Ying Zheng comprehends the opportunity of heaven and man, like a god, the dragon flying into the sky.

The people of Xianyang worshipped one after another, worshipping Yingzheng as the supreme deity.

At this time, the Yin and Yang family station in Xianyang City, the experts couldn't help but look up.


"This is a heavenly opportunity!"

The moon god saw Ying Zheng's figure like a god and heavenly emperor, and his face changed greatly.

The last time she participated in Longmen Waterfall, she sensed a hint of opportunity, but she was never able to seize it. Now seeing that Ying Zheng has thoroughly realized the opportunity of heaven and man, a huge wave has been set off in his heart.

"How can Ying Zheng have such a profound cultivation, how can he have such understanding!"

The moon god's face was full of disbelief, she never thought that as a king, Yue Zheng was actually more powerful than herself in the path of cultivation!

Now Ying Zheng obviously temporarily mastered the power of heaven and man, although it will disappear soon and return to the Grandmaster Realm. But this heavenly understanding has always remained in the bottom of my heart. After waiting for Ying Zheng to reach the peak of the grandmaster, break through the heavens and people, there will be no obstacles!


A deep light shot out, making the moon god shudder. In an instant, the moon god fell into nine hells!

She was immediately terrified in her heart and immediately opened her mouth to apologize.

"Lord Donghuang, the moon god is incompetent, please punish the lord!"

Donghuang Taiyi stood behind the moon god like the figure of the nine demon gods.


Donghuang Taiyi's tone was deep and cold. There was endless anger and dissatisfaction hidden in his eyes.

"The opportunity of heaven and man is delivered to you, you can't comprehend it!"

The first time the Longmen Waterfall opened, the Yin and Yang family fought hard for the place and sent the moon god forward. But the dragon gate obviously had a chance for heaven and man, but the moon god did not seize it!

With the cultivation of the Moon God, if you seize the opportunity, you can definitely break through to the realm of heaven and man!

In the eyes of Donghuang Taiyi, it is no less than the loss of a heavenly and human expert in the Yin-Yang family!

The moon god had endless trepidation in his heart, and cold sweat flowed on his forehead.

She didn't dare to look up at Donghuang Taiyi at all, but just hung her head deadly, and her body trembled slightly.

For a long time, Donghuang Taiyi turned his gaze deeply and stared at the sky Imperial Dragon Zheng.

Luna finally breathed a sigh of relief and seemed to lift the ice.


At the same time, everyone from the peasant family also came to Xianyang Academy Palace. In the sky, Ying Zheng summoned the water dragon, and the dragon flew, which shocked everyone in the peasant family.

"It's really a natural opportunity!"

At this moment, Xia Kui Tian Guang and the others completely strengthened their determination to serve the Qin Kingdom!

And not far from them, Yan Lu, who was dressed in a Confucian uniform, could not suppress his feelings.

"Imperial Dragon, is this the Ancient Saint Emperor?"

The most revered by Confucianism is the three emperors and five emperors of antiquity. For the legends of the three emperors and five emperors, they all carry endless yearning.

The last time he was consecrated by the government, it shook the hearts of many Confucian people, and the determination to oppose Qin was faintly shaken.

Yan Lu, the second leader of Confucianism, was originally biased towards moderation and did not have such a big anti-Qin heart.

"The Qin Kingdom has strong national strength, prosperous people's livelihood, prosperous work, and such a king, it is actually a prosperous scene!"

"Is it really true that Confucianism is anti-Qin?"

In Yan Lu's heart, he couldn't help but start shaking.

"There were many Confucian disciples before, because the Qin State held the imperial examination, they broke away from Confucianism and came to the Qin State to give allegiance."

"Nowadays, many people have become county chiefs in various places."

Yan Lu couldn't help but ponder, eager to know how these Confucian disciples who had broken away from the Little Sage Village were now!

The Confucian way, based on benevolence and righteousness, is to govern the world and assist the king. Aren't these Confucian disciples who have entered Qin now experiencing this path firsthand!

"Nope! I want to travel all over the Qin Kingdom to find every Confucian disciple who has passed the imperial examination!" "

"Look at them, are they still adhering to the Confucian way!"

Yan Lu's heart was greatly lifted, this is related to the entire path of Confucianism, and also to Yan Lu's own ideals!

Without hesitation, he gave up the opportunity of Longmen Waterfall and went all the way out of Xianyang to find every disciple of the official Confucian family in the Qin Kingdom.

Yan Lu left, but it did not affect the enthusiasm of others in the slightest.

In the Xianyang Academy Palace, many high platforms have been set up, allowing the heroes of the rivers and lakes to compete with each other.

At this time, the crowd suddenly separated, and Liu Bowen, the prime minister of Qin Cheng, who was dressed in a luxurious official uniform, suddenly walked out.

"Gentlemen, the Great King has an order!"

Suddenly, everyone quieted down and listened attentively.

"This Longmen Waterfall will be officially opened two months later, the day the second dragon raises its head in February!"

"All the people in the rivers and lakes can go to the ring to test and prove their martial arts. As long as you reach the first-class level, you will have preliminary qualifications! "

"Next, my Daqin will release various tasks, as long as you contribute and complete the tasks, you can get contribution points."

"The nine people with the highest contribution points will get a place to enter Longmen Waterfall! The contribution points of the rest can be exchanged for various martial arts weapons and cultivation resources! "

"As long as you are willing to contribute to Daqin, Daqin will never treat everyone badly!"

Liu Bowen's words immediately resounded with a warm response.

Everyone was talking, full of excitement and excitement.

"Can contribution points be exchanged for anything, can gold and silver be exchanged?"

"What is gold and silver! Liu Chengxiang, the talisman seal of the Heavenly Rune Pavilion, can it be exchanged? "

People in the rivers and lakes argued passionately, but they didn't care so much about the chance of Longmen Waterfall.

After all, everyone knows that the number of opportunities is limited, and most people do not get it. But the Qin Kingdom has countless precious things, such as the talisman seal of the Heavenly Rune Pavilion!

These things are the most exciting, and there is a chance to get!

In addition to these, even if the Qin Kingdom is willing to give a lot of gold and silver, there are many people who are willing to work!

Heroes of the rivers and lakes, it sounds good to say.

Many people are actually not easy to survive, so they have to lick their blood. If the Qin Kingdom is willing to give enough gold and silver wealth, why not contribute to the Qin Kingdom!

Liu Bowen was overjoyed and hurriedly pacified and recruited everyone.

"Daqin is rich and prosperous, and there will never be a shortage of gold and silver. Each contribution point can be directly exchanged for ten gold gold! "

"The talisman seals and other resources of the Heavenly Rune Pavilion can also be exchanged!"

"The specific price and tasks will be announced on a list, open and honest!"

These words made everyone overjoyed.


"Daqin is really enlightened!"

"I'm willing to contribute to Daqin!"

Liu Bowen stroked his beard with satisfaction and smiled.

This task and contribution point exchange plan was the result of discussion among the courtiers.

Han Feijin said: Confucianism is chaotic with the law, and martial arts is forbidden!

The heroes of the rivers and lakes are unruly and difficult to manage.

But these people can't let it go, otherwise they will all stand on the opposite side of Daqin and go to the Yan Kingdom and others to participate in the anti-Qin alliance.

Now with this method, do not directly constrain the heroes of the rivers and lakes, only use interests to drive, let them contribute to Daqin! In this way, the heroes of the rivers and lakes can be convinced. Only then can he do his best and do things for the Qin Kingdom!

Now it seems that the effect is very good!

Liu Bowen's heart was suddenly full of appreciation for Han Fei.

Liu Bowen finally announced and retreated.

Soon, a building called 'Yanwu Tang' was built next to the Xianyang Academy Palace. A huge rice paper announcement was posted on the wall at the door.

Countless people in the rivers and lakes, first the flies asked about the smell of meat, and they collapsed one after another.

"Annihilate the Dao Family Sect, kill the head Xiaoyaozi, six hundred contribution points!"

"Clean up the Giant Deer Ze bandits, one hundred and fifty contribution points..."

"Probe the Mo family's movements..."

All kinds of tasks, written all over rice paper, in order to fear that the heroes of the rivers and lakes will not be illiterate, and the officials of the Qin State are reading on the side.

On the other side, a red rice paper records various reward exchanges.

"Shangshan is like a water purple talisman, containing the power of heaven and man, worth two hundred contribution points."

"Emperor Flow Pulp, auxiliary cultivation, can open the beast spiritual intelligence, worth five hundred points."

"The Eight Swords of the King of Yue, worth one hundred and thirty points..."

This list is extremely long and contains countless treasures.

"Heavenly Talisman Seal!"

"Emperor Flowing Pulp!"

"There are so many good things!"

Seeing all kinds of precious rewards, all the heroes of the rivers and lakes suddenly turned red in their eyes.

"Hurry up and go in, the task will be picked up by someone else in a while!"

"Get out of the way and let me in!"

"Don't squeeze, who's pushing me..."

Without hesitation, they rushed into the Yanwu Hall, wanting to receive the task as soon as possible. It was still a group of Qin troops on both sides of the Wutang that they barely maintained order.

For a time, countless people in the rivers and lakes, as tentacles, poked out to the whole world...

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