Chapter 713 Let me teach you how to use it!

Under the dark night.

The black clouds are like mountains, rolling and winding, as far as the eye can see, Shrouding the Heavens and floating.

The huge exotic flying boat is towering, like a giant beast crawling on the black cloud.

And at the highest point of the flying boat, dressed in white, the style is boundless, and the trust is standing.

So unrestrained and freehand, but like the master of shocking giant beasts.

Let the foreign monsters on the entire flying boat be shocked and fearful of him!

"Beixuan Heavenly Emperor!"

Wu Xiang immediately guessed Lin Xuan's identity.

Before going to Nine Heavens Immortal Domain, he had already sent someone to understand the general situation of Nine Heavens Immortal Domain.

Bei Xuantian's Empress Xuanbing and her man Lin Xuan were a pair of young evildoers that Wu Xiang could not ignore.

Therefore, as soon as Lin Xuan appeared with boundless demeanor, Wu Xiang judged who he was.

Lin Xuan looked down at Wu Xiang indifferently:

"The abacus is very good, but it's a pity that the bamboo basket will be empty soon!"

After sending Mu Youqing and Xuanzhu back to the Crystal Palace, he returned to Nine Cauldrons without stopping.

After finding out which important forces had surrendered to Donghuang Ziyou, Lin Xuan rushed to them and secretly eliminated the assassins sent by King Yan and King Huai.

Then he heard news that King Yan and King Huai had assembled a large army at the Zhentian school grounds and were about to capture Nine Cauldrons in all directions.

Guessing that Donghuang Ziyou is very likely to go to the Zhentian school, he rushed over.

On the way here, Lin Xuan was thinking about a question at the same time.

That is where King Yan and King Huai assembled their army. This kind of news shouldn't spread so fast, maybe someone deliberately spread the news behind their backs.

And with such news, the other party's purpose is probably to attract Donghuang Ziyou.

So, why did the other party deliberately lead Donghuang Ziyou to the Zhentian school ground?

Lin Xuan judged that the mastermind behind the spread of the news was most likely to gather Donghuang Ziyou and the two kings at the Zhentian school grounds, and let them fight each other first, and then kill them all in one go.

In order to confirm this conjecture, Lin Xuan deliberately let go of Rakshasa's spiritual sense and searched in a large area outside the Tiantian School Field.


He discovered the flying boat of the shadow demon fox clan hidden above the floating clouds!

Wu Xiang had heard the meaning of Lin Xuan's words, and could not help frowning deeply.

"What a man of Empress Xuanbing, he could hear my conversation with Zhan Tuoxu, but I didn't notice it!"

It was just Lin Xuan's words, and Wu Xiang looked at him a little higher.

Of course, in Wu Xiang's opinion, he was too negligent just now, which caused him to fail to find Lin Xuan in the first place.

Taking 10,000 steps back, even if Lin Xuan was better at hiding than him, that would be fine.

Wu Xiang also understands the principle that a ruler is short and an inch is long.

Besides, it has the Cultivation Base of the Ancient God Realm, the Cultivation Technique of the quasi-immortal rank of the tyrannical shadow demon fox clan, and the soul-shattering mirror of the fairy weapon.

In his eyes, Lin Xuan has long been a mortal person.

"Since you know everything, there's nothing to say, just die!"

Wu Xiang waved his hand, and immediately there were hundreds of shadow demon fox powerhouses from the Great Saint realm rushing towards Lin Xuan.


A flash of light flashed in the sky.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Xuan was shrouded in flickering light.

Just like the shadow demon fox clan that dealt with Donghuang Ziyou, these demon clan were also using the same supernatural power to suppress Lin Xuan.

"Show speed?"

Lin Xuan could see the tactics of these monsters at a glance, and there was a slight glimmer of contempt in his eyes.

These monsters are indeed as fast as lightning, and they are fleeting.

But Lin Xuan has the divine power bracelet and the supernatural ability to shrink the ground into an inch. If he really wants to move with all his strength, it is faster than lightning!

I want to compare the speed with him, but the result is only one: self-disgrace!


Lin Xuan showed his slender and beautiful right hand, and the ancient sword of the ancient land fell into his hand with the light of the Lielie Immortal Sword wrapped in it.

Then he moved and completely disappeared into the endless night sky.

When he appeared again, the ancient sword of Honghuang was a sword facing a very thin light and shadow.


The light and shadow suddenly stagnated and became a powerhouse of the shadow demon fox clan.

Lin Xuan's ancient ancient sword penetrated his throat just right, and lifted him in the air.

This scene made Wu Xiang and Zhan Tuoxu's faces change instantly:

"So fast?!"

They didn't catch Lin Xuan's whereabouts at all just now, but Lin Xuan blocked the front of a strong man of his own family and pierced his throat with a sword.

This shows that Lin Xuan's speed has far exceeded the speed of the shadow demon fox clan. How is this possible?

Wu Xiang and Zhan Tuoxu and other monsters still hold a bit of luck in their hearts, hoping this is just a coincidence!

However, when Lin Xuan shot again, all their luck was shattered.

brush brush~

Wu Xiang and the others were shocked to find that there was no Lin Xuan in the air, nor how he made his move!

The only thing that can be seen.

It is the light and shadow transformed by the shadow demon fox clan powerhouses abruptly stopped, and then restored to the main body, and crashed down with flying blood.

"The demon god is above, this speed is too fast!"

"I thought my clan's supernatural powers were already the speed of mortals, but I would have thought that he would surpass our clan's supernatural powers by a large margin!"

"This son won't come from the realm of the gods, will he?"


In the face of Lin Xuan's heaven-defying speed, Wu Xiang and other monsters all opened their mouths with disbelief.

Especially the shadow demon fox clan such as Wu Xiang, who are proud of their supernatural powers, compared with Lin Xuan, they are obviously clumsy and slow, and their self-esteem has been severely hit by hundreds of millions of points.

Before they were shocked, a white light flashed in the sky.

Lin Xuanxin stood under the floating clouds, and he had already cut down hundreds of the powerful shadow demon fox clan!


Wu Xiang let out a loud roar and took out a mysterious round mirror.

This mirror is carved from extraterrestrial bronze, the surface is extremely smooth, and the back is engraved with intricate and complicated inscriptions of countless extraterrestrial planets.

The whole body is immersed in a faint dark red mysterious light, which looks extremely simple and extraordinary.

After taking out the Soul Shattering Mirror, Wu Xiang pointed the mirror at Lin Xuan without hesitation.

"Death to me!"

Since the Soul Shattering Mirror would have a two-hour cooldown every time it was used, Wu Xiang's original plan was to deal with Donghuang Ziyou.

But seeing Lin Xuan possess such a heaven-defying speed, Wu Xiang felt a deep sense of crisis in his heart.

He made a decisive decision and decided to take out the Soul Shattering Mirror and kill Lin Xuan in the safest way!


The Soul Shattering Mirror shone with a bright white light, instantly reflecting Lin Xuan's figure into the mirror.

Zhan Tuoxu laughed and said:

"Beixuan Heavenly Emperor, how about your unparalleled speed?"

"The immortal soul-shattering mirror in the leader's hand can crush your seven souls and six souls just by looking at you. Are you still a dead end?"

The five million army on the deck of the flying boat also showed a hint of color when they heard the words.

Bei Xuan Heavenly Emperor was so fast that it would take a lot of trouble to kill him.

But using the Soul Shattering Mirror is different, it can be crushed without any effort!

Facing the proud eyes of Zhan Tuoxu and other monsters.

Lin Xuan held the ancient sword of Honghuang to his chest, intervened and said with a smile:

"Since this mirror is so powerful, why am I still alive now?"

"Could it be that this mirror is fake?"

With invincible magical powers such as "Invincible Forbidden Domain", the immortal power of the Soul Shattering Mirror can't work on Lin Xuan at all.

Therefore, this so-called fairy weapon is not worth mentioning at all in Lin Xuan's eyes.

When he said this, the expressions of Zhan Tuoxu and other monsters suddenly changed.

Including Wu Xiang, they all looked at Lin Xuan with bewildered expressions.


The Soul Shattering Mirror has long since caught Bei Xuan Heavenly Emperor, why is he safe and sound so far?

Wu Xiang secretly transported a Spiritual Qi into the Soul Shattering Mirror, and immediately felt a vast and majestic immortal force impacting him.

"This mirror is undoubtedly a fairy weapon, but why can't it hurt Beixuan Heavenly Emperor?"

Just when he was stunned, an extremely tyrannical Sword Qi suddenly rushed in front of him.


Wu Xiang's pupils shrank in shock, and he hurriedly reached out to block it subconsciously.

I just felt my right hand tighten suddenly, and when I regained my senses, the Soul Shattering Mirror was snatched away!

Lin Xuan attacked Wu Xiang with his sword, grabbed the Soul Shattering Mirror and pointed the mirror at Wu Xiang:

"Let me teach you how to use it!"

Lin Xuan and Wu Xiang had the same idea, since they possessed such an immortal artifact as the Soul Shattering Mirror.

Then using the Soul Shattering Mirror to solve the opponent is easy and convenient, and is naturally the best choice.

And according to the records of the holy book of extreme Taoism.

The Soul Shattering Mirror had no effect on Lin Xuan just now, and the immortal power it contained was still there.

So without waiting for cooling, Lin Xuan can use it directly.


A white light shot out from the Soul Shattering Mirror, instantly revealing Wu Xiang's image.

Wu Xiang only felt an indescribable terrifying immortal force intruding into his body, tearing his soul frantically, unable to resist.

"Ah~ Bei Xuan Heavenly Emperor~ No!"

A green light burst out of Wu Xiang's body, which looked exactly like him, and was his complete soul.

Bang! ! ! !

As soon as the soul left the body, it was crushed into powder by the white light of the Soul Shattering Mirror.

Wu Xiang's body suddenly dipped and fell to the ground!

(End of this chapter)

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