Daily Dog ​​food with Super Sweet Green Plum

Chapter 211: Beiweichen is online

The two of them looked at each other, and Gu Nianxi immediately smiled and frowned.

It's great to be able to study with brother Ye Chen again in the future.

The corners of Ye Chen's mouth rose.

The head teacher walked in with the lesson plan, smiled and glanced at the new classmates who came over: "A few classmates, introduce yourself."

"Hello, classmates, I'm Gu Nianxi, and I'll be a classmate with you in the future. Please take care of me. Let's study together and make progress together."

Gu Nianxi gave a generous introduction.

She smiled sweetly, and a pair of shallow pear vortex looked very pleasing.

The boys in the class watched as if they were scratched by a cat, itchy.

This girl, they all look familiar.

I often come here to find Ye Chen.

It seems to be Ye Chen's girlfriend.

The two have a good relationship.

It's really fate to be assigned to a class.

It is rare for a science girl to have such a good-looking Gu Nianxi, there are basically none, even if there is, it is just an ordinary beautiful appearance, and Gu Nianxi not only has appearance, but also temperament.

One can't help but fall in love with it.

The eyes of the boys seemed to be glued to her body one by one.

After several new students introduced themselves, they began to choose seats.

The head teacher was definitely a god-assist. After taking a look, he placed Gu Nianxi next to Ye Chen.

It happened that Wu Zhiqing had just left.

Gu Nianxi was very satisfied with this position, and happily took the book and went over.

"Brother Ye Chen, we will be classmates from now on, hehe~"

The little girl grinned happily.

The two smiled at each other.

Li Jiuxi on the side looked sad.

It's over, I must watch them show their affection every day in the future, this **** dog food, no matter how to hide.

Very tired.

"Student Jiuxi, hello, we will be classmates from now on."

Facing Gu Nianxi's greeting, Li Jiuxi responded with a stiff face: "Hello."

Why is he so miserable, sitting with a couple.

too difficult.

After the students introduced themselves, the head teacher started the class.

The learning progress of each class in Senior One is the same. It may not be used at first, but it will soon be integrated into the current environment.

Although it is a science class, there are still many courses that should be available.

Learning pressure is greater.

Days passed, and soon, the first semester of high school came to an end.

This semester, since the division into classes, the learning intensity has become even greater, and the homework cannot be done every day.

When it finally came to an end, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

But when I think about the start of school soon, I can't be happy anymore.

It doesn't matter to academic bullies like Ye Chen and Gu Nianxi, they don't have to worry about the future college entrance examination.

Today is a day off.

Everyone packs up, gathers at the school gate, prepares to separate, and will not see each other for a while.

Several little sisters hugged each other and said goodbye reluctantly.

"Nianxi, don't forget to come to us, or I'll scratch you next time when school starts..." Zhang Xiuxiu waved her fist and threatened.

"That's right, every time we take the initiative to find you, this time it's up to you." This girl knows every day that she shows affection with her brother Ye Chen.

"I know, I know."

Gu Nianxi waved his hand.

"Yo, are you impatient?"

"I don't have it, how can I have it!"

A few girls laughed and played for a while, Gu Nianxi looked at Zhang Xiuxiu and asked with concern, "How are you and Jiu Xi?"

This semester, I was busy studying and didn't pay much attention to many things.

As soon as Li Jiuxi was mentioned, Zhang Xiuxiu sighed: "Hey, it's still the same, it's okay, I'm about to give up, let's be safe, I won't pester him anymore."

People don't want to fall in love, what else do you want?

Chen Meng patted her on the shoulder and comforted her in a soft voice: "It's okay, there are so many good men, why hang on a tree?"

Zhang Xiuxiu nodded and forced a smile:

"Okay, okay, I'm fine, I don't have to."

After comforting for a while, several people soon left.

"How is it? Have you packed everything?" Ye Yuanfeng came in from the school gate and asked with a smile.

"Well, packed up."

A total of four suitcases, quilts, daily necessities, a bunch of things.

Fortunately, the trunk is huge, otherwise it would never fit.

The main thing is to add Ye Qing's stuff, and more.

"Let's go then."

Ye Yuanfeng quickly put things in the trunk, and Ye Chen went to help.

After everything is done, get in the car.

Ye Yuanfeng suddenly said, "Xiaoqing, do you know about your parents?"

Ye Qing was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "I know."

"It's okay, you can live safely with me in the future, just be your own home."

Just a month ago, Ye Yuanliang and Mo Wen successfully divorced!

The latter also wanted to fight for Ye Qing's custody.

Unexpectedly, it was rejected by the judge.

Because she no longer deserves to be a mother.

To say why this divorce has been going on for so long, the fundamental reason is that the woman does not cooperate, and even said that divorce is okay, but there are requirements.

The request was to ask Ye Yuanliang to give her two-thirds of the property.

How could Ye Yuanliang be willing? Been wasting.

Until recently, she successfully found evidence that Mo Wen had cheated on many men. The judge showed no mercy and sentenced her to go out of the house.

Many years of husband and wife ended like this.

To say sorry, not at all, I just feel relieved.

At least the custody of the son is in his hands.

Mo Wen's family came to his company every day to make trouble, but it was no longer important.

The important thing is the son.

He plans to rent out that house, rent a house near his eldest brother, and come to live during the holidays.

As for Xiaoqing, he is here for the time being, and he will arrange everything properly.

The elder brother's family will definitely not let them take Xiaoqing in vain, the alimony must be paid, and the real brothers will pay the bills!

Hearing this news, Ye Qing was relieved.

even joy.

After that, he will follow his father, no need to follow that person.

This is enough.

When he got home, Shen Yuhua comforted him.

Make him feel that the whole world is warm.

When someone else's parents get divorced, it will cause psychological damage to their children, but Ye Qing only felt a lot easier, which shows how much Mo Wen hurt him.

It was this that made Ye Yuanfeng and his wife feel distressed.

Better for him.

This also made Ye Chen's status at home drop again.

Humble Chen is online.


A few days later, Zeng He, who was on vacation, came over to ask Ye Chen to go to an Internet cafe to play games together.

He had no impression of Ye Qing, so when he saw him, he was puzzled.

"This is?"

"My brother."

"What? When did your mother give birth to your brother, why don't I know?" Zeng He was shocked.

He doesn't remember that Ye Chen has a younger brother who is the same age as him. Seeing that they look alike, it shouldn't be...Fuck!

Zeng He's brain hole began to expand infinitely. Could it be that he was not in good health since he was a child, and was sent back to where to raise it, and then he was brought back now?

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