion attached to the abandoned building.

"Are you okay? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

"This is not an illness. It is caused by excessive use of spiritual energy. Eating glucose will not help."

"So, you are so weak now.

If zombies appear now, do you have to rely on me to carry you and run away?"

"That's not the case.

I'll circulate it now. You stand by and help me pay attention to the surroundings."

Kamiya Shuran put his hands together and circulated the spiritual energy in his body.

He was originally a [body of abundance]. Although his Mangekyō Sharingan consumed a lot, as long as he gave himself some time, it would all be restored, even the consumed vision could return to normal.

Kamiya Shuran sat upright, without any defense of the surroundings.

Ji Ye stood guard by the side. She looked at Kamiya Shuran, who was not as majestic and powerful as before, but just a poor and weak little puppy!

The corners of her mouth rose, her eyebrows raised, and she immediately had an evil little plan in her heart, to take your life while you are sick.......x.......son...

If not now, when?!

"Xiu Ran, something’s happening!"

"What's going on?"

Shinya Xiuran opened his eyes and felt a kiss on his lips.

Jiye stretched out his hand, and a snow-white arm was around Xiuran's neck.

Jiye pressed his entire body forward and directly pressed Shinya Xiuran to the ground.

"Xiu Ran, I want to have a deeper discussion with you."

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