Daguo Science and Technology started from the copycat system

Chapter 633 Witness the birth of a new era!

This big move was that Sugon Technology suddenly sent an email to the world's well-known media. The title of the email invited them to witness the birth of a new era.

At the bottom of the title of the email, naturally, the address of the press conference was the Bird's Nest Stadium in Beijing, and the specific time of the press conference was July 10, 2008.

In this regard, the global media was naturally confused and directly wondered whether some hackers were making a joke on everyone.

After all, Sugon Technology already has too much to take care of itself. People can openly infringe on your technology patents. What kind of press conference will Sugon Technology hold at this time?

What’s even more puzzling is that the title this time is an exaggerated title that invites them to “witness the birth of a new era.” This is really puzzling.

After all, it is not easy to use such a title. If Sugon Technology wants to publish ordinary things, it is not qualified to use such a title.

Even the third-generation Sugon computer manufactured by the third-generation Ryzen processor and the third-generation graphics card based on the 32nm process technology will not work!

Because just because the computer performance has been greatly improved compared to before, it is not qualified to use the exaggerated title of "witnessing the birth of a new era"!

Therefore, when the official emails of the global media received the invitation email from Sugon Technology, they all did not believe it and thought it was a prank by a hacker.

However, paper cannot cover the fire after all.

When someone in the journalist peer group of WeChat, an instant messaging software that has exploded in installations in recent months, started talking about this matter, reporters from the relevant media discovered something was wrong.

Because it seems that the hacker's joke was a bit too big, and he even joked to so many media at the same time. Isn't the hacker afraid of provoking public outrage and being caught?

With puzzlement, they naturally used search engines or directly used the artificial intelligence "Shuguang" to learn about relevant things.

As they read, they soon discovered that Sugon Technology was serious. Sugon Technology was really going to hold a press conference titled "Witness the Birth of a New Era" in a few days.

So soon, as those reporters who reacted quickly contacted their media headquarters, the global media were alerted.

So all of a sudden, the global media were like sharks smelling blood. They all went crazy and rushed to Daxia in advance, to the Beijing Bird's Nest Stadium and even the Sugon Technology headquarters in advance!


"Stupid Dawn Technology, stupid Lin Chen, do you still want to release something for us to plagiarize at this time?"

The person who made the sarcastic remarks was Intel CEO Paul Odeline.

At this time, Paul Oudening was looking very high-spirited, because during this period, Intel used Sugon Technology's technology patents.

Whether it is 32nm process technology, 32nm chip production equipment, or Sugon processor instruction set architecture, the progress of research and development is very fast.

According to this progress, they may only need about half a year to eight months to conduct trial production of 32nm process chips.

This feeling of directly usurping other people's scientific and technological achievements is very satisfying, and it also saves a lot of research and development funds, and because of this, Paul Oudening is very happy.

As for whether the unscrupulous use of Sugon Technology's technology patents will cause hidden dangers in the future, this is indeed a hidden danger in the Daxia market, but it is not a big deal in the global market.

Because as of today, although the global media has a lot of opposition to the "proposal to abolish Sugon Technology's technology patents", in fact, those national companies have not expressed anything at all.

If nothing else happens, everyone except Daxia will acquiesce in the use of Sugon technology patents by their "Bald Eagle" companies.

As for the market in Daxia, they ignored it for the first time. After all, Sugon Technology's future outcome will definitely be miserable due to their shameless infringement of technology patent property rights.

However, given the huge size of Sugon Technology, it is impossible to defeat Sugon Technology in a short period of one or two years, so Intel decided to give up the Daxia market first.

First use Sugon Technology's many technical patents, and then combine it with its own technical patents. The combination of the two creates a stronger Core processor to defeat Sugon's Ryzen processor.

Compressing Sugon Technology's market share to Daxia, and then waiting for an opportunity to defeat Sugon Technology in a few years. This is Intel's grand strategy!

"Based on Sugon Technology's past record, I'm afraid it will bring variables to our victory this time."

It was Invida President Lao Huang who expressed concern.

At this time, the CEO of Weida, Lao Huang, looked worried, feeling that something bad might happen to this sudden press conference held by Sugon Technology.

After all, according to past rules, they had thought they had won many times before, but Sugon Technology released a stronger product to defeat them in just a few days at the earliest and a few months at the latest.

So at this time, Invida President Lao Huang, who had already been beaten out of experience and shadowed, instinctively felt uneasy when he heard that Sugon Technology was going to hold a press conference.

"What can they release? It's just a third-generation Dawn computer or a new generation of game consoles."

The person who spoke disdainfully at this time was Galvin, the president of Motorola.

Hearing this, Weiruan CEO Bill Gates on the side nodded lightly and said:

“Indeed, the third generation Ryzen processor and the third generation graphics card should be released this time, after all, the time is fast.

But if they want to release it, just release it. We only need to give us a few months, and we can use their technology patents and combine them with our own technology patents to come up with stronger processors and graphics cards!

So their scientific research results are our scientific research results, let them be proud of them for a few months, and treat them as our tuition fees. "

"Hahaha... You are right, let them work hard on research and development, and then we will directly usurp their scientific research results, hahaha..."

The person who was laughing was none other than Intel President Paul Odenin, and he felt very happy at this time.

"Indeed, it feels so refreshing to directly usurp the results of other people's efforts."

It was Li Jianxi, the president of Sanxing Electronics, who spoke in agreement.

Speaking of which, Sanxing Electronics has focused its energy on the entertainment industry in the past two years. It has produced several cold country blockbusters that are best-selling around the world. It has established itself under the name of cold country blockbusters.

In contrast, the electronic product industry and the chip production and foundry industry are on the verge of losing money due to poor competition with Sugon Technology.

Therefore, Sanxing Electronics directly cut off many R\u0026D projects and no longer took risks and spent money on R\u0026D as before.

Under this circumstance, Sanxing Electronics President Li Jianxi has already made plans for Sanxing Electronics to become mediocre and even sell the company's loss-making business one day in the future. (End of chapter)

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