Dad: The Beginning Of The Game, The Empress Brought Her Daughter To My House And Forced Me To Marry

Chapter 731 Maybe It Was His 10derness That Moved The Cold And Powerful Empress!

Chapter 731 Maybe it was his tenderness that moved the cold and powerful empress!

Two huge flaws?

This sentence surprised Dong Yiping, Xie Wenting, and even the masters such as Yuan Taibai who were present.

Everyone couldn't help but look at Dong Yiping.

They thought that Dong Yiping was the first craftsman in Canglong Continent for nearly 500,000 years and was ranked in the Holy Order.

And proficient in formation attainments, quite the prestige of the Great Master.

The four-symptom twin-star formation that he has so meticulously carved and constructed has been so perfect and flawless in appearance.

However, Lin Xuan took a casual look at it and said that this formation had two huge flaws.

If there is such a big flaw, can Dong Yiping not see it?

When everyone thought of this, they couldn't help but secretly make a judgment:

"It seems that the emperor and the gentleman are very likely to surpass Dong Yiping in terms of craftsmanship and formation skills!"

Even Dong Yiping thought to himself that Lin Xuan must have beyond his own opinion and ability to make such a shocking judgment.

Thinking of this, Dong Yiping hurriedly saluted:

"Excuse me, Difu, where are the two problems in this formation?"

With the holy book of extreme Taoism and the ten-square diagram, Lin Xuan knew it at his fingertips.

His face was indifferent, showing that he was in control of everything, and he said:

"The first is in the aspect of carving. Azure Dragon and Vermillion Bird are the main swordsmen, but there is a difference in priority between the two mythical beasts. It should be seven points deep for Azure Dragon, three points for Vermillion Bird shallow, and the priority and secondary are clear, so they can fit well. Heavenly Dao."

"The same goes for Qilin and White Tiger, and there is no difference between the shades of your four mythical beasts. Although they seem perfect, they are contrary to Heavenly Dao!"

When Dong Yiping heard the words, his eyes lit up, full of joy and excitement:

"There is such a mystery in this formation, I have never heard of it before I go down! The emperor is so talented!"

Xie Wenting was even more overjoyed.

Just from Lin Xuan's few words, he told himself with certainty that the Four Elephants Twin Star Formation Array definitely has the hope of being successfully activated and used!

Dong Yiping hurriedly asked:

"Difu, where is the second problem?"

Lin Xuan stretched out his hand and pointed to the sky, his eyes as vast and deep as a starry sky:

"Azure Dragon, Vermillion Bird, Qilin, White Tiger, these four mythical beasts each have their own destiny, which coincides with the number of heaven and earth."

"As the saying goes, 'Tao follows numbers, and God uses numbers to show Tao'. The math is wrong. No matter how hard you try, you can't make this formation work as it should!"

Dong Yiping opened his mouth wide and looked surprised when he heard the words.

It took a long time for him to regain his senses, with a wry smile on his face:

"What the emperor said is unfathomable, and I really don't understand it!"

Not only him, Xie Wenting, Yuan Taibai and others also shook their heads.

Lin Xuan's words were completely equivalent to a book from heaven to them, and they were dumbfounded.

"Mr.'s talent for learning and knowledge is truly shocking!"

Facing everyone's ignorant eyes, Lin Xuan smiled lightly:

"Actually, it's easy to say, that is, the depth of the carving and the orientation of the beast are wrong, which makes the formation unusable!"

Oh~ Got it!

After hearing Lin Xuan's explanation, everyone finally showed a stunned expression.

Xie Wenting saluted:

"Since you have already seen the problem, sir, please ask Mr. Xun Zun to help me improve this formation!"

He thought to himself that the two problems in this formation are not simple, and the safest way is of course to ask Lin Xuan to take action.

A generation of craftsman saints and formation quasi-Great Master Dong Yiping also quickly echoed:

"Please let Difu take action and let me observe and learn!"

Facing their eager eyes, Lin Xuan nodded indifferently:

"it is good."

As he spoke, he waved his hands and released an incomparably thick Spiritual Qi.

Then Spiritual Qi flashed light and turned into four giant air swords leaning in mid-air, suspended in front of the four stone pillars.

Dong Yiping's eyes trembled when he saw this:

"Royal Qi into a sword!"

"Difu is going to use a Qi sword to carve, what a powerful spiritual sense is needed to do this!"

As a generation of craftsmen, when he was carving The Four Divine Beasts, he only carved the above-mentioned spiritual tools one by one.

However, Lin Xuan conjured up four air swords at one time and carved them at the same time, which required extremely powerful spiritual sense to monitor all the lines.

In addition, you must have the thinking of Transcendent's sanctification, so that you can do four things with one heart, and there will be no mistakes!

Realizing Lin Xuan's intentions, Dong Yiping was really shocked to the core, and even more sincerely admired Lin Xuan's ability.

As for Xie Wenting and the others, they were too shocked by Lin Xuan's actions, but felt that the scene in front of them was too illusory.

brush brush~

Everyone was still in shock, but Lin Xuan waved his hand like electricity, monitoring all the lines with his powerful Rakshasa spiritual sense.

Control the four qi swords to flash like light, and sway and carve on the four stone pillars.

And the control of the strength is so subtle that in just five breaths, all the lines of the four mythical beasts are retraced.

Dong Yiping looked carefully, and saw that the textures of the four mythical beasts were different in depth and depth, and the whole was more exquisite, which had the effect of supernatural craftsmanship.

"It's amazing! Difu's handwriting is the real Transcendent!"

"Compared to him, my so-called generation of craftsmen is really inferior!"


Don't wait for everyone to react.

Lin Xuan manipulated the four stone pillars with Qi, and deduced tens of billions of ancient mysterious characters wrapped around them.

Then turn them all at the same time.

According to the number of heaven and earth implied by The Four Divine Beasts, align the direction of The Four Divine Beasts with the corresponding star position.


At this time, the vision of the four-symptom twin star formation array suddenly appeared.

A huge cyan giant sword stood out in the air, and a huge Wen Yun golden dragon roared up, wrapping around the giant sword and spinning back and forth.

Visible to the naked eye.

In the entire formation, two divine lights, one blue and one gold, flashed alternately, reverberating and circulating, endlessly.

Everyone felt a splendid air and a majestic Sword Qi rushing towards them, which made them tremble and were under a lot of pressure.

After returning to their senses, everyone looked at Lin Xuan with a look of admiration.

"The emperor waved his hand to form a great formation, such ability is really shocking Deva!"

"Ingenuity and ingenuity, superior skills! Deduction days, raise your hands to form a formation! Mr. is really eye-opening!"

"Our Black and White Academy is able to get the help of the husband again and again. It's really a chance made in heaven. It's hard not to take off!"


Facing the fiery eyes of everyone, Lin Xuan looked indifferent, and walked out of the formation and returned to Xuanzhu and the others.

The four little treasures gave him white thumbs up in unison: "Daddy, amazing!"

"Ha ha!"

Seeing that his own baby daughters are so chasing after him, Lin Xuan couldn't help but raised his head and laughed twice, full of pride in his heart.

Seeing this, Xie Wenting, Dong Yi and others all sighed silently in their hearts.

"The emperor and the gentleman remained unmoved in the face of everyone's praise, but the simple words of the four princesses made him look very happy, which is enough to show how much he cares about his own precious daughter!"

"Perhaps it was his tenderness that moved the strong and cold empress!"

Seeing that the problem had been resolved, Xie Wenting hurriedly stepped forward to salute, and led Lin Xuan and Xuanzhu to the living room.


Silent day.

No Heavenly Palace.

Chu Yulin, dressed in an official robe, walked towards the Great Hall like a gust of wind.

He is fat, with a round face, and the flesh on his body and face trembles when he walks.

At this time, due to the emotional excitement, both cheeks were flushed, as if they had been roasted by fire, and even hot sweat dripped from their foreheads.

Walking into the center of the Great Hall, he hurriedly knelt down and saluted, looking at the throne in front of him and said loudly:

"Your Majesty, there is news!"

The void above the throne suddenly shattered, and the innocent figure of the Great Emperor Palace appeared in the chaos.

Seeing Chu Yulin's face flushed and excited, Gong Wuxie thought that there must be some shocking news from Bei Xuantian.

In other words, it must be the death of Empress Xuanbing and other important figures to make the first minister under his command so excited.

Thinking of this, Gong Wuxie's blood was also surging, but his throat felt slightly dry:

"Is Empress Xuanbing dead?"

Chu Yulin frowned, sighed heavily, and shook his head:

"No one was killed or injured in Xuanbing Palace!"

Gong Wuxie: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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