Daqin released immortal cultivation exercises in Yanwu Hall, as long as he obtained enough contribution points, he could exchange them.

As soon as this news came out, the world was in an uproar!

Yan Dan was the first to get the news through the Mo family's intelligence network.

"Immortal Cultivation Exercises?"

"How is it possible!"

Xiaoyaozi stood beside Yan Dan, his face full of disbelief.

As the head of the Taoist sect of Laozi Zhuangzi, Xiaoyaozi knows very well the truth of cultivation.

Teach the old and the new!

Only by cultivating the spirit internally and refining the body externally can we continue to become stronger. Many of the profound spells of Taoism all rely on the internal forces practiced in the body.

The root of internal force is the essence that people eat every day and refine grains. Qin Guo's immortal cultivation exercises, directly swallowing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, is simply unheard of!

"Unless heaven and earth restore the ancient weather, you must not directly swallow the spiritual energy of heaven and earth!"

Although Xiaoyaozi made such a conclusion, he still had some doubts in his heart.

With the mysterious nature of the Great Qin Ancestor, I am afraid that it is really possible to come up with immortal cultivation exercises!

Yan Dan's expression was serious, and he did not dare to be gullible.

"We must send disciples to get a copy of the practice exercises to see the roots!"

"If it's true, we can't let it go! Otherwise, the people of the Qin Kingdom cultivate immortals, and we are just practicing martial arts, which will definitely produce a huge gap! "

Yan Dan, as a giant of the Mo family, is also a practitioner, and his strength is even more extraordinary, and he cares about practicing exercises.

Therefore, they sent all the secret agents, and even did not hesitate to use a few high-ranking leaders, to Xianyang and join the Yanwu Tang in order to obtain the practice exercises.

Not only Yan Dan and them, but also the rest of the Chu State and Qi State also sent countless spies to know the specific situation.

For a time, Xianyang City had countless more spies.


The anti-Qin alliance spies scattered, and the east factory of the Qin State was not idle.

The news of the alliance of the three kingdoms of Yanqi and Chu was quickly transmitted to Xianyang by spies.

Xianyang, Zhangtai Palace.

In the early dynasty, the East Factory reported in public the specific situation of the three kingdoms of Yanqi and Chu and the blood alliance, and the details were very detailed.

Qunchen was as if he was there, and witnessed this scene with his own eyes.

"The secret agent of the East Factory is really powerful!"

Some courtiers with a slightly selfish heart suddenly pressed all their careful thoughts, for fear that the East Factory would spy on their heads.

Ying Zheng occupies the throne, his temperament is extraordinary, and his expression remains unchanged.

The alliance of the three countries of Yanqi and Chu is a conceivable thing, which has long been expected. For so many years, what tactics have not been played?

In those years, the six countries joined forces and sent troops to attack the Qin State together. All this is nothing now.

The crowd is not too shocked, but it will not be indifferent.

Prime Minister Liu Bowen stood up and offered advice to Huan Zheng.

"Great King, the three kingdoms of Yanqi and Chu are in an alliance, although they are an alliance with blood, but there are too many internal contradictions after all. Moreover, the monarchs of the three kingdoms are not saints and sages! "

"The minister thought that he could use lobbyists to separate them from Germany. At that time, my Daqin will be able to swallow them one by one!" "

Liu Bowen's suggestion was immediately endorsed by many people.

"What Prime Minister Cheng said is that although my Qin Kingdom is not afraid, I can't let the Three Nations Alliance go!"

"Yes, the kings of the three kingdoms of Yanqi and Chu are mediocre, and the ministers are incompetent, and once the separation plan is out, it will definitely achieve miraculous results!"

"The minister seconded!"

The ministers seconded one after another, constantly adding the details of the dissociation scheme.

In the end, a ripe dissociation scheme took shape.

Ying Zheng's face was dignified and did not have too many expressions, but in his heart, he also agreed with this suggestion.

"What the secretary of charge said is reasonable, and the widow is accurate!"

"Prime Minister Liu Bowen, you are specifically responsible for this plan!"

Liu Bowen smiled and bowed to answer.


After deciding to deal with the Yanqi and Chu Three Kingdoms Alliance with a divisive measure, the ministers were very satisfied.

At this time, Di Renjie, who was upright and cautious, suddenly came out with combat power.


Di Renjie's face was serious, with a faint worry.

"Yanwu Tang released the immortal cultivation technique and handed it over to the heroes of the rivers and lakes, although it was beneficial to Daqin for a while, but in the long run, the strength of the heroes of the rivers and lakes has risen greatly, I am afraid it will be difficult to govern!"

"It is forbidden to use martial arts! People in the rivers and lakes who practice immortal cultivation exercises must not obey discipline, which is not a long-term peace and stability strategy! "

Di Renjie's concern is very reasonable.

Once on the path of cultivating immortals, his personal strength is too strong. Although it is necessary to do things for Yanwu Tang, it is beneficial for a while, but in the long run, it is a major hidden danger!

Many peaceful dynasties will confiscate civilian metal weapons for local security.

Qunchen unusually agreed with Di Renjie's statement and followed suit. A group of white-haired old ministers led by Chang Wang Guan were even more excited and spoke loudly.

"Great King, the Immortal Cultivation Technique is too powerful to be taken lightly!"

"Yes, the king, we must strengthen control and govern the heroes!"

"Now that the Qin Kingdom is strong enough, there is no need to release the method of cultivating immortals!"

"Great King, cultivating immortals is against the sky, it is not allowed to be allowed in the world, and it should be destroyed!"

At first, Ying Zheng listened to Di Renjie's opinion indifferently, but as the group of ministers echoed, the more outrageous he said, and Ying Zheng's face suddenly turned blue.


Ying Zheng burst into a roar, and the huge momentum overwhelmed the entire court. Above the court, there was a sudden silence!

The court seemed to be shrouded in thick dark clouds, like the sky when a rainstorm was coming. The anger of Ying Zheng made everyone tremble.

These courtiers actually dared to suggest destroying the Immortal Cultivation Technique!

At this moment, Ying Zheng couldn't wait to cut off these ignorant courtiers with a single sword!

This is unenterprising, this is decay! Daqin has not unified the world at the moment, and some people can't help but want to sit on the merit book and dream of death!

Ying Zheng suppressed the anger of the mountain and tsunami, and looked down on the court coldly!

"The king is angry!"

"The minister is guilty!"

"The Great King forgives!"

The courtiers immediately fell to their knees and kept pleading guilty.

How long has it been since I saw the Great King so angry!

Only when the great king first ascended the throne, killed Concubine, expelled Lu Buwei, and personally took power, did he have such a great anger!

The group of ministers were terrified one by one, for fear of saying the wrong word, they would be pulled out and cut by Ying Zheng!

As a king, when faced with good advice, he was extremely wise and decisive, and the rewards were rich.

But if it becomes a backward and decadent force, hindering the progress of Daqin, the punishment of the government will be even more terrifying!

Grace is like the sea, and the power is like hell!

The emperor was angry, and blood flowed for thousands of miles!

At this moment, deep in the body of the group of ministers, blood-colored fear surged one after another.

Ying Zheng looked at the few old ministers below who were like kowtows, and his anger in his heart grew.

These were originally the elders of the heavy ministers of Daqin, and they made a lot of efforts for Daqin before Ying Zheng ascended the throne. But the current Daqin,

The national strength is prosperous, changing with each passing day, these people can no longer keep up with the pace of Daqin!

In the face of new things, they only have opposition from the bones, they just want to preserve everything in the past, and it is better not to change anything.

Previously, there was some dissatisfaction with the railway and paper money, but because of the support of the government, there was no strong opposition.

Now in the face of the Immortal Cultivation Exercise, Di Renjie, who was valued by Ying Zheng, stood up to give advice, and they immediately followed the trend, constantly distorting and deepening.

Take Di Renjie's prudent advice, turn Sheng Sheng into a forbidden hero, and prohibit the destruction ban of cultivating immortals!

Ying Zheng's gaze was cold, and he forcibly suppressed his anger.

"Fengchang Wang Qi, as the head of Jiuqing, is this how you act?"

"Forbidden to destroy the Immortal Cultivation Technique, suppress the Ranger, the next step, is it to ban the Tiangong Academy? Tear down railway trains? "

The sound of winning the government is like thunder, reverberating in the hall, and in the rage, the murderous intention is pervasive!

Fengchang Wang Qi, who was named, suddenly sweated profusely, his face was snow-white, and he trembled.


"The minister is guilty!"

Fengchang Wang Guan laid his head to the ground, unable to say a word of defense.

In the face of Ying Zheng's monstrous anger, he really did not have the guts to lie on the spot.

Ying Zheng's eyes were even more indifferent, and he could no longer tolerate a trace of emotion.

"If you don't say it, the widow will know what you think!"

"Since the widow succeeded to the throne, Daqin has fought wars over the years and opened up its territory."

"In this way, the status of the general surpasses you, and the father Lu Buwei, a merchant, surpasses you in status. The Tiangong Academy, which lost revenge, was changed to the Ministry of Heavenly Work, and a craftsman from a background dared to rank alongside you as the head of Jiuqing. "

"Now that the Immortal Cultivation Technique is in this world, there may be cultivators in the future, and when they enter the court, their status is no less than yours."

"How can these people be qualified to be compared with you, a Daqin nobleman with a long tradition?"

Ying Zheng's voice was extremely cold, like a sharp blade, against Wang Chen's neck.

Wang Chen's eyes were full of trepidation, and Ying Zheng's words were not wrong at all!

He is the old guard, that is, he occupies the interests and does not want to change half a point!

For this, he can't help but want to kill any factors that may cause the change!

People who uphold such ideas, in addition to the head of Jiuqing, Fengchang Wang Qi, there are also many old ministers. Today they thought they saw an opportunity, so they jumped out together to be a demon.

I didn't expect that Ying Zheng would have such a big reaction!

"Great King, the old minister is guilty!"

"I beg the king to forgive the old minister for many years for the sake of contributing to Daqin!"

"The old minister is no longer against new things!"

Wang Guan cried out in pain and howled.

The other ministers who echoed Wang Guan and asked for a ban on destroying immortal cultivation also cried together and forgave the sins.

Suddenly, above the court, a gray-haired old courtier howled together, and the scene was very ugly.


Ying Zheng's grim complexion finally eased a little.

These old ministers, when they were young, did make a lot of efforts for Daqin. But today, they are old and decaying, unable to adapt to the still high-speed development of Daqin.

"Fengchang Wang Guan and the others, all dismissed from their official positions, retained their knighthoods, and repatriated to their hometowns!"

"The widow will reward each person with a thousand gold dollars, pearls and ten chests of jade playthings. It is also a reward for your past merits. "

"All of you, go home and retire!"

Although Huan Zheng deprived Wang Guan and others of their official positions, not only did he not go to prison and kill, but he was rewarded with gold and silver property, which immediately made the old minister grateful.

"Old Minister Xie Dawang!"

"The grace of the great king, the old minister will remember it for life!"

The old ministers who were deposed were full of emotion one by one.

At the end of the day, they are not right.

Although the king is angry, he is still merciful enough!

Qunchen was extremely satisfied with the handling of the government. With such a benevolent and wise king, why should Daqin not prosper!

"King Yingming!"

The courtiers congratulated and admired together, and paid homage to Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng nodded in satisfaction and spoke again.

"As for Di Renjie's concerns about Aiqing, the widow has long considered it."

"The five immortal cultivation exercises released by Yanwu Tang are only the most basic and lowest-end exercises, and there are more advanced cultivation methods here!"

"Not only cultivators can cultivate, but even you courtiers can cultivate!"

When Qunchen heard this, he was both surprised and delighted, and he was immediately in an uproar.


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