Xianyang, Zhangtai Palace.

When Ying Zheng learned that Chisongzi had drawn the Purple Rune Heavenly Seal, he was overjoyed and immediately summoned it.

"Meet the King!"

Chi Songzi looked excited, holding a purple talisman in his hand, and greeted Ying Zheng.

"Hurry up, please!"

As soon as Ying Zheng raised his hand, he let Akamatsuko get up.

"Quickly show the widow what power this purple talisman heavenly seal has!"

Ying Zheng was a little impatient and wanted to see the effect of the purple talisman. This is the power of heaven and man!

You know, the entire Great Qin does not have a true Heaven and Human Realm master today!

Chisongzi is also curious, the realm of heaven and man, the existence and legend. What kind of power this purple talisman will have, he can't guess.

"Great King, although this Purple Rune Heavenly Seal is precious, the minister is confident that it can be drawn again!"

"The minister begs the Great King for grace and test the talisman seal on the spot!"

Victory was very happy, since Chisongzi had confidence, it was no pity to consume this talisman seal, so he agreed on the spot.



Many ministers learned that the purple rune heavenly seal was made and wanted to test the effect, so they came to watch.

Weishui flows gently and crosses Xianyang.

The talisman made of red pine nuts is a kind of water control talisman, which is suitable for this test.

Everyone followed Huan Zheng and came to Weishui in Xianyang City.

"It's the king!"

"The king is traveling!"

Seeing the dragon of the government, the people of Xianyang shouted one after another, enthusiastically followed, and came to Weishui together.

"Look, that's the Red Pine Dao Master of the Heavenly Rune Pavilion!"

"Legend has it that Chisongzi Daoist has amazing powers and invented various talismans, and he is a person among the immortals!"

"Hurry up and see what to do..."

Seeing the enthusiasm of the people, Ying Zheng did not drive away. Although the test talisman seal is important, it is not a big secret. Let the people see it, so that they can understand more about the path of cultivation.

With the upgrading of the imperial fortune, within the scope of Daqin, the aura gradually revived and the concentration increased. Now there is a calamus containing spiritual energy, a giant python as thick as a water tank.

In the future, there will definitely be more and more mysterious things. See more, so as not to make a fuss.

"Let's go!"

With a wave of his hand, Akamatsuko began experimenting.

Chisongzi answered the order, holding a purple talisman with a solemn expression.

"After two or three hundred years since my Taoist ancestor Laozhuang, I can finally see the power of heaven and man again!"

His heart was full of agitation, and he summoned up the mana of his whole body.

"Goodness is like water, evil!"

Chisongzi shouted loudly and activated the talisman seal in his hand.


The purple talisman burned rapidly, turning into ashes. A ghostly blue light surged and fell into the Weishui under the control of Chisongzi.

The ghostly blue light, blooming wildly, dyed the entire Weishui blue.


Akamatsuko clasped her hands and puffed up her strength and shouted.


A strong vibration came from Weishui. Countless splashes of water splashed like a drizzle.

Then an even more amazing scene appeared!

Weishui, shrouded in glow blue light, was completely controlled by Chisongzi. With his force, the entire river water was lifted by an invisible force.

The huge flow of Weishui, like a transparent glass, was lifted by an invisible giant hand.

A huge arch bridge formed by a stream of water suddenly appeared!


"It's amazing!"

"Akamatsuko Daoist is too powerful!"

The onlookers on both sides of Weishui were shocked. And the ministers of the DPRK and China who were with them, who were not much better, were stunned by surprise.

They can even see the opposite side through the hollow beneath the flowing arch bridge.

The raised stream of water, like transparent glass, defies common sense, arches high, passes through invisible pipes, and continues to flow.

Countless fish, large and small, swim in the current. From time to time, they curiously swim to the border to observe the outside world.

When he saw this, he was also greatly shocked.

"Divine skill! It's amazing! "

"Is this the power of heaven and man!"

It was also the first time he had seen such a scene, and his heart was very shocked. For the legendary realm of heaven and man, there is more endless yearning.

Now lifting Weishui is because the control of red pine nuts is strong enough. This kind of power, as long as you are willing, can set off a huge flood and tsunami, and the power is endless!

If there is another flood in Weishui, without the ancestor's hand, Chisongzi can eliminate the disaster with the help of the talisman!

After a long time, the energy of the rune seal was exhausted, and Chisongzi let go, allowing the water to fall back into the Wei River.

Akamatsuko sweated on his forehead, obviously consuming a lot of strength. He let out a long breath and slowly collected the work.

The eyes of Ying Zheng bloomed with endless brilliance, and he was as honorable as a god.

"Heavenly Rune Pavilion Chisongzi has made great achievements, rewarding thousands of gold, pearls and ten pairs of jade!"

"In the future, all kinds of spiritual energy materials, the Heavenly Rune Pavilion has the right to take priority in use!"

Yingzheng loudly announced, rewarding Akamatsuko.

Chisongzi bowed respectfully, her face full of joy. With various aura materials, he could continue to study the Purple Rune Heavenly Seal!

Yingzheng looked at Akamatsuko and his expression moved.

"Chisongzi Daoist, you have time to go to Xianyang Academy Palace more often and tell you about the way of the seal. Only by pooling the power of everyone can the charm seal go further! "


For this request, Akamatsuko naturally had no reason to refuse.


The Qin State was promoted to the imperial dynasty, the national strength soared, and the world was changing with each passing day!

Yin Yang Family Station, Forbidden Underground Palace.

"Your Excellency the Eastern Emperor!"

The moon god came to the underground palace and bowed to the figure carrying his hands on the high platform, his eyes full of respect.

"What about the stuff?"

In the underground palace, Donghuang Taiyi's tone was faint, as if it came from the Netherworld Hell.

"Your Excellency the Eastern Emperor, the mission has failed!"

There was a tremor in the moon god's tone. He bowed respectfully, and an irrepressible fear rose in his heart.

At this moment, she remembered the punishment of not getting the Azure Dragon Treasure Box last time!


Donghuang Taiyi's tone paused, and he slowly turned his head and looked down on the moon god condescendingly.

At this moment, Donghuang Taiyi's whole body was shrouded in black robes, like a demon god, looking at the moon god, which made the moon god's body tremble even more.

"Your Excellency the Eastern Emperor, this time to destroy Zhao and Wei, without the participation of my Yin Yang family, the disciple personally went to Zhao and Wei, but in the end, he was first boarded by the East Factory!"

"Please surrender your guilt!"

The moon god bowed, his tone trembling.

Although Donghuang Taiyi did not speak, the invisible pressure seemed to suffocate the moon god!

At this moment, the moon god couldn't help but think of the last encounter on the real dragon's nest, once Donghuang Taiyi was like a supreme god in the heart of the moon god, but now, the moon god has a feeling as if he is controlled by the devil!

As for the gods, the moon god's mind couldn't help but think of the vast world in the true dragon's nest...

"East Factory?"

"It's him again!"

Donghuang Taiyi's tone was faint, and there seemed to be endless terrifying energy in that flat tone waiting to erupt at any time!

"Your Excellency the East Emperor, the East Factory is the largest spy organization in the Qin Kingdom, its minions are all over the world, pervasive, more terrifying existence than the killer organization Luo Net of the Qin State, its power is too strong, although there are many Yin and Yang family masters, but in the face of the ubiquitous East Factory, there are still some..."

The moon god quickly opened his mouth to explain, and bowed to the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

On the supreme platform of the underground palace, Donghuang Taiyi stood under the stars, like a night demon god, overlooking the moon god condescendingly.

"That's it!"

"You go and tell Yingzheng that I want to see him!"

For a long time, Donghuang Taiyi sighed lightly.

As soon as these words came out, the moon god was amnestied and quickly bowed down to receive the order.

"Obey Your Excellency's orders!"


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