Chapter 770 What kind of evildoer is this son!

In the eyes of Fengyun Real People.

The baby-faced ghost king in the Great Saint realm, possessing the Nine Cycles ghost fire supernatural power, has been called the top powerhouse among the ghost kings.

And with the blessing of the ghost realm, the baby face ghost king has a certain invincible posture.

However, such an existence was instantly killed by Lin Xuan with just two swords.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is an instant kill with one sword, because the first sword is just the Nine Cycles ghost fire sword that blocks the baby-faced ghost king.

From the beginning to the end, the baby face ghost king was completely at a disadvantage.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, Fengyun Zhenren and the others would not have believed that the Infant Face Ghost King would be suppressed so weakly.

The windbreaker can't help but say to Xuanzhu and the others:

"Your dad is really amazing!"

The little girls raised their chins and looked Tsundere when they heard the words:

"Aunt you just know?"

"We already knew that!"

Seeing that they were so cute, Windbreaker and Feng Xiaoxiao couldn't help but smile at each other.

Faced with such a terrifying baby-faced ghost king, these four little babies kept their faces calm and calm from beginning to end.

And it's so Tsundere, he was born with a big heart!

As expected of the daughter of the empress and her husband, it is indeed very unusual!


The flickering red light in the red building has turned into a blood-like richness, like a volcanic eruption gushing out of the red building.

The bright red light quickly filled the ghost realm with a radius of 100,000 miles.

The fusion of red and black makes the ghost realm look extraordinarily weird and terrifying.

In that long red light.

A woman wearing a red dress with her head drooping on her chest and her black hair dragging to her feet suddenly appeared.

She raised her dry, pale hands and brushed her hair, revealing an upside-down pale face.

Black eyes stared at Lin Xuan with all kinds of resentment:

"Beixuan Heavenly Emperor, I want you to die!"

"No! I want you all to die!"

As a landlord of the Red Building, Qin Fu originally wanted to follow the instructions of the top management and not have a head-on conflict with Lin Xuan.

But when Lin Xuan first appeared here, he used his spiritual sense to touch the red building, disturbing Qin Fu in the red building, forcing her to confront Lin Xuan head-on.

Qin Fu's original plan was to let the ghost king of the baby face take action first, and he used the magic circle to help him condense Ghost Qi and create a ghost realm in the red building.

She originally thought that the baby-faced ghost king was Talent heaven-defying, and that she had the Nine Cycles ghostly fire supernatural powers, and she could rely on the ghost realm to compete with Lin Xuan.

Unexpectedly, Lin Xuan could use two swords in a row, killing the baby-faced ghost king at an extremely fast speed.

Such a scenario was something Qin Fu had never imagined before.

It was also at the moment when the ghost king with baby face died that Qin Fu suddenly woke up. He shouldn't despise Lin Xuan so much!

In addition, she accidentally discovered the Jiugong tomb on Ewha Island when she originally dispatched her subordinate Ghost to make trouble in the world.

Knowing that the deceased in the tomb was a woman, she lurked here with the Red Mansion and Ghosts, waiting for seven, seven and forty-nine days.

The purpose is to extract the ghosts that have been warmed up in the tomb of the Nine Palaces, and the dual cultivation of the Baby-faced Ghost King, so as to improve the Cultivation Base of the Baby-faced Ghost King.

However, now instead of catching Feng Xiaoxiao, he ruined the baby face ghost king, making all the previous plans and efforts go to waste, which made Qin Fu hate Lin Xuan to the extreme.

Although she is a ghost repair, not a Ghost.

But the madness at the moment is more than that of those super evil ghosts.

Everyone's expressions changed under her aggressive aura, and they secretly shouted that this ghost cultivator's aura was really terrifying.

Only Lin Xuan looked indifferent and said coldly, "Stop dreaming!"

Qin Fu roared, his eyeballs about to shatter: "Death!"

She raised her head and screamed, and the Ghost Qi around her body gushed out like a tidal wave, and the peaks continued to surge.

With the spouting of Spiritual Qi, a long black hair stood up and turned into a hundred thousand black strands floating in the air, and it was growing rapidly!


After just two breaths, one hundred thousand black hairs spun into a high black wall, surrounding Lin Xuan and everyone in the middle.

Fengyun Zhenren and the others saw that this black wall was getting denser and bigger, and it had the potential to be airtight.

Even more terrifying.

One after another blood-colored light suddenly appeared around everyone, involving everyone's soul invisibly.

It gives people a sense of fear of wanting to be torn apart and crushed by the soul.

Fengyun Zhenren has been studying the ghost realm for more than 8,000 years, and he has read countless related books and records. He quickly guessed what area Qin Fu formed with his hair.

"Soul Melting Purgatory!"

"This is Soul Melting Purgatory!"

Daoist Jingkong and the others were all shocked: "Really, what is Soul Melting Purgatory?"

Fengyun Zhenren was the oldest and the most knowledgeable among them, and could be called senior.

Therefore, they know that what can make Fengyun Zhenren so frightened must be extremely powerful!

Fengyun's white eyebrows trembled slightly, and his eyes trembled as he said:

"The so-called Soul Melting Purgatory is a terrifying area that contains the ultimate evil power. Once trapped in it, the seven souls and six souls will be restrained by these ultimate evil powers."

"People who use this area can crush the souls of all enemies at will, ignoring their Cultivation Base defenses!"


Hearing this, Dao Master Jingkong and the others were all icy cold.

"Ignoring the defense of the Cultivation Base and directly suppressing the soul, doesn't this mean that if you are caught in it, you can only wait to die?"

Seeing everyone showing panic, Lin Xuan raised his hand indifferently:

"Don't panic, it's just a slightly more powerful formation, it's not worth it!"

Fengyun Zhenren and the others all trembled when they heard the words.

A slightly more powerful formation?

Not enough?

As expected of the emperor, as soon as he opens his mouth, he is calm and domineering, ignoring everything!

After thinking about it, everyone couldn't help but look happy.

Emperor Fu's remarks showed that he already had a way to dissolve the soul-melting purgatory!

Qin Fu said angrily: "Beixuan Heavenly Emperor, if you dare to underestimate the supreme power of this seat, you will regret it!"

The ultimate power is one of the ten profound powers of The Netherworld.

It has extraordinary penetrating power and lethality, and is extremely deadly to the soul.

Although Lin Xuan easily resolved the Nine Cycles ghost fire of the Infant Face Ghost King, Qin Fu felt that he was blindly confident that he dared to underestimate the power of the devil, and he would definitely pay a huge price!

"Death to me!"

Qin Fu madly stimulated the essence of life, and passed it into the soul-melting purgatory through 100,000 hairs.

In an instant, Fengyun Zhenren and the others felt that the power of the ultimate evil force had increased by a thousand times, and they already had the power of death, which made them feel great despair from the bottom of their hearts.

Lin Xuan still looked contemptuous: "There is no word regret in my dictionary!"

He raised his fair and beautiful right hand, squeezed out a mysterious golden seal, and threw it out.


The golden seal is displayed in the wind, and it stretches thousands of times like a rainbow after rain.

It passed through the soul-melting purgatory very quickly, like a long arc-shaped knife cutting off Qin Fu's hair.


Qin Fu slammed backwards under the reaction force and almost fell on the sea surface.

When she looked at Lin Xuan again, her eyes were full of horror.

"He actually cracked my soul-melting purgatory so easily, what kind of evildoer is this son!"

Fengyun Zhenren and the others felt that the ultimate evil power that enveloped their bodies suddenly disappeared, and their souls were at peace in an instant.

"As expected of the emperor, he really has the ability to raise his hand to subvert the universe!"

There has never been such a strong adoration and awe in the eyes of everyone looking at Lin Xuan.

Realizing that he had nowhere to go, Qin Fu mobilized his whole body's true essence again, and burst out with an extremely strong Killing intent:

"I fought with you!"

Lin Xuan raised his hand indifferently and patted: "Get down!"


Qin Fu felt that the void beneath him had turned into an indestructible copper wall in an instant, and he slammed into it heavily face down.

"Hey! Condense the void into a wall!"

Qin Fu was completely desperate for a moment.

She is the Cultivation Base of the Great Saint middle stage Realm. She possesses the supernatural power of activating the power of evil spirits.

Otherwise, he would not become a landlord of the red building, and he would have a power belonging to his own side.

But facing Lin Xuan at this time, she tasted an infinite sense of cowardice and incompetence.

All the talent and strength she possessed before, in front of Lin Xuan, was like a stone egg, vulnerable to a single blow!

She finally understood why the top management ordered not to provoke Lin Xuan easily, all because this child is too powerful!

Looking up slightly, Qin Fu saw a pair of big feet standing beside his face.

Lin Xuan looked down at her and said, "Take me to the headquarters of your Red Building."

(End of this chapter)

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