Dad: The Beginning Of The Game, The Empress Brought Her Daughter To My House And Forced Me To Marry

Chapter 596 Dad, Is It Really So Difficult To Drain The Imperial Mausoleum?

Chapter 596 Dad, is it really so difficult to drain the imperial mausoleum?

Dongyuantian, Tianyuan Palace.

The King of Heaven, Tang Dingtai, is standing in the square outside the Great Hall with a group of top ministers waiting eagerly.

Soon, thousands of miles of high-altitude clouds broke open, and nine huge and majestic golden dragons flew out.


The eyes of all the princes and ministers trembled, and their faces were filled with adoration and awe.

Soon nine giant dragons pulled the Xuanbing jade chariot and flew out of the sky, descended rapidly with a mighty aura, and stopped on the magnificent square in front of the Tianyuan Palace.

Lin Xuan and Donghuang Ziyou, one wearing elegant white robes and the other wearing gorgeous and rich phoenix robes, walked out with four little babies at the same time.

A family of six is ​​glorious, illuminating the whole world of Dongyuantian.

All the ministers knelt down.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

"Meet the Emperor!"

Donghuang Ziyou Void raised her jade hand: "Be flat!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After the ministers got up, Wang Shuo, Minister of Works, hurried forward and said:

"Reporting to Your Majesty, there has been a sudden torrential rain in the past two days, the emperor's mausoleum has accumulated water, and it has directly affected the Tianyuan Palace."

"Wei Chen has ordered people to go to the imperial tomb to drain the water, but regarding the repairs and improvements, please make your own decisions!"

Donghuang Ziyou nodded slightly: "Well, I will take a look at the environment of the emperor's mausoleum now, and I will decide the specific details when I come back!"

Wang Shuo saluted: "Yes, Wei Chen will lead the way for His Majesty!"

After finishing speaking, Donghuang Ziyou went to the imperial mausoleum in person under the leadership of Wang Shuo.

Lin Xuan took the little ones and entered the Great Hall surrounded by a group of princes and ministers, and sat on the golden dragon throne.

Soon, Donghuang Ziyou returned with Wang Shuo.

After Donghuang Ziyou sat next to Lin Xuan, Wang Shuo took an architectural plan of the imperial mausoleum from his subordinates and presented it to Donghuang Ziyou.

"This is the latest architectural map of the imperial mausoleum drawn by our Ministry of Industry, please take a look at it!"

Donghuang Ziyou put the blueprint on the dragon table, and Fengmu carefully scanned it.

Then pick up the writing brush and make changes to the above architectural plan according to the actual landform of the imperial mausoleum and the style of Bei Xuantian.

After changing a few times, Donghuang Ziyouliu frowned, raised his head and said:

"This imperial mausoleum is surrounded by mountains and the terrain is low-lying. Although Feng Shui is good, it is like the bottom of a jade bowl, and it is easy to accumulate water."

"In the past, when water accumulation occurred, was it all drained manually?"

Combined with the fact that he visited the imperial tomb in person just now, Donghuang Ziyou felt that the Kong clan still had considerable problems with the construction and design of the imperial tomb.

Although they chose the excellent location of Feng Shui, the place is too low-lying. If the water is not drained in time in the event of a heavy rain, it will cause the situation of flooding the golden mountains.

The Tianyuan Palace is to the south of the imperial mausoleum, which is a little lower than the terrain of the imperial mausoleum.

If there is too much water in the imperial mausoleum, it will inevitably seep out and flow to Tianyuan Palace.

Originally, if you use the Martial Dao method to bless the imperial mausoleum with a huge isolation formation, you can easily block the rain from the sky.

But doing so would destroy the original Feng Shui of the imperial mausoleum.

Therefore, Donghuang Ziyou felt that in order to complete the renovation plan perfectly, the most important point was to solve the problem of water accumulation in the imperial mausoleum.

Wang Shuo replied: "Your Majesty, when water accumulated in the past, we always relied on artificial drainage."

"The reason why there are no major problems is because the former Dongyuan Great Emperor arranged for many people to take care of the imperial mausoleum."

Donghuang Ziyou said indifferently: "It is not advisable to work the people and waste money!"

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

Wang Shuo nodded in agreement.

Tang Dingtai and other princes and ministers also nodded secretly.

When Kong Qingcang was in power, he pursued the utmost luxury in everything.

For example, in a royal cemetery, he arranged for thousands of people to guard it there.

Although the imperial mausoleum was managed in an orderly manner, it was a huge expense, and it had long ago caused a lot of criticism in the court.

It's just that Kong Qingcang has a stubborn character and is extremely arbitrary.

Even if the ministers have objections in their hearts, they dare not speak out in front of him.

Since Donghuang Ziyou took over the Tianyuan Palace, he has established a rule that everything should be streamlined.

This made her status in the hearts of a bunch of princes and ministers soar, and they all praised her as a generation of Ming Jun!

Donghuang Ziyou said: "The renovation of the imperial mausoleum is a huge matter. The most important issue is how to solve the shortage of the topography of the imperial mausoleum at the least cost, so as to prevent the mausoleum from blisters all year round, and even endanger the Tianyuan Palace."

"What's your plan for this?"

Hearing this, Tang Dingtai, Wang Shuo and other princes and ministers immediately looked at each other.

Her Majesty the Empress threw this problem, if anyone could solve it, it would definitely be a heaven-sent opportunity to show a wave of goodwill in front of her.

It will definitely be of great help to your future career and status in Tianyuan Palace!

So everyone used their brains one after another and made a lot of suggestions.

However, Donghuang Ziyou rejected these suggestions one by one.

Looking around at His Highness's ministers, Donghuang Ziyou secretly sighed:

"I didn't think it would be so difficult to transform the imperial mausoleum, and these princes and ministers were so exhausted that they couldn't come up with a proper solution!"

At this time, Wang Shuo suddenly stepped forward and said:

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Wei Chen suddenly thought that Cao Wuwu, our master craftsman from Dongyuantian, had met with Wei Chen a few days ago. If he was invited, he would be able to solve this problem easily!"

Hearing the three words Cao Wuwu, Tang Dingtai and other top dignitaries all showed admiration.

"Yes, Master Cao is especially good at architectural layout. He is the first person in our Dongyuantian construction for nearly 500,000 years."

"And according to rumors, even if you look at the entire Nine Heavens Immortal Domain, Master Cao's architectural attainments are almost unmatched!"

Donghuang Ziyou nodded slightly.

She has also heard of Cao Wuwu's name.

There have been rumors before that Cao Wuwu has been in hiding Closed Door Training.

Now that he has appeared, of course he should be invited over.

Donghuang Ziyou then said: "Then quickly invite Cao Wuyong to come and see me."

Wang Shuo: "Yes!"

Soon, he personally led a white-haired gray-robed old man into the Great Hall.

Cao Wuyong knew the identities of Lin Xuan and Donghuang Ziyou through Wang Shuo long ago, so he quickly bowed and saluted:

"Cao Wuwu pays his respects to Her Majesty the Empress! Paying respect to the Emperor!"

"Free gift!"

Donghuang Ziyou Void raised his hand, and then said straight to the point:

"Presumably Wang Shangshu has already talked to Master Cao about the renovation of the imperial mausoleum. I would like you to take a look at it now. How can it be renovated to solve the problem of water accumulation?"

After she finished speaking, she waved her jade hand gently, and a Spiritual Qi popped up to send the architectural drawings to Cao Wuwu.

After studying carefully for a while, Cao Wuwu said:

"Your Majesty, the terrain around the imperial mausoleum is complex and steep. If you want to remove the accumulated water once and for all, the best way is to build a canal to divert the water from the imperial mausoleum to the ocean in the distance."

Donghuang Ziyou frowned slightly after hearing this:

"As far as I know, the nearest sea area outside the imperial mausoleum is 50 million miles away."

"If you want to build a canal, it will not only cost a lot, but it will also destroy Feng Shui in the imperial mausoleum!"

"This..." Cao Wuwu couldn't help but look embarrassed when he heard the words.

Such a large imperial mausoleum, once the water accumulates, it is as deep as the ocean.

Wanting to drain the water without damaging Feng Shui is simply a different idea!

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I have been studying architecture for 50,000 years. It can be said with certainty that this is the best way at present. Please consider it!"

When he said this, all the princes and ministers present nodded secretly.

Cao Wuwu can be said to be the first architect of Nine Heavens Immortal Domain. Since he said so, it means that this method is indeed the best.

Donghuang Ziyouliu frowned deeply and closed his lips without saying a word.

She didn't know much about architecture, so she was a little embarrassed for a while, not knowing how to decide.

Xuanzhu and the others saw that Donghuang Ziyou was silent, so they quickly poked Lin Xuan:

"Dad, is it really so difficult to drain the imperial mausoleum?"

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "It's not too difficult if you use the right method."

Just now Wang Shuo swore that Cao Wuwu could solve this problem, so Lin Xuan thought that Cao Wuwu really had a solution.

But now it seems that he still overestimated Cao Wuxian.

Since Xuanzhu and the others asked themselves, he had to tell the truth.

Um? ? ?

Hearing Lin Xuan's words, not only Cao Wuwu and all the princes and ministers, but even Donghuang Ziyou couldn't help but look at him.

A strange brilliance flashed in the eyes of Donghuang Ziyoufeng: "Do you have a solution?"

Lin Xuan nodded indifferently: "Yes."

(End of this chapter)

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