Dad: The Beginning Of The Game, The Empress Brought Her Daughter To My House And Forced Me To Marry

Chapter 780 Smelly Girl, You Are Still 10der If You Want To Fight Me!

Chapter 780 Smelly girl, you are still tender if you want to fight me!

"Send the clock?"


Everyone first reacted to the meaning of the bronze bell falling from the sky.

Then everyone focused their attention on the face of the woman in black, and couldn't help but exclaimed:

"White-haired witch!"

They did not expect that Gu Qingying actually took the initiative to come to the door not long after the exorcism conference was held.

She was alone and only brought an ancient bronze bell, looking very domineering.

This made everyone couldn't help but sigh, worthy of being Chuiyuntian's famous female devil in recent years, she is really courageous!

Yue Tianqun raised his brows slightly, and a trace of smugness appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He didn't expect that Gu Qingying would take the initiative to come to the door.

"It seems that today's exorcism conference was held, and the noise was too loud, so it attracted this female devil to come to die! Hehehe!"

Yue Tianqun sneered a few times in his heart, but on the surface he still had a dignified expression of justice.

"White-haired witch, how dare you take the initiative to come to the door, so you don't put me in one's eyes like a man of justice!"

Gu Qingying's Liu Mei frowned: "A man of justice? I bah!"

"You are nothing more than a group of brazen people, plus a group of rabble who can't tell right from wrong!"

Wang Yang, the Sect Leader of a certain Sect, stepped forward and roared:

"Gu Qingying, you have done a lot of evil all these years, killing innocent people indiscriminately, which is infuriating!"

"In addition to those you killed before, last night you slaughtered more than 2,000 people from eleven families in Tianluo Kingdom, Jinshui Kingdom, and Tianzuo Kingdom. Do you admit this crime?"

Gu Qingying laughed a few times when he heard the words, took out a pot of wine and raised his head to drink.

When the bottom of the jug is dry, throw the jug on the ground and bang! shattered with a bang.

She scanned the audience and said:

"If you want to add a crime, why bother?"

"What else can you wastes do besides splashing dirty water?"

Wang Yang looked indignant:

"Palace Master Yue was crying because of you last night, and the heartache of innocent people is unbearable. How can this matter be faked?"

"Gu Qingying, since you dare to come, then leave your life behind!"

Gu Qingying took out a spirit sword, and her beautiful eyes scanned the audience coldly:

"I want to take Yue Tianqun's head, who would dare to die!"

Today, when he learned that Yue Tianqun was going to hold a demon elimination meeting to deal with him, Gu Qingying rushed all the way to Benlei Villa.

Hearing that Yue Tianqun poured waves of dirty water on himself, Gu Qingying had long been heartbroken.

She suspected that Yue Tianqun had ulterior motives for holding the Demon Exorcism Conference specially.

But no matter what Yue Tianqun wants to do, Gu Qingying knows that there is only one way to come today, and that is to kill Yue Tianqun!

Seeing that the threat of own was ignored by Gu Qingying, Wang Yang was furious in his heart. He took out a Magic Treasures-level wind-slashing knife and slashed at Gu Qingying fiercely.

"Senra Saber Technique!"

"Death to me!"

The light of the knife flashed, and it was thousands of miles away.

The ferocious knife light pierced down with a tyrannical aura, shaking the space of a hundred miles to tremble.

Feeling the tyrannical sword strength, many cultivators couldn't help but secretly praised: "Good Saber Technique!"

Gu Qingying's beautiful eyes narrowed, and her white hair flew with the wind.

He took out the Qingying Sword and flew up, with a very sassy posture.

"Flying Flower Sword Technique!"


Sword Ray flashes like a meteor.

Gu Qingyingqian followed Sword Ray and came to Wang Yang at a very fast speed.

When the jade hand probed, the sharp Sword Ray broke through Wang Yang's majestic sword qi, puff! A sound stabbed into Wang Yang's left chest.


Gu Qingying's beautiful eyes froze, and the sword's edge turned and split Wang Yang in half.


Seeing Wang Yang's divided body fall from the air with a large bloodstain, all the cultivators present couldn't help but gasped.

"What a white-haired witch, she is really ruthless and ruthless!"

"Wang Sect Leader is already the Cultivation Base at the peak of Venerable, and even the Saber Technique of the quasi-Grandmaster, I didn't expect it to be able to stop the witch's sword!"

"The ruthlessness of this woman's shot is really rare, and the word 'witch' really deserves it!"


Just the first shot, Gu Qingying has the power to shock the audience.

A group of cultivators all retreated slightly under her aggressive aura, daring not to look at her again.

Yue Tianqun couldn't help frowning.

The purpose of his holding the Demon Exorcism Conference this time was to use the Eight Hundred Sects in the Western Regions of Chuiyuntian to deal with Gu Qingying.

As a result, Gu Qingying's whereabouts are difficult to determine, and a lot of eyeliner is needed to track and investigate.

Second, Gu Qingying has extraordinary strength and unlimited potential. Yue Tianqun doesn't want to use his own Supreme Golden Palace to confront him, so it is the best choice to use a knife to kill.

Unexpectedly, Gu Qingying's one move shocked the audience, which has already made the cultivators a little jealous.

This... is not the result Yue Tianqun wanted to see!

As soon as his eyes rolled, his voice trembled, and he made an almost heart-piercing cry:

"How is the witch stronger?"

"Evil has never been right since ancient times. As long as everyone works together, we will be able to kill her on the spot!"

"Fellow daoists, why are you hesitating? Kill!"

Yue Tianqun took out his own Ziyang Sword, and when the Spiritual Qi exploded all over his body, Ziyang Sword Ray immediately shone for three hundred miles.

All the cultivators were excited when they heard the words.

"Yue Sect Leader is right, no matter how strong the witch is, there is only one person. I don't have to be afraid of her, let's go together!"

"Eradicate Devil and become famous all over the world, right now!"

"Go on!!!"

It is rumored in the Martial Dao world that the white-haired witch, Gu Qingying, is the Cultivation Base at the peak of the Emperor Realm.

Among all the people present, Yue Tianqun has the highest Cultivation Base and is also the peak Realm of the Emperor Realm.

And won the inheritance of Supreme Golden Palace for millions of years, the first hand "Nine Heavens Sword Art" has reached the realm of transformation, ranking as a juggernaut!

Therefore, no matter what, there is Yue Tianqun in the town, Gu Qingying can't wash Benlei Villa with blood no matter what.

At present, more than 80,000 cultivators under the leadership of Yue Tianqun are working together to besiege Gu Qingying, and the odds of winning are almost 100%!

With these thoughts in mind, all the cultivators rushed towards Gu Qingying.

They never noticed that Yue Tianqun, who was the first to draw out his sword, was still standing on the high platform, and he didn't make a move at all.

Seeing this scene, Yue Tianqun couldn't help showing a smug smile, and secretly laughed a few times.

Gu Qingying frowned tightly, gritted his teeth and watched the cultivators rushing in like a flood.

She originally rushed to Lei Shanzhuang to deter these people, and then killed Yue Tianqun one-on-one.

Who knew that this group of people couldn't stand Yue Tianqun's bewitching and swarmed to kill him.

Now wanting to break through and kill Yue Tianqun is already difficult!

But at this time, the arrow is already on the string, and Gu Qingying has no way to retreat, so he can only shoot!

"Flying Flower Sword Art!"

She frantically stimulated the real energy in her body, displayed a super powerful sword move, rushed into the crowd and fell with a sword, and a hundred Sword Rays rose into the sky.

In just the second shot, she instantly killed more than 30 cultivators above the realm.

But this time, far from scaring off the crowd of cultivators, it greatly angered them.

"The witch kills like numbness, she can't die!"

A group of cultivators burst out with Spiritual Qi, with murderous aura, displaying all kinds of Secret Techniques like crazy, and greeted Gu Qingying like they were dying.

Facing the siege of the crowd of cultivators, Gu Qingying did not back down and said angrily:

"If you don't get out of the way, I will kill a bloody path!"

The Qingying Sword turned a thousand times in her hands.

After killing all the way, she quickly approached the high platform.


The cultivators were not vegetarian either. Under the onslaught of the wolves, Gu Qingying put a lot of pressure on her, and her Spirit Power was quickly consumed.

Soon, beads of sweat appeared on Gu Qingying's smooth forehead.

Yue Tianqun keenly discovered this, hehe sneered twice, and disappeared from the high platform in a flash.

When he appeared again, he had appeared above Gu Qingying's head.

"Nine Heavens Sword Art!"

Sword vertical Nine Heavens, tyrannical and domineering!

Yue Tianqun held the Ziyang sword like lightning and suddenly fell, and the sword stabbed Gu Qingying's shoulder blade.

The sword stance turned, click! With a bang, Gu Qingying's shoulder blades were cut off, and then he stomped heavily on her shoulder.


Gu Qingying groaned, only feeling the pain in the left shoulder, and even the entire left chest was about to shatter.

Uncontrollably, her body rushed away from the crowd, and slammed into the ground below ten thousand feet, causing her to vomit several mouthfuls of blood in pain.

Yue Tianqun stood the Ziyang Sword behind him, stepped on the void, and looked down at Gu Qingying proudly and arrogantly:

"Stinky girl, you are still tender if you want to fight me!"

"Now that this Palace Master has already destroyed 70% of your Cultivation Base, how can you help me? Hahahaha!"

(End of this chapter)

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