Chapter 145 The treasure of Buddhism, Lin Xuan's chance!

"I think back then, Tianlong Luohan left this game of chess before Nirvana, just to inspire the younger generation, guide the younger generation to watch chess and understand the Tao, and study Dharma."


"The Buddha's light shines, which god and Buddha has descended on Leiyin Mountain?"

"Amitābha, good is good!"

"And you should know that the monarch of Xianqin is a bad old man."

"I just heard that Bei Xuan Heavenly Emperor was honored by Buddhism and Taoism as Nine Heavens Venerable. Could it be his brilliance?"

"Wow, Daddy is amazing!"

Xuanzhu and the others were very happy, and hugged Lin Xuan's thigh tightly.

Since Dad broke the chessboard, it means that the only way to break the game is in this way!

Yang Wenyu said: "The people of Xianqin have forced their way into our country today, and they want to take the emperor's sister and give their monarch to be the ninth emperor's concubine."

In the courtyard of the back mountain at this time.

Lin Xuan was very satisfied.


Lin Xuan looked around the crowd and said with a smile:

Seeing Lin Xuan, they all saluted, and then followed him to see him off.

All with devotion and awe on their faces, as if they were facing a real Buddha.

Yang Wenyu walked towards Huineng not far away, and said eagerly, "Brother Huang, something is bad!"

"Nine Heavens Immortal Domain's Buddhism is Venerable, it is a great luck!"

"Venerable wakes up the dreamer with one word, and makes me wait for the full realization. I am really grateful!"

"Yes, what Venerable said is very true!" Qing Deng continued to ask, "Then Venerable breaking the chessboard is the real way to crack it?"

Countless dust condensed into a pure golden sphere, suspended in the air.

"And our imperial sister is as young as a flower, how can you marry him?"

In the blink of an eye, golden light flickered for a hundred miles.

Daddy just said a word to make these eminent monks so powerful, obviously Daddy is the most powerful person!

Such a powerful scene made everyone at the foot of the mountain envious.

The Rakshasa spiritual thought rewarded by the system has unlimited room for improvement.

The Tianlong Arhat, who became a Buddha with the body of a dragon, is called "Tianlong".

Seeing that they are all sincere.

"Royal father, he has been in critical condition for a long time, and now he is in danger, how can he stop the immortal Qin country like a wolf like a tiger?"

Eight dragons, meaning The Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils.

Huineng was silent, and after a long time he spoke again: "What happened to her?"

When passing by the square, millions of Buddhists and Daoists were already waiting there.

"And the reason why he left a dead chess game is to use this game of chess to tell everyone in Buddhism a supreme truth."

Hui Neng folded his hands together: "Amitābha, the little monk has already escaped into the empty door, not asking about the world."


So why did he break the chessboard?

Obviously, this golden ball is the treasure left by Nirvana.

Lin Xuan was not polite, and took the Tianlong relic in his hand with a wave of his hand.

After blinking.

Seeing that this Buddhist event came to a successful conclusion.

Qingyuan and other eighteen future Buddhas nodded at the same time: "Tianlong relic is Venerable's chance, please accept Venerable!"

Nine Heavens Immortal Domain's Buddhist Taoism can only thrive by relying on Lin Xuan, a towering tree!

Looking closely, there are eight slender golden dragons around the golden ball, and the appearance is extraordinary.

"It turns out that Tianlong Luohan is also a master of cultivating Divine Sense, so it is very good, just use this relic to enhance my spiritual sense!"

Like Xuanzhu and the others, they felt that Lin Xuan was not fooling around.

"Well, it turns out that you can crack the chess game like this!"


The little girls don't think Daddy is messing around.

After bowing to Lin Xuan.

He was Yang Wenyu, the second prince of the Qi Kingdom of Beixuan Tianshi.

Suddenly, a vast and majestic ancient thought force surged wildly in his palm.

"Slap it directly with a slap, let the dust return to the dust, and the earth returns to the earth!"

Qing Deng smiled at Lin Xuan and said, "Venerable's words broke the deep meaning of the chess game and understood the true meaning of Tianlong Arhat. This relic should be taken away by Venerable!"

Yang Wenyu showed a hint of sadness:

"Amitābha, what do you mean, Venerable?"

The eighteen future Buddhas, including Qingyuan, were also inexplicably surprised.

"What's the point?"

"Wow~ Dad actually broke the chessboard, this method is really straightforward!"

Green Lantern, the eighteen future Buddhas all showed their thirst for knowledge.

But why did Daddy do this, and what reason he wanted to explain, they didn't know at all.

Xuanzhu and the others also covered their mouths in surprise.

The green lamp is even more Buddha-like, and there is a great tendency to become a Buddha on the spot.

"Nine Heavens Immortal Domain, and only Beixuan Heavenly Emperor can enjoy the honor of worshipping ten thousand Buddhas!"

A handsome young man in luxurious clothes and full of royal temperament rushed over in a hurry.

Seeing the incomparably bright golden light in his eyes, Qing Deng and other eminent monks were in awe.

Yang Wenyu shook his head and said, "Brother Huang, do you have the heart to see Huangmei being forcibly married as a wife, and then regretting her life for the rest of her life?"

Unexpectedly, it caused such a huge sensation among these eminent monks.

Seeing this, Qing Deng couldn't help but tremble: "Could this be the relic of Uncle Tianlong?"

"That's right." Lin Xuan looked calm and confident.

"Amitābha, it turns out that this is the peerless treasure left by my uncle!" Qingyuan also showed a look of shock, "These relics are called my Buddhist treasure!"

Everyone felt that it was a life in vain to be able to come to Leiyin Mountain today and see Beixuan Heavenly Emperor's demeanor.

He released the Rakshasa Spiritual Mind and devoured the entire Tianlong relic.

"Hey~ Only the existence of Difu can show such brilliance!"

The air was filled with a strange sandalwood incense, and there were faint chants of countless gods and Buddhas.

With the Xuanjue Heavenly Book, these Buddhist golden sentences are just easy to come by, and it is not difficult at all.

They vaguely felt that what Lin Xuan said next would suddenly shake their intelligence and help them go further in their Buddhist practice.

After hearing this, Huineng sighed and asked, "Didn't King Shiqi stop him?"

"As I said, this game is already a dead game, so there is no hope of a comeback."

Headed by Tianzhong and Longzhong, they lead the eight myths.

Lin Xuan felt the adoration of his daughters, and the admiration of Qing Deng and other eminent monks, and couldn't help but smile.

The Tianlong relic just condenses all the Divine Sense before the Tianlong Arhat Nirvana, absorbs it, and there are many benefits.

Make people feel like spring breeze, like spring rain.

And just when Lin Xuan and the others walked halfway up the mountain.

Xuanzhu and the other four little girls quickly raised their heads to look at Lin Xuan.

At this time, the place where the chessboard and stone table were broken was suddenly enveloped by a mysterious golden light.

"Bodhi has no trees, and a bright mirror is not a stage. There is nothing in it, where can it cause dust."

They felt that only a super-powerful person like Lin Xuan deserved to possess such a Buddhist treasure as the Tianlong relic.

Facing everyone's doubts, Lin Xuan smiled calmly and said:

Lin Xuan then took his daughters and, with the respectful escort of Qing Deng, Qing Yuan and others, prepared to leave Leiyin Mountain.

Eighteen future Buddhas, including Qingyuan, were all covered with Buddha light, and it seemed that the Cultivation Base had improved a lot.

"Since it's a dead chess game, why turn it over?"

(End of this chapter)

Seeing this, millions of people on and off Leiyin Mountain were shocked.

They knew that Dad must break the board to break the game.

Just as Lin Xuan finished his words, a golden light of Shrouding the Heavens shone out from the top of Leiyin Mountain.

However, they did not dare to be proud and presumptuous in front of Lin Xuan.

Qing Deng folded his hands in a salute, with a puzzled look on his face.

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