In order not to alert the enemy, he kept a little distance, preparing to find an opportunity to cast an illusion on Fushiguro Megumi and extract the information.

After staring for a minute, Fushiguro Megumi and Kugisaki Nobara were still wandering around, seemingly chasing after the trace of the cursed spirit.

Neither of them found any trace of the cursed spirit, but Fushiguro Megumi felt a strange gaze.

He took out his mobile phone and saw Kamiya Shuran standing in the distance observing him through the reflection of the screen.

"Who is this person?"

He didn't know Kamiya Shuran, and he wasn't on the list of sorcerers.

He was a little confused. Could he be a wild exorcist?

Or was he a hostile force?

Fushiguro Megumi was ready to investigate.

He quietly walked into the alley and hurried towards Kamiya Shuran.

The sorcery was in his hand and he could use it at any time.

In just a few seconds, he came to Kamiya Shuran's location.

However, when he came over, there was no one here.

Except for the small puddle on the ground, there was nothing nearby. It was pitch black.

"Where did that person go?

I was already very fast."

Fushiguro Megumi felt something was wrong. Was he being monitored by a big shot?

Or was he someone who didn't know who was friend or foe?

"I'm below you."

Kamiya Shuran's voice came from the small puddle. Fushiguro

Megumi jumped up when he heard Kamiya Shuran's voice.

He stared at the small puddle. His moves had already been used.

Two jade dogs appeared beside him.

The jade dogs bit towards the puddle, but before they touched the water surface, their eyes had changed.

The blood-red Sharingan replaced the original pupils, and the black magatama slowly rotated.

The jade dogs were controlled.

Fushiguro Megumi suddenly became serious, staring at the water surface, ready to summon the next batch of helpers, but when he looked directly at the water surface, he looked into the eyes of the pair of blood-red eyes in the water surface.

【Sharingan Illusion] Activate!

Fushiguro Megumi stood there unable to move, only feeling countless crows flying around him.

His eyes gradually lost focus and he was completely trapped in the illusion.

The spell automatically failed, and the two jade dogs also dissipated.

Kamiya Shuran walked out of the small puddle and asked:

"Are you Megumi Fushiguro?"

"Megumi Fushiguro, a first-year student at Tokyo Metropolitan Jujutsu High School."

Kamiya looked around at Megumi Fushiguro's body and found that there were not many wounds on his body.

Judging from this situation, he should not have met Yuji Itadori yet.

"What are you doing in the residential building?"

"In the morning, I sensed a strange aura coming from a house, so I came here in the evening to kill it.

On the way, I met Kugisaki Nobara, who insisted on joining me, so we went together to find the cursed spirit."

"So that's how it is. It seems that Fushiguro Megumi also sensed the aura of the mirror girl, but I was the first to deal with it.

However, if he had taken action, the mirror girl would definitely have made preparations first, and she might have just shuttled back and forth and ran away."

Knowing what the two were doing, Kamiya Shuran was no longer worried about the Goto family.

He was ready to squeeze some other information out of Fushiguro Megumi.

"How much do you know about the current resurgence of evil spirits?"

"Evil spirits have existed since ancient times, but their number has increased dramatically now.

And there are more strange creatures appearing, such as demons and evil spirits.

According to the survey data of our college,......."

Fushiguro Megumi talked about all the books he had read, a lot of them, worthy of being called a"young genius", many of the information can be recited by heart.

Fushiguro Megumi kept talking, and Kamiya Shuran followed to record, but the content was too much to type in time.

It is better to read the investigation record directly.

Kamiya Shuran activated the"Sharingan Illusion" to modify Fushiguro Megumi's memory of what happened just now.

——Kamiya Shuran is your good friend. You met him online. He is a folk sorcerer.

——You two just ran into each other on the street and started chatting.

——You admire Kamiya Shuran, a folk demon hunter, so you plan to share the investigation data from the academy with him.

As Kamiya Shuran finished the illusion, his Sharingan spun and sent all the"memories" into Fushiguro Megumi's mind.

At the same time, he took out his cell phone from Fushiguro Megumi's pocket, and the two added each other as LINE friends.

Fushiguro Megumi received the message and his body shook slightly.


Fushiguro Megumi stroked his head, wondering why he was standing in this dark alley.

He looked at Kamiya Shuran in front of him, a little confused.

Then, a sudden memory came to his mind.

This person was his good friend and a folk exorcist!

"Hey, Xiu Ran, why are you here?"

Fushiguro Megumi greeted him coldly, which was his most enthusiastic way of speaking.

"Megumi? Long time no see!"

Kamiya Shuran cooperated with the performance, held Fushiguro Megumi's hand and shook it vigorously.

"I passed by here and saw you. I saw you standing here stupidly. What happened?"

"I came here to deal with a cursed spirit, but I can't find it."

Fushiguro Megumi and Kamiya Shuran walked side by side on the street

"I heard that you have been doing folk exorcism recently. How is it going?"

"It's ok, but a little tiring. There are too many monsters, some of which I have never seen before and need to investigate before I can deal with them."

"Our high school has special information and has compiled a lot of curses.

With my authority, I can give you some of them. Do you want them?"

"Thank you very much."

Fushiguro Megumi took out her phone and sent a message to Kamiya Shuran on Line.

"I sent it to you, just use it yourself, don't tell anyone"

"Thank you!"

"Fushiguro, where did you go just now?!"

Kugizaki Nobara ran over with dissatisfaction.

She actually left me and ran here alone to meet her friends?!

Who is this man? He is not from Jujutsu High School!

"I just saw my friend, so I came over to meet him.

Let me introduce you, this is my friend, Kamiya Shuran, he is a folk sorcerer.

This is Kugisaki Nobara, she is from the same school as me."

"Nice to meet you, Kamiya Shuran, Sobu High School"

"Oh, I’m Kugisaki Nobara."

Nobara looked at Kamiya Shuran’s handsome face, and the dissatisfaction in her heart was suppressed. He turned out to be a handsome friend, who was even more handsome than herself.

Well, for the sake of the flower boy, I forgive you.~

"We still have things to deal with, so we'll leave first and continue later."

After chatting for a few words, Fushiguro Megumi returned to her usual cold eyes and left with Kugisaki Nobara.

The mission tonight was unsuccessful, and I don't know how the Jujutsu High School will deal with it.

After parting, Kamiya Shuran also returned to his home.

——I went out today and gained a lot.

——I got closer to Pochi-chan and solved the high-level evil spirits.

——By the way, I got a lot of information from Fushiguro Megumi.

——Judging from the data they recorded, the Shibuya incident is not far away, and there is also the subsequent death and destruction return tour...

——I have to take action. Please give me flowers and monthly tickets. Happy Qingming outing and reading! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

Recharge now (Activity time: April 4 to April 6)

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