Dad: The Beginning Of The Game, The Empress Brought Her Daughter To My House And Forced Me To Marry

Chapter 545 It's Really Worth The Hard Work To Give Birth To These 4 Little Babies!

Chapter 545 It's really worth the hard work to give birth to these four little babies!

After dinner, it was already night.

The bright moon hangs high.

The silver-white moonlight penetrates the thin spiritual mist on the top of the mountain, reflecting thousands of bright light paths, which looks beautiful.

Since Xuanzhu and the others were not in a hurry to leave, Lin Xuan and Donghuang Ziyou accompanied them to play on the grass on the top of the mountain.

After a while, a pure white thing with a thick thumb caught the attention of the little girls.

The four little treasures immediately got together and looked at this thing carefully.

It was found that its appearance was like a silkworm cocoon, with a large opening at one end, and several large and small silver-white bugs crawled in along the grass.

"Father, mother, come and see, this is so interesting!"

The little girls were busy waving to Lin Xuan and Donghuang Ziyou.

After the two approached, Xuanzhu asked, "Dad, is this white thing a silkworm cocoon?"

Lin Xuan shook his head: "No, this is a nest formed by silver worms."

Donghuang Ziyou added: "Silver worms like to live in groups, so the big worms and the little worms huddle together overnight."

Hearing the two of them say this, Xuanzhu and the others only felt their eyes widened.

"It turns out that there are such interesting bugs, so cute!"

"Yeah, this nest looks clean and warm!"

Xuanhan blinked his big dark eyes and said with a look of fascination:

"If only we could be like them, make a small nest and spend the night outside anytime!"

Xuanzhu, Xuanxi and Xuanyou all nodded.

The little girls are at an age when they are very eager to explore the world, and the novel experience of spending the night outside makes them full of interest.

Donghuang Ziyou smiled and said: "When marching, the soldiers often set up tents outside for the night. If you want to try it, my mother can take you to experience it in the future."

Xuanzhu and the others sighed softly after listening.

"Will you wait until later?"

"If only I could try it tonight!"

Once a child recognizes something, he can't wait to do it right away.

Although Xuanzhu and the others are very smart and sensible, they know that they have nothing to prepare for tonight.

But thinking of waiting a little longer, the little girls felt a little itchy.

Lin Xuan looked at the expressions of his daughters and smiled dotingly:

"Daddy can find a way to make a tent, so that you can experience the feeling of camping in the wild tonight."

"Wow, that's great!"

When the little girls heard this, their eyes lit up, and they suddenly became energized.

"Hurry up, Daddy!"

The four little treasures hugged Lin Xuan's legs at the same time and shook them, wishing they could lift him up to make a tent.

Lin Xuan asked them to let go of their hands with a face that didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and then looked at Donghuang Ziyou:

"Is your piece of Yunrou silk still there?"

The last time he took the children out with Donghuang Ziyou, he remembered that Donghuang Ziyou had a large piece of soft silk.

In the perfect dad tutorial, there are also parent-child activities such as camping with children.

So there are a few easy tutorials for making tents.

Lin Xuan decided to make a tent on the spot to meet the wishes of his daughters.

Donghuang Ziyou nodded: "Yes."

The jade hand danced lightly, and she took out the Yunrou silk from the ring and handed it to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan immediately took Yunrou silk to the side, folded a few slender branches from the tree, and used them as tent shelves.

Seeing that Lin Xuan was concentrating on making a tent, Donghuang Ziyou's blushing lips pursed slightly.

In a pair of extremely beautiful phoenix eyes, there is a dash of admiration.

"If there is a competitive event in the world that competes with father's love, then this man will definitely win the first place!"

Lin Xuan's doting and tenderness towards his daughters made Donghuang Ziyou unable to help but sigh, that she really deserved her hard work to give birth to these four little babies.

"All right!"

With the tutorial, setting up a tent is easy for Lin Xuan.

Seeing the vaulted tent he set up, Xuanzhu and the others' eyes were shining like gems.

"Wow, what a cute tent!"

"This is the best looking tent I've ever seen!"

"Daddy is really amazing!"

"Hmmmm, I'm just stunned!"


The little girls hurriedly gathered around and looked at it, and they really liked it more and more.

Donghuang Ziyou couldn't help shaking his head and smiled, thinking that Lin Xuan is a genius who can even make a tent like this.

"Father and mother, let's go in and sleep!"

The four little babies excitedly pulled Lin Xuan and Donghuang Ziyou, and asked them to sleep in the tent with them like silver worms.

Donghuang Ziyou's expression changed slightly at this time: "So small..."

Visually, it was no problem to sleep four little babies in this tent.

But to add two adults at the same time, it was too crowded!

She thought that the little girls just wanted to experience it by themselves, how could she know that they wanted her to sleep with Lin Xuan?

"Not small! Not small!"

"Silver worms can sleep, and so can we!"

The little girls were so excited that they insisted on pulling Donghuang Ziyou along.

Donghuang Ziyou was helpless and had to agree.

Since there was no experience in living in such a tent, Donghuang Ziyou asked Lin Xuan to arrange it.

In view of the size of the tent, Lin Xuan chose to let the four babies sleep in the middle, and he and Donghuang Ziyou lay sideways on both sides.

Donghuang Ziyou's soft, warm and mellow breath turned into a fragrant fragrance, mixed with her body fragrance like a hundred flowers, and quickly filled the entire tent.

Turn the small tent into a spring garden.

The little girls enjoyed this atmosphere very much. They were huddled between Lin Xuan and Donghuang Ziyou, laughing all the time, extremely happy.

And Lin Xuan and Donghuang Ziyou were not so comfortable.

Since the tent was small, both of them had their legs curled up and their knees were touching their knees, so they felt very crowded.

Although one of them is from the Ancient God Realm and the other is from the Great Saint Peak Realm powerhouse, it would still be uncomfortable to have their legs curled like this all the time.

Lin Xuan thought for a while, then looked at Donghuang Ziyou, who was facing him:

"You stretch your leg over, and I'll stretch my leg over to you."

With Donghuang Ziyou's mind, he could immediately understand what Lin Xuan meant.

Still, she hesitated.

The two stretched their legs under each other, like tree roots intertwined, this posture is too ambiguous||

The conservative and stubbornness in her bones made it difficult for her to agree immediately.

"Mother is uncomfortable with her legs curled up, so just straighten her legs according to Daddy's method!"

The little girls saw that the tent was small, and thought that both father and mother were very tall, and their legs should be straight to be comfortable.

"Okay." Donghuang Ziyou had no choice but to agree, leaning back a little, and stretched out her long legs like jade pillars towards Lin Xuan.

At the same time, Lin Xuan also straightened his leg towards Donghuang Ziyou, and asked her to put her leg on his own.

Donghuang Ziyou gritted his silver teeth secretly, and simply used his left leg to press Lin Xuan's right leg, and his right leg was lifted and pressed against Lin Xuan's waist.

It's so much more comfortable!

Lin Xuan casually glanced down at him, Donghuang Ziyou's perfectly round and ivory-like legs were close to Chi Chi, and her jade feet wearing platinum phoenix-patterned boots were hanging in the air, with a kind of beauty that could be rippling at any time.

And close contact, you can feel that her legs are really long. Looking up along the knees, the lines of the thighs are so slender, extending to an unfathomable depth.

It was like a shelf made of natural beautiful jade, supporting her unbearable waist.

"Baby, hurry up and sleep!"

Donghuang Ziyou wanted to be with this little baby and would always do some incredible things with them.

It's better to put the little girls to sleep first, lest they come up with new ideas and make her and Lin Xuan do some strange actions.

Although Lin Xuan is very good in some aspects, the two have not been baptized by marriage after all, so they cannot go too far.

Fortunately, after the excitement, the little girls quickly felt tired and entered their dreams sweetly.

Lin Xuan still maintained the habit of sleeping, and fell asleep soon after.

Donghuang Ziyou had nothing to do, stared at Lin Xuan's face for a while and finally showed a satisfied smile.

The appearance of this top Nine Heavens is really worthy of my Donghuang Ziyou man!

(End of this chapter)

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