At this time, above the Longmen Waterfall, Ximen Blowing Snow turned the water flow of the entire waterfall into a giant sword that reached the sky and shot towards the stars in the sky.

The supreme sword intent shrouded the entire Xianyang City!

"Zheng Zheng!"

In Xianyang City, countless sword blades continued to vibrate, as if worshiping the king of the sword!

How many people in Xianyang City use swords?


Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of sword weapons, buzzing, trembling, buzzing.

At this moment, all the people who fell asleep in Xianyang City woke up. They clearly sensed that there was a sword god in the sky, standing proudly!

"What's wrong..."

"Why is my sword vibrating!"

"Look at the heavens! The sword god has appeared! "

Countless people rushed out of their houses and looked out at the sky. The huge water flow of Longmen Waterfall turned into a hundred zhang giant swords, shooting into the depths of the night sky.

In the Zhangtai Palace, Ying Zheng suddenly woke up.

The Ancient Xuanyuan Sword beside him was constantly contending and eager to try. It is not willing to have any existence and challenge its status as Excalibur!

"This is..."

Ying Zheng woke up suddenly, and soon saw the West Gate blowing snow above the Sky Dragon Gate.

"Senior Brother Ximen, you have broken through the heavens and people!"

Ying Zheng was pleasantly surprised, holding down the ancient Xuanyuan sword, and his expression was excited.

Daqin finally appeared the first Heavenly and Human Master!


Xianyang, the residence of the Yin Yang family.

A mysterious figure like a god appeared at the top of the attic, looking at the sky.

The giant sword formed by the waterfall gradually disappeared into the night sky, and Ximen Chuixue was dressed in white and fluttered with the wind.


Donghuangtai's face was shocked, and he suddenly couldn't control his momentum, coercing the entire Yin Yang Family Station.


The attic under the feet of Donghuang Taiyi suddenly could not withstand the huge force, collapsed and shattered, and suddenly exploded!

Seeing that someone in Daqin had broken through the heavens and people and reached a cultivation level with himself, Donghuang Taiyi was extremely shocked, and he couldn't control his power for a while.

The endless terrifying coercion, like the descending of the Nine Nether Hell, shrouded the Yin and Yang Family Station. Everyone in the Yin Yang family couldn't help trembling, feeling like ants under the feet of giants, which could be twisted into powder at any time.

The moon god's face showed a little madness, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

"Actually broke through the realm of heaven and man!"

As far as the moon god knows, come out the East Emperor Taiyi, this is the second heavenly person in the world!

"Daqin's cultivation world, does it already have such strength!"

At this moment, Luna was completely panicked. She could no longer maintain a high posture towards Daqin, and the figure of a peerless white-clothed sword god was forever engraved in her heart.

The realm of heaven and man, that is, the unity of heaven and man.

When Ximen Chuixue reached this state, he was completely beyond the mundane and no longer a mortal. He can mobilize the power of heaven and earth and cast spells like a fairy.

And its own lifespan is far beyond that of mortals!

In this realm, it is no exaggeration to say that it is a land true immortal!


True Dragon's Nest, Crystal Palace.

"Ding! Ximen Blowing Snow under the host's command broke through the realm of heaven and man, congratulations to the host for getting the reward: 300 achievement points! "

"Ding! Ximen Chuixue under the host's command has achieved the 'Realm of Heaven and Man', congratulations to the host for obtaining a special reward: Ten Thousand Swords Mountain! "

"Ding! Ximen Blowing Snow under the host's command breaks through the realm of heaven and man and opens a side mission: Reiki Revival! "


Ten Thousand Swords Mountain?

Reiki revival?

In the Crystal Palace, system prompts flashed in Jiang Han's mind one after another.


The huge dragon eyes opened, and the breathtaking divine light shone. The purple-gold dragon's body swayed slightly, stirring the wind and clouds.

Jiang Han was excited and immediately turned on the system. He first put aside the Ximen Blowing Snow Breakthrough Heaven and the Ten Thousand Swords Mountain Reward, and concentrated on checking the revival of the aura.

"Side Quest: Reiki Revival! Lead Daqin and gradually restore the ancient cultivation civilization! "

"Cultivate various cultivation masters and guide Daqin to develop into the world of immortal cultivation. When you complete side quests, you get tons of rewards! "

Side quests?

Reiki revival?

Jiang Han's huge dragon eye burst out a divine light, and his heart was ecstatic and excited.


The high-pitched dragon chant resounded in the sky, and the divine dragon power pervaded.

"The system actually has side quests!"

Jiang Han was pleasantly surprised, in this way, there are many ways to continuously obtain system rewards!

Leading the revival of Aura was extremely in line with Jiang Han's purpose, and he had been doing it. Whether it is promoting the imperial dynasty or arranging the Gathering Spirit Array, it has a lot of effect.

At this time, the concentration of spiritual energy in Xianyang City was already comparable to the low-level immortal cultivation world. If you pass on the Immortal Cultivation Technique, you will definitely be able to give birth to a large number of low-level cultivators!

Jiang Han thought excitedly, and began to check another reward.

"Ten Thousand Swords Mountain: The most precious treasure of the Sword Cultivation Sect. The mountain peak composed of countless magic treasure flying swords, those who have the fortune can enter it, get the approval of the flying sword, you can get a magic weapon flying sword, and at the same time obtain the corresponding sword cultivation exercises! "

Flying swords?

Sword repair?

Jiang Han was overjoyed, if it weren't for the body of the Divine Dragon, he couldn't help but want to go to Ten Thousand Swords Mountain to find a flying sword!

Ximen Chuixue is a natural supreme sword cultivator, and his temperament and demeanor make the rivers and lakes can't help but marvel.

Thousands of miles away, the sword cultivation of the enemy's first level with a sword is even more fascinating, and the admiration is endless.

"System, extract Ten Thousand Swords Mountain!"

Jianghu excitedly spoke, and suddenly, a huge steep mountain, like a giant sword inserted into the sky, appeared in front of Jiang Han's eyes.

Above the steep peak of the giant sword, everywhere in the rock wall, there is a flying sword with a cold handle.

These flying swords have spiritual bodies, swimming like fish and moving around.


A sound of swords clashing came from time to time. Under the sword qi, it made people feel cold.

"Good sword!"

"What a Ten Thousand Swords Mountain!"

Jiang Han was overjoyed in his heart, with such a Ten Thousand Swords Mountain, the entire Great Qin would definitely become a sword cultivation holy place in the future!

He raised the huge dragon's head and looked out.

Ximen Chuixue has completed a breakthrough, and his momentum is converging. The waterfall giant sword has long disappeared, and the water flow of Longmen Waterfall has resumed and flowed down again.

Ximen Chuixue's expression was calm, and there was a rare smile on his cold face. The peerless Excalibur is about to be retracted in its scabbard.

"Ximen Chuixue, if you break through the heavens and men today, this seat will give you a mountain of ten thousand swords to help sharpen the sword path!"

Jiang Han waved the dragon claw, and the huge Ten Thousand Swords Mountain was like a sharp sword in the sky, rising up from the ground and flying out of the Dragon's Nest World.


Endless coercion and sword qi crisscrossed, and a huge sword like a mountain ran across the sky above Xianyang.

In an instant, a huge shadow appeared above the entire Xianyang City.


"What a big sword!"

"Higher than the mountain peak, bigger than the entire Xianyang City!"

Countless people were terrified, and the two trembled and fell to the ground.

At this moment, mortals are just ants at the feet of giants. At this time, the giant has raised its big feet, and the shadow has shrouded the person. So from the scene, how not to make people frightened!

Ximen Chuixue's eyes bloomed with cold light, and his calm face finally changed a little.


These heavenly giant swords were arbitrarily moved by the ancestor and rewarded to himself. The cultivation of the ancestor is so thorough!

Ximen Chuixue was a little satisfied with advancing to the Heavenly People, and suddenly disappeared without a trace.

"There is still a long way to go on the road of cultivation!"

At this moment, the peerless sword god in white once again aroused the endless sword heart and climbed towards the long road of sword cultivation.


At the Yin Yang Family Station, Donghuang Taiyi, who had only slowed down the aura of convergence, saw such a mountain giant sword, and his heart once again set off terrifying waves.

"Great Qin Ancestor..."

The glow in Donghuangtai's eyes burst out three feet, and the shattered attic under him finally couldn't hold on at all, shattered into dust, and not a single stone exceeded his fist!

A mysterious figure like a god and a demon stood out of thin air.



The mountain giant sword finally fell from the sky and fell into the Ancestral Dragon Palace, and the Longmen Waterfall was not far away.

The giant sword plunged deep into the earth and firmly established.

A precipitous cliff peak, appeared.

The snow-white water of Longmen Waterfall, like a mountain spring gushing out of the cliffside, is extremely harmonious.

Jiang Han nodded in satisfaction and withdrew his gaze.

"System, open the panel!"

Suddenly, a light screen that only Jiang Han could see appeared in front of him.

Host: Jiang Han

National Fortune Level: Imperial Dynasty National Movement Elementary!

Achievement Points: 1950

Cultivation Exercises: Ancestral Dragon Technique

Cultivation powers: Manifestation True Dragon Technique, True Dragon Breath Technique, Calling Wind and Rain, Heavenly Thunder Technique (Blue Nether Heavenly Thunder), Sea Control Technique (Advanced Level: River Control), Breaking the Eye of Delusion!

Possession items: King Kong Mixed Sun Flag, Heavenly Magic Illusion Realm, Wudao Tea Tree, True Dragon's Nest, Crystal Palace, Xuanbing Dragon Bed, Longmen Waterfall, Xuanbing Jade Liquid Qiongyi Kettle, Merit Qingyun, Gathering Spirit Great Array Array, Nine Heavenly Moon Hua Chenglu Disk, Ten Thousand Swords Mountain!

Binding Emperor: Yingzheng

Skill: Imperial Blessing (This skill can only be used to bind the emperor, use this skill to bless the imperial majesty on the body!) )

National Fortune Blessing (Those who are blessed by the host will receive unexpected benefits!) )

Devouring National Fortune (After the imperial army captures other countries, the host can devour its national luck and enhance the national fortune of Daqin!) )

Manifestation (The host can take shape as it wishes.) )

Manifestation of True Dragon Art (Can condense entities and turn into real dragons!) )

True Dragon Breath Technique (can manipulate Fengyun, an attack spell unique to the dragon clan!) )

Call the wind and rain (can summon wind and rain, rain, and wind!) )

Sea Control: Advanced (Can control the waters of the world's rivers!) )

Heavenly Thunder Technique: Blue Nether Heavenly Thunder (Control the World God Thunder, Cultivation Ranks: Blue Nether Heavenly Thunder, Nine Heavens God Thunder, Purple Sky God Thunder, Chaos Heavenly Thunder)

Breaking the Eyes of Delusion: Exploring the heavens and the earth, exhausting the nine yellow springs, and seeing the sentient beings of the three worlds; See through the appearance of delusion and peek into the true face of all things!


In an instant, Jiang Han's eyes burst out with essence light, and before he knew it, so many changes had occurred!

"With nearly two thousand achievement points, it's time to exchange a batch of immortal cultivation exercises to speed up the progress of Reiki recovery!"

"Give it directly to Ying Zheng, let him put it in the Yanwu Hall, and exchange it for contributions to the people in the rivers and lakes, it will definitely spread quickly!"

So, Jiang Han opened the Ten Thousand Realms Mall and rummaged through various immortal cultivation exercises.

Changchun Gong: Basic qi practice, true qi peace, prolong life.

Flame Technique: Basic qi practice, true qi with flame characteristics, you can specialize in fire system exercises.

Canghaijin: The basic qi practice method is really majestic and vast, ten times that of ordinary people!


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