The taxi slowly stopped and arrived at Mai Sakurajima's house.

Mai's house in Sakurajima is an ordinary apartment building.

Because of the conflict with my mother, the distance between the two sides is certainly not too close.

"Anyone else?" The driver saw Mai Sakurajima through the rearview mirror and was startled.

"Didn't you notice before?" Hanyuzuki reacted quickly and explained with a smile: "I had a conflict with my girlfriend, and I didn't talk just now. "

"So it is." The driver breathed a sigh of relief.

Mai Sakurajima's symptoms disappear, and of course it will not appear suddenly to outsiders like DIO stops.

It's more like making people suddenly realize, saying: Wow, there is another person here.

"Hey, is this guest..." The driver recognized Mai Sakurajima's identity.

Mai Sakurajima was very popular, and even after two and a half years of inactivity, she still retains a lot of popularity.

Walking down the street and being recognized is commonplace.

Mai Sakurajima was labeled as 'girlfriend' by Hanyugetsu without authorization, and she is upset.

Hearing the driver's words, he replied, "Please don't be quiet." "

Mai Sakurajima has mixed feelings.

They have stopped their activities, even if there is a scandal about a suspected boyfriend.

Sure enough, I was still unwilling....

"I understand, I understand."

The driver promised to help the two keep it secret, and the reward was, of course, Mai Sakurajima's autograph.

After getting out of the car, Mai Sakurajima obviously stepped on Hanyugetsu's foot on purpose.

Why suddenly reward him?

Hanyuzuki said helplessly: "With my relationship with your mother, I think you can respect me a little more." "

Mai Sakurajima said: "Who just now put on the identity of 'girlfriend' to my mother's daughter without permission. "

"That's force majeure, you can't let people think that they are pretending to be ghosts." Hanyutsuki said innocently.

Mai Sakurajima snorted softly and withdrew her foot.

Hanyuzuki felt that it was a pity, in fact, he could step on it for a while.

"The driver saw me just now." Mai Sakurajima said.

Hanyugetsu nodded and said, "Your situation will first be called 'Schrödinger's Mai Sakurajima'." "

Mai Sakurajima frowned and said, "Change one." "

"It's obviously very good." Hanyutsuki smiled and was a little more serious.

"This is a phenomenon known as 'puberty syndrome' that only occurs in adolescent girls."

"Your situation is one of them, and the rest are exchanging bodies with someone, or splitting off another self."

Mai Sakurajima asked, "Why do you know so well?" "

"Just happened to come across." Hanyutsuki does not have the scars that Saki Azusakawa can prove to himself.

Maybe it's that his life is smooth and troublesome?

Puberty syndrome or something did not find him.

"You think I'll believe it?" Mai Sakurajima asked.

"I can't think of a reason why you don't believe it."

As a person who is experiencing abnormal phenomena, Mai Sakurajima is indeed more receptive to this urban legend-like setting than ordinary people.

"So what can I do to get out of this situation?" Mai Sakurajima asked the point.

Hanyutsuki avoided talking and said, "Should we have a cup of tea and talk while drinking?" "

Hanyuzuki's deliberately appetizing attitude made Mai Sakurajima dissatisfied.

But now that I have my own request, this requirement can still be met.

"You just want to go to my room, right?" Mai Sakurajima said.

"Seeing through without saying broken is a mature way of doing things." Hanyutsuki said with a smile and did not deny it.

Being looked down upon by the younger year, Mai Sakurajima was even more unhappy.

Mai Sakurajima brings Hanyuzuki home.

When the key was inserted into the keyhole, Mai Sakurajima stopped and asked, "I don't know your name yet." "

"Ask at this time?"

"I don't want to bring home men who don't even know their names."

Mai Sakurajima has a strange insistence in some places.

"Hanyu Tsuki."

Mai Sakurajima recited it silently twice, and it was easy to remember.

Hanyutsuki finally entered Mai Sakurajima's house.

There are different types of rooms in the same apartment building, and Mai Sakurajima's house should belong to the most expensive one.

I have been a popular artist for several years, and even if I don't rely on my parents, Mai Sakurajima can live a very moist life.

As a woman who lives alone, Mai Sakurajima keeps her home in order.

But I don't see the 'girl' style at all.

The overall layout of the room is monotonous, giving people a feeling of 'mature woman'.

Sure enough, it is very similar to Mai Sakurajima's style.

Changing into indoor shoes at the entrance, Mai Sakurajima had no intention of taking Hanyutsuki to visit the room.

If it weren't for the inconvenience of standing, she would even have a conversation in the hallway.

Mai Sakurajima brought Hanyutsuki to the living room.

"Just sit."

Hanyu Tsuki sat on the couch.

There is only one couch in the living room.

Of course, Mai Sakurajima could choose to sit next to Hanyu Moon, but that would be too intimate.

Mai Sakurajima thought for a moment, but still sat down.

Only naïve little girls will care about this kind of problem!

"Just drink wheat tea." Hanyutsuki said.

Mai Sakurajima said, "I'm not going to give you a drink. "

"Is this how mature women are hospitality?"

"I didn't treat you as a guest."

"I don't mind if you think of me as a grown-up."

Mai Sakurajima's sharp gaze came over.

Apparently, Mai Sakurajima is obsessed with the topic of her mother's young boyfriend.

"This is the end of the non-nutritious conversation, I hope you can answer my doubts."

In this conversation, Mai Sakurajima is completely at a disadvantage.

Originally, with her strong personality, the most likely behavior was to throw Hanyugetsu out the door.

But...... Can't do it.

Hanyu Tsuki accepted it when he saw it, and did not intend to provoke Mai Sakurajima.

He said: "Your situation, explained by the principles of quantum mechanics, is like 'Schrödinger's cat'. "

Hanyuzuki did not work learning, and for quantum mechanics and the like, he only stayed at the level of knowing nouns.

Usually, he will never talk about "Schrödinger", "relativity" and so on.

Otherwise, it's like a second-year teenager who 'pretends to be very understanding when he receives nouns on the Internet'.

"Schrödinger's cat" is inexplicably popular in the island country, and even Mai Sakurajima has heard of it a little.

"Miss Sakurajima... Mind if I call you 'Mai'? "

Hanyuzuki called Mai Sakurajima's mother also the title of 'Miss Sakurajima', and then using this to call Mai Sakurajima always feels strange.

Mai Sakurajima frowned and said, "Add a 'san'." "

'Mulberry' can be regarded as a kind of panacea in the name of island countries.

It can be used among classmates, which can be translated as 'classmate so-and-so', and people who know can also be translated as 'sir' and 'miss' when they know 'sang'.

"All right, Mai-san."

Hanyutsuki continued, "Now you are the cat locked in a box. "

"If you don't open the box to observe, you'll always be in a state of 'no certainty of survival'."

Hanyutsuki's explanation is not difficult to understand, because no matter how professional he is, he probably can't understand it at all.


PS: The new book sets sail, please pay attention to the collection~

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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