The Heavenly Emperor stepped on the purple gold tracks?

Beauty picture?


In Jiang Han's mind, the system prompts sounded one after another, which made him overjoyed.

The Heavenly Emperor stepped on the purple gold tracks?

Beauty picture?

The huge self-dragon eye opened up, and the divine light was radiant.

Unexpectedly, at this time, he actually received a reward for subduing the Zongheng family!

Jiang Han activated his delusional eye and immediately saw the ghost valley in Xianyang Palace.

"It seems that it was not enough to subdue Gai Nie Weizhuang before, and you must subdue Ghost Guzi to be considered as subduing the Zongheng family!"

Another famous sect sent by hundreds of famous families to vote, and Jiang Han was extremely happy. He immediately began to check the rewards.

"The Heavenly Emperor stepped on the void purple and gold tracks: With the void, the green clouds went straight up. Wearing this purple and gold track, stepping on the void, like walking on the ground! "

"Jiangshan beauty picture: special treasures, rivers and mountains like beauty, this picture can reflect the spirit of Jiangshan Lingxiu, turn into a beauty manifestation, and have strong strength!"

After reading the introduction, Jiang Han was overjoyed in his heart.

The Heavenly Emperor's purple gold shoes were of little use to Jiang Han, and they could only allow people to obtain the ability to fly. As a divine dragon, Jiang Han naturally did not need it. But if it is given to Ying Zheng, he can walk in the future and fly directly out of thin air, which must be very good.

But for another treasure, the Jiangshan Beauty Picture, Jiang Han is very interested!

Jiang Han directly extracted the reward from the system, and suddenly, a flash of brilliance flashed.

A beautiful scroll appeared in front of Jiang Han.

The scroll unfolded, only a blank color.

Jiang Han was unimpressed, and directly injected mana to refine it.

Suddenly, a mysterious feeling was born in Jiang Han's heart. He felt that he could control the Jiangshan beauty map, rubbing and illuminating the splendid rivers and mountains, taking its essence and sealing it on the Jiangshan beauty map!

Jiang Han was overjoyed and was ready to test the effect of the beauty picture.

He flew out directly and came to the sky above Xianyang.

At this time, Xianyang City has a mountain that can be called Lingxiu, Ten Thousand Swords Mountain!

Ten Thousand Swords Mountain was originally a place of sword cultivation trials, but at this time, there were few people in Daqin who could climb, and only Ximen Chuixue was cultivating in Ten Thousand Swords Mountain.

A blank scroll of drawings unfolded out of thin air, aiming at the Ten Thousand Swords Mountain below.


A multicolored divine light flew out from the Jiangshan Beauty Diagram and landed on the Ten Thousand Swords Mountain.

Suddenly, the endless sharp sword qi of the entire Ten Thousand Swords Mountain was activated, and the momentum of the heavens and the earth tore through the wind and clouds, shaking the world!

The people of Xianyang were immediately shocked and panicked.

"It's so cold!"

"I feel an invisible sword stuck to my throat!"

"Me too!"

Everyone looked up and looked around, and their eyes fell on the Ten Thousand Swords Mountain with sword intent and the Divine Dragon in the sky.

"It's the ancestor!"

"Meet the Ancestor Dragon God!"

"Ten Thousand Swords Mountain was inspired by the ancestor, and it will be fine!"

The people bowed down to the divine dragon in the sky, and they were no longer half afraid.

At this time, the beauty map of Jiangshan finally completed the rubbing, and the divine light dissipated.

I saw a female sword immortal dressed in white, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, and a heroic spirit, emerging from the Ten Thousand Swords Mountain!

She is full of sharp sword intent and powerful. Although her appearance was overwhelming, everyone was attracted by her sword cultivation temperament.

Ximen Chuixue suddenly appeared from the Ancestral Dragon Palace and stared blankly at this female sword immortal.

The temperament of the two is very similar.

Ximen Chuixue wanted to fight with this female sword fairy, but in the end, he held back.

The female sword fairy suddenly turned into a sword light and flew in front of Jiang Han.

"Meet the master!" Her voice is very good, with a sound of gold and iron, crisp and pleasant.

The strength of this female sword immortal is actually already the peak of the grandmaster!

Having won such a master, Jiang Han was overjoyed and extremely satisfied.

"I'll call you Jianluan in the future!"

Jiang Han directly named her, and then with a wave of the dragon claw, he received the sword into the beauty picture of Jiangshan and turned it into a beauty image.

Everyone below was dumbfounded.

But they did not understand the situation and did not dare to talk much, so they could only pass down another mysterious legend.

Jiang Han's figure swayed, and he suddenly changed his orientation and appeared on the Yellow River.

The Yellow River is rolling, choppy and turbulent.

Jiang Han unfolded the beauty map of Jiangshan again, and the divine light shone on the Yellow River.

For a long time, a gentle woman in a yellow dress walked out of the Yellow River. She has a big heart, a graceful body, and endless fraternity between her eyebrows.

On both sides of the Yellow River, the fishermen and people who saw this scene immediately knelt down to worship.

"The Yellow River Goddess has appeared!"

"Look at the sky, it is the dragon god summoning the goddess of the Yellow River!"

"God forbid, may my son live a safe and prosperous life!"

Jiang Han put away the Yellow River Goddess, turned around and disappeared again.

For a time, the whole world, famous mountains and rivers everywhere, the legend of the descendence appeared everywhere...

Jiang Han collected more than ten beauties transformed by Jiang Shan, returned to the Dragon's Nest Crystal Palace satisfied, and fell into a deep sleep again.


Time flickered by, Daqin had already gathered countless troops, and the logistics and military food were also ready, just waiting for the final expedition.

At this time, Ying Zheng took the initiative to come to the True Dragon's Nest to meet the ancestor.

Flame Lingji came to report and wake up Jiang Han.

The huge dragon eye opened and saw the Yuzheng below.

"Come in!"

Jiang Han's majestic voice sounded in Ying Zheng's ears.

With the permission of the ancestor, Ying Zheng directly took out the forbidden jade talisman, entered the True Dragon's Nest World, and came to the gate of the Crystal Palace.


The Crystal Palace opens on its own, revealing a wide passage.

Ying Zheng strode forward and came to the ancestor.

"Meet the ancestor!"

Huan Zheng bowed respectfully and greeted Jiang Han.

"No need to be polite, what is the matter with you coming to the Crystal Palace?"

Jiang Han Longmu narrowed slightly and asked slowly.

Ying Zheng bowed again and asked reverently.

"Ancestor, it will soon be the day when the army will go to battle, and the widow came to ask the ancestor to calculate the great battle!"

Jiang Han's heart flashed, and he launched the Eye of Delusion, observed the nine heavens and ten lands, and investigated the national fortunes of the three kingdoms of Yan Chuqi.

For a long time, Jiang Han spoke majestically.


"This expedition, the world is prosperous, and it will definitely win a complete victory!"

Ying Zheng was overjoyed and excited.

Since the ancestor said that it was lucky, it would definitely win a big victory!

"First Ancestor Xie!"

Ying Zheng will not have the slightest doubt about the ancestor, and once again respectfully bows down.

Jiang Han bowed his head in satisfaction, he swung his dragon claw violently, and the Heavenly Emperor who had been rewarded earlier appeared in front of Huan Zheng.

"This treasure is called the Heavenly Emperor Stepping Void Purple Gold Track, but it can fly with the void, and it will be given to you!"

Ying Zheng took it happily and watched it with great love.

Then with a movement in his heart, he opened the Ten Thousand Worlds Mall and searched.

Tianji Compass: A treasure in the world of fairy tales, a treasure that can be detected and calculated, and a treasure used by the heavenly army of the Tianji Sect to march!

Value: 100 achievement points!

That's you!

Jiang Han's heart moved, and he directly used his achievement points to buy the Tianji Compass!

In the next instant, in the crystal palace, a glow flashed, and a bunch of compasses with mysterious runes appeared in front of Ying Zheng.

"This is the Tianji compass, no matter where it is, you can point out the direction, and at the same time record the breath, automatic tracking, you can use it well!"

Ying Zheng looked at the mysterious compass in front of him and was greatly surprised.

With this compass, the water army does not worry about getting lost, and it is easier for the army to find the enemy, which is simply infinitely useful!

"Thank you for the reward!"

In the end, Ying Zheng came out of the True Dragon's Nest with a full reward and the prophecy of 'great fortune under the world'.


Soon, the ancestor prophesied that the news of this battle was 'great fortune' spread throughout Xianyang.

Countless people cheered and their hearts were excited.

And the Qin Army, who was already full of confidence, was even more vigorous, wanting to make meritorious contributions in battle and seal his wife and son.

The entire Daqin, for the upcoming big war, did not have the slightest fear, only endless expectations.

Finally, the time for March has arrived, and the time for the march is coming.

Outside Xianyang City, military camp.

A majestic high platform stood tall, surrounded by black-armored Qin troops.

Pieces of elite soldiers and horses, discharged far and wide, are simply endless.


The melodious and desolate horn sounded, and everyone's whole body shook, and their expressions were solemn.

The Venerable Black Dragon slowly moved forward and came to the high platform.

Huan Zheng walked out from the Black Dragon Dragon, wearing the Supreme Heavenly Crown on his head, wearing the Nine Heavens Emperor Dragon Robe, stepping on the Heavenly Emperor's purple gold shoes, and hanging the ancient Xuanyuan Sword on his waist.

A noble and sacred imperial qi swept in all directions.

"Meet the King!"

Therefore, the Qin army all bowed down and shouted loudly.

Ying Zheng stepped onto the high platform step by step, his expression solemn and solemn.

"Where is Meng Tian!"

Ying Zheng shouted loudly, and the majestic voice enveloped the entire army.

"The minister is here!"

Meng Tian, who was dressed in golden armor, suddenly stepped forward and bowed down in front of Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng nodded, holding a tiger talisman.

"Today, Bai Meng Tian is a riding general, leading the whole army of riding and conquering the Chu Kingdom!"

Meng Tian looked solemn, solemnly took the tiger talisman symbolizing military power, and loudly responded.

"If the minister is ordered, he will live up to the great king's trust!"

Ying Zheng bowed his head, and then spoke up again.

"Where is Zhang Handan!"

Zhang Wei suddenly came out and bowed down in front of Huan Zheng.

"The minister is here!"

Ying Zheng took out a newly forged silver-white tiger talisman, which symbolized the power of the water army.

"Today, Zhang Han is a great general of the water army, commanding the water army of Great Qin, and accompanying General Meng Tian to conquer the Chu Kingdom!"

Zhang Wei respectfully took the tiger talisman, and his heart could not hide his excitement.


After the two were the main generals, they overlooked the whole army.

"Ancestor prophecy, the world is prosperous!"

"My Great Qin Iron Army will be unstoppable and invincible!"

"Daqin Wansheng!"

The thunderous voice of Ying Zheng resounded throughout the audience, and a domineering spirit that swallowed the world encouraged everyone's efforts.

"Daqin Wansheng!"

"Daqin Wansheng!"

"Daqin Wansheng!"

A cheer, straight to the sky, resounded all over the world!

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