Seeing this, a senior executive at the scene immediately smiled and said:

“Yes, there is a lot of room for exploration in this try-on-fitting function. Among other things, we can even import our own body shape, clothing, jewelry and other data into the game.

In this way, players will get the strongest sense of immersion, and players will definitely be willing to pay for it. "

Hearing this, the scene immediately laughed, feeling that there is a lot of room for exploration in just the try-on and outfit function.

At this time, Professor Zhang Rujing, who was in charge of Dawn Semiconductor, also expressed his suggestions:

“When I heard about the function of trying on outfits, I thought of a function that has great market potential and is completely irresistible.”


After hearing Professor Zhang Rujing's words, people at the scene showed curious looks in their eyes. I wonder what Professor Zhang Rujing's suggestion is?

It was also mentioned that it was irresistible, which made the senior executives present even more curious.

"Lao Zhang, please stop being mysterious and tell me what features have great market potential and are completely irresistible."

Ni Guangnan, who was very curious and a little impatient, urged.

Hearing this, Professor Zhang Rujing's mouth curled up slightly, and then he smiled and said:

“This function is the portable doctor function. Because I am older now and care about health and fitness, I go for a full physical examination every month.

But after all, this kind of regular physical examination is too slow to respond, and running to the hospital every month is a bit annoying.

I thought that since we have digitized the appearance, clothes and other things of the human body, why not further digitize the internal conditions of the human body as well.

In this way, our artificial intelligence Shuguang can analyze and evaluate our health risks based on various parameters of our body, and give various weight loss or diet suggestions.

Or when data is abundant in the future, the dawn of artificial intelligence can also guide us to do various exercises or guide us to go to the pharmacy to buy medicine when we encounter simple illnesses, so as to avoid wasting time in queuing at the hospital.

I believe that once such a function is developed, neither middle-aged or elderly people like me nor people of other age groups can refuse it. "

Hearing the portable doctor function mentioned by Professor Zhang Rujing, everyone at the scene suddenly brightened up and realized that this portable doctor function is really a good suggestion.

At least after they heard about this function, they felt that if there is such a portable doctor function, then this function is really what they need.

"That's great, Lao Zhang. The suggestion you made is quite good. It's not too difficult to develop, and it can also sell various household testing instruments and smart health watches.

It can be said that for this function alone, we have a lot of room for exploration. If this aspect is completed, the real benefits will probably be far greater than the auxiliary development function.

After all, the most important thing in life is nothing more than food, clothing, housing, and transportation. After that, there are medical issues. The medical industry alone is enough to keep us full. "

Ni Guangnan looked at Professor Zhang Rujing with admiration and was amazed that Professor Zhang Rujing made such a powerful suggestion.

In response, Professor Zhang Rujing naturally waved his hand modestly.

At this moment, looking at the people speaking enthusiastically in front of him, Lin Chen seemed to recall the news that humans used artificial intelligence to develop drugs in previous lives, and finally developed a new antibiotic.

So Lin Chen slowly opened his mouth and added:

"Mr. Ni, in addition to the function of a portable doctor, we can also use artificial intelligence Shuguang to assist in the development of drugs and find bright spots in countless data. This is the advantage of artificial intelligence."

Ni Guangnan, who heard Lin Chen's words, immediately praised:

"This is a good suggestion. If we can invent a specific drug that can solve a certain disease, it will be at least tens or hundreds of billions of dollars in profit."

Others at the scene nodded slightly when they saw this, thinking that it might be good to use the dawn of artificial intelligence to develop new drugs.

But at this time, as the most low-key person in charge of the Sugon system, he spoke little and made indelible contributions.

Lu Weibing, who was originally in charge of Mi Mobile Phones but was now transferred to be in charge of Shuguang Construction Company, suddenly spoke:

“Boss, since the artificial intelligence Dawn can assist in the development of drugs, can we let the artificial intelligence Dawn assist in the development of new alloys?

Although boss, you don’t know where you got the alloy metal formulas and production processes that are confidential from those companies in Mediland, but this is not a long-term solution after all.

After all, they have registered technical patents, and our metals are sold to the outside world. Once they test the proportion of our metal elements, the fact that we infringe cannot be kept secret.

And their technology patents are recognized in our country and other countries, which is very disadvantageous for us.

In this case, I think we also need to have our own patented alloy formula and production process. "

Hearing the words of Lu Weibing, the person in charge of Sugon Construction, Lin Bin, who was originally responsible for mobile phone computer system operations at Sugon Technology and was eventually transferred to Mi Mobile as the president due to his merits, agreed:

“I also think we should develop metal formulas and manufacturing processes with exclusive technology patents.

After all, infringing other people's technology patents to produce alloys is not a long-term solution. Even if we can do it within Daxia, what about overseas markets?

As for the research and development of alloys, I think that since medicine can assist research and development, metal alloys should also be able to assist research and development. "

Hearing this, people at the scene nodded slightly to express their approval.

This Lin Bin was nicknamed by netizens as the "most important man" behind Rebus in the original time and space. His net worth in his previous life was as high as 80.3 billion.

As for why he is so awesome, it is naturally because he developed the world-famous rice mobile phone system in his previous life.

When Rebus switched jobs to Sugon Technology a few years ago, he naturally followed him. After that, he was responsible for the operation business of Sugon's computer and mobile phone systems.

Recently, due to the establishment of Shuguang Construction Company, Lu Weibing was transferred to be in charge of Shuguang Construction Company. Naturally, the position of president of Shuguang Construction Company became vacant.

After some internal discussions, Lin Chen finally decided that Lin Bin, who was responsible for the operation of Sugon's computer and mobile phone systems, would take over the job of president of Mi Mobile, so he finally got through it after several years.

"Lao Ni, you will be responsible for coordinating the research and development of alloys. Of course, the same goes for the research and development of other non-metallic materials.

If we, Daxia, want to rise, we must stand up in the field of materials. "

At this time, Lin Chen arranged a stressful task for Ni Guangnan amidst people's approval.


After hearing this, Ni Guangnan naturally nodded slightly, and then felt a huge pressure. (End of chapter)

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