The state of Qi was destroyed, and Yan Dan was betrayed by King Yan and sent to Xianyang as a reparation. At the same time, Fu Nian was captured by Tianze and also escorted to Xianyang.

These two, as the Mo family giants and the heads of Confucianism, their identities are very important. As the leader of the anti-Qin alliance, he received a lot of attention and was personally summoned by Ying Zheng.

In a large hall of Xianyang Palace, Ying Zheng was dealing with twists and turns, and Sunflower Duke came to report.

"The Great King, the Mo Family Juzi, the Prince of the Yan Kingdom, Yan Dan, and the Confucian Head Fu Nian Belt, please the Great King!"

Ying Zheng's expression was indifferent, the prisoner of the two steps, it was not worth how to pay attention.

He still looked at the fold in his hand, did not raise his head, and spoke softly.


Sunflower Duke went down respectfully and brought Yan Dan and Fu Nian in.

As soon as the two came in, they immediately fell to the ground, looking respectful.

"Yan Dan, Fu Nian meet King Qin!"

Yan Dan was betrayed by King Yan, and his heart was already desperate, and his feelings for Yan Guo had been completely severed, and at this moment, when he saw Ying Zheng, there was no resistance in his heart, but he had a faint sense of something else.

Fu Nian is much more honest, he doesn't want anything at the moment, as long as he can wash away the sins of Confucianism and not be angered by the government, everything is easy to say.

Huan Zheng raised his head and glanced at the two slightly, but did not let them get up. He looked indifferent and emotionless, like a natural god, looking down on the grass and trees of the world.

"Against Daqin, you must have already had the consciousness to face death!"

Fu Nian didn't say a word, just bowed down and kowtowed again.

Yan Dan trembled, and a strange look appeared in his eyes. He looked excited and spoke loudly.

"Great King, Yan Dan is wrong!"

"I am willing to lead the Mo family and serve Daqin together!"

"Only ask the king to forgive his sins!"

Yan Dan opened his mouth to pray for Ying Zheng's forgiveness and was willing to serve Daqin.

Among them, there is the resentment of being betrayed by King Yan, the worry for the future of the Mo family, and the fear of death!

The original Yan Dan was not afraid of death.

He can die for the Yan Kingdom, he can die for the Mo family, and he can even die for his friends!

But at this moment, the belief in the family and the world in Yan Dan's heart has completely collapsed!

He could no longer find a reason for his sacrifice!

So at this moment, Yan Dan willingly led the Mo family to serve the Qin State that he had been fighting before.

When Huan Zheng saw this scene, he frowned unconsciously, Yan Dan was so spineless, but it made him look down on.

"You want to surrender Daqin?"

Ying Zheng's tone was full of disdain.

"No need!"

"The widow's Great Qin, you don't need you, the Mo family giant!"

"Although the widow appreciates Mozi's tricks, there are more than one disciple of the Mo family, and there are already people from the Mo family who have integrated into Daqin!"

Ying Zheng looked indifferent, and concluded Yan Dan's fate with a word.

"Come, drag Yan Dan out, and after January, ask for beheading at the noon gate of Xianyang!"

When Yan Dan heard Huan Zheng's words, his expression suddenly changed drastically, and he was terrified.

"King! Spare your life! "

"Yan Dan no longer dares to resist Daqin!"

Ying Zheng's expression was indifferent and unmoved.

He was preparing to use it as the leader of the anti-Qin alliance to use Yan Dan's identity as the leader of the anti-Qin alliance to take out the rest of the hidden anti-Qin people. Catch it all!

Yan Dan was dragged away, and his voice gradually drifted away. Fu Nian, but kept kneeling on the ground, not saying a word, his expression did not move.

Seeing this, Huan Zheng felt that he was much better than Yan Dan. If he does not lead the Confucian anti-Qin, Ying Zheng will never let him go. If the anti-Qin people can't be severely punished enough, I'm afraid that in the future, someone will rebel against the Qin State!

"That's it, come on!"

"Take Fu Nian away, and a Yan Dan will be beheaded together!"

Immediately, a guard came in and dragged Fu Nian away. Fu Nian still didn't say a word, without the slightest hint of struggle.

Ying Zheng shook his head slightly and no longer cared about this matter.


On the second day, Xianyang Zhangtai Palace was in the early dynasty.

After the complete elimination of the State of Chu and the State of Qi, the territory controlled by Daqin was already extremely vast, and things were extremely complicated.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of capable generals in Daqin, and most things do not have to be bothered to win the government.

At this time, Lu Buwei stood up, looking excited, and loudly prayed to Huan Zheng.

"Great King, the issuance of banknotes has been fruitful!"

"With the help of His Excellency Chisongzi's talisman making method, today's Daqin banknotes, divided into yellow coins, red coins and purple coins, are exquisite, and waterproof and stain-proof, not easy to damage!"

"King, please look!"

Lü Buwei handed over a stack of brightly colored banknotes for the eunuch to present to the king. At the same time, he sent people to take out multiple copies and distribute them to the courtiers.

Huan Zheng took a look and was immediately very interested.

Qunchen looked at the exquisite banknotes in his hands and was amazed. Lu Buwei continued to explain the various details of the banknote.

"Look, this yellow banknote, corresponding to the copper coin, is divided into one, two, five, ten, twenty, and fifty."

"Red banknotes, corresponding to silver coins, are divided into one hundred, two hundred, and five hundred."

"And the purple banknote is even accompanied by a spell aura, which directly corresponds to gold! Divided into one gold, ten gold, hundred gold! "

Ying Zheng played with the paper money in his hand and was very satisfied. These banknotes, available in different denominations, have beautiful pictures printed on them. There are chickens, ducks, pigs, dogs and other livestock, as well as grains such as millet, wheat and rice, even if you are illiterate, you will not be mistaken.

The words "Great Qin Xianyang Bank" are also written in Qin seal on the top.


"Anti-counterfeiting, anti-fouling, identification of these problems, have been solved properly, and there is enough practical value."

After reading the banknote in his hand, Ying Zheng couldn't help but praise a few words.

"Pass on the widow's order!"

"Order Lu Buwei to issue paper money in Xianyang first!"

"All the courtiers and guards, from today onwards, half of the servants will be replaced with paper money!"

Ying Zheng knew that in order to establish the credibility of paper money, it was necessary to recognize paper money in the court, and the people below would follow suit.

Qunchen did not have much resistance to this new thing. After all, this banknote is indeed exquisite enough, and as a court official, they don't worry about the loss of accidents.

Lu Buwei was immediately overjoyed, excited and proud.

After discussing the banknotes, Prime Minister Berwyn stepped forward and asked for instructions from Ying Zheng.

"Great King, the envoy of the Yan Kingdom asks for a meeting!"

Ying Zheng's face was solemn, and he was sitting in front of him, and his dignity and majesty were full of momentum.


Soon, the envoys of the Yan Kingdom were brought to the Zhangtai Palace.

"The envoy of the Yan Kingdom meets the King of Qin!"

The throne is as if it were a miracle in the sky. He was crowned with majesty, his robe was noble, and he spoke like a god.


The envoy of the Yan Kingdom stood up and immediately presented a thick gift list.

"On behalf of King Yan, I present a heavy gift to King Qin. There are a thousand deep-sea East Pearls, 10,000 gold gold, and a hundred snow mink skins..."

The messenger finished the gift list and bowed respectfully.

"I only hope that King Qin will forgive the offense of my family king and let my Yan Kingdom live!"

With a wave of his hand, the sunflower duke put away the gift list. But as for whether to forgive Yan Guo, Ying Zheng did not say a word.

At this time, Prime Minister Liu Bowen stood up and spoke loudly.

"King! So many gifts, all of them came from King Yan to raid the people! "

"The people of the Yan Kingdom have lived in a bitter cold place for a long time, and they already have a hard life, and they have to endure the constant exploitation of the Yan King and the nobles of the Yan Kingdom, they are really in dire straits!"

"Cheng Liu Bowen, speaking on behalf of the people of the Yan Kingdom, I implore the Great King to send troops to the Yan Kingdom, eliminate the nobles of the Yan royal family, and return the people to a langlang Qiankun!"

Liu Bowen's words were magnificent and extremely just.

Qunchen was immediately impressed and hurried to follow.

"Great King, please send troops to the Yan Kingdom and save the people from fire and water!"

The envoy of the Yan Kingdom was immediately stunned on the spot. Isn't it here to give a gift? How did it become a reason to attack the Yan Kingdom?

"King Qin, don't!"

"Please forgive me for a way to live in Yan Country"

The envoy of the Yan Kingdom was weeping, constantly crying and pleading, and his voice was extremely sad.

Wang Yi and Li Xin and other military generals who were standing on the side of the court immediately stood up.

"Great King, do you see that this messenger of the Yan Kingdom, dressed in a brocade hat and marten, and silk satin, which one was produced by himself?"

"Exactly! The noble monarchs and courtiers of the Yan Kingdom only know how to loot the people's fat and the people's anointment, and do not know how to be considerate of the people! "

"Such a Yan Kingdom, be destroyed!"

The envoy of the Yan Kingdom was caught by Wang Yi and others, and kept mocking, and his face was immediately hot and very embarrassed.

Ying Zheng's face was expressionless, but his voice was like nine days of thunder.

"Pass on the widow's order!"

"Great Qin obeys the will of heaven and responds to the people's hearts!"

"When sending troops to the Yan Kingdom, overthrow the corrupt rule of the Yan King!" _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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