"Ding! The host breaks through the ninth level of the Dynasty National Fortune and advances to the Imperial Dynasty National Fortune. "

"Ding! The State of Qin broke through the dynasty and was promoted to the imperial dynasty. The emperor bound by the host has achieved a special achievement 'promotion to the imperial dynasty', congratulations to the host for obtaining a special reward: Nine Heavens Moon Hua Cheng Dew! "


In Jiang Han's mind, a continuous series of system prompts suddenly sounded.

Imperial Dynasty National Fortune?

Nine Days Moon Hua Cheng Dew Plate?

Jiang Han was ecstatic in his heart, after how many cultivations, he finally broke through to the imperial dynasty!


The huge purple-gold divine dragon twisted its body excitedly, stirring the wind and clouds.

At this moment, Jiang Han felt that he had changed greatly. Not only did he have a true flesh and blood body, but he also achieved a breakthrough in the ancestral dragon technique that he had cultivated all the way.

As soon as his mind moved, he shook his body and came from the top of the South Mountain to Xianyang City.

Endless golden auspicious clouds, surrounding this purple-gold divine dragon, appeared from the sky.

"Look, what is that!"

"Shenlong! That's the Ancestor Divine Dragon! "

The people of Xianyang City were all excited, kneeling and praying religiously. Seeing the Ancestor True Dragon means that good luck will happen.

Jiang Han was not impressed, and once again he shook his body, and actually appeared in the Sichuan Basin, Chengdu in Shuzhong!

Chengdu has a long history of founding and was even more prosperous under the rule of the Qin state. It's just that because the Shu Road is difficult and communication is inconvenient, for Xianyang, it is still a little far away.

Countless people in Shuzhong have never learned from corn, potatoes, porcelain rice paper, etc., that Daqin has the protection of its ancestors. But after all, no one has ever seen the ancestor.

At this time, a purple-gold divine dragon, harnessing auspicious clouds, suddenly appeared in the sky.

"Ah! Oh, my God! "

"What is that..."

"Dragon! I see the dragon! "

"There really are dragons in this world!"

Countless people in Shuzhong were panicked, some timid, and even crawled on the ground in fright, and their legs were soft.

"It's the Great Qin Ancestor!"

"This divine dragon is the Great Qin Ancestor!"

Finally, a merchant from Xianyang recognized Jiang Han and kept introducing it to everyone.

"Meet the Ancestor True Dragon!"

"Ancestor bless!"

"The ancestor has come to Shuzhong! Ancestors, did not forget us! "

Countless people in Shuzhong were moved to tears.

They fell to their knees and kept kowtowing and praying.

Xianyang is the royal capital, and the people are well-informed, and they can see the real dragon's nest suspended in the air every day. For Jiang Han's divine dragon body, although it is revered, it is not too unusual.

But the people of Shuzhong, this is the first time they have seen the divine dragon in the world. How could this mythical divine appearance not make them horrified and cry with excitement?

Seeing this, Jiang Han sprinkled a blessing of national fortune between his paws, and immediately received more worship from the people.

Hundreds of people kowtow madly, and their piety was extreme.

"The fortune of the imperial dynasty, it is really magical!"

Jiang Han sighed infinitely in his heart.

After the True Dragon was promoted to the Imperial Dynasty, as soon as his mind moved, he could directly teleport and appear within any Great Qin territory!

In terms of speed, it can even surpass a heel fight for 108,000 miles!

Moreover, within the scope of the country, he will also receive great blessings, and his magical powers will be even greater.

"This magical power is so good!"

Jiang Han was extremely happy and could teleport within the territory at will, which meant that no matter where there was an accident, he could show up at any time to help.

In the future, there will be no need to worry about various disasters in Daqin. Drought, fire, and even floods and earthquakes, Jiang Han can be solved at will!

Therefore, Jiang Han did not constantly launch teleportation, inspecting all the Great Qin lands one by one. From time to time, some disasters are solved, or the blessing of national fortune is applied.

For a time, the entire Daqin was full of Jiang Han's figure. Even the land of Han Zhao Wei, which had just been annexed, was not left.

Without hundreds of surnames, he finally saw the legendary ancestor Shenlong. They knelt down one after another and prayed to Jiang Han.

The people's respect for Daqin has been raised to a higher level. Everyone is proud of their status as the people of Daqin!

In half a day, Jiang Han traveled throughout Daqin and returned to Xianyang, feeling very good.

At this point, he finally remembered that there was another reward.

"System, extract the Nine Heavens Moon Hua Cheng Dew Disk!"

Suddenly, a pure cyan disc appeared in front of Jiang Han's eyes.

"Nine Heavens Moon Huacheng Dew Plate: The special luck of the fairy world is the treasure, and it needs a special gold and bronze bearing terrace to be used. Use the power of national fortune to undertake the nine days of moon hua and condense the moon hua manna! "

"Yuehua manna, also known as Emperor Liujing, can nourish the soul, improve physical fitness, and greatly help cultivation. If it is used on a beast, it can help it open its spiritual intelligence and cultivate into a demon! "

Special Qi Luck Treasure?

Emperor Slurry?

Jiang Han's heart was ecstatic!

Who doesn't know the reputation of the emperor liujing?

This is the most precious thing! Not only can the beast open its spiritual intelligence and assist in cultivation, its functions are simply innumerable!

The dew plate can actually gather the moon to form the emperor flow slurry, isn't it inexhaustible!

"Once completed, this inheritance terrace must be the most precious resource wealth of the Qin Kingdom!"

Jiang Han's heart was full of excitement, if a large number of emperor flow pulp was produced, the entire Daqin's cultivation force would probably be able to go directly to a higher level!

"Special Qi Luck Treasure!"

A gleam flashed in Jiang Han's eyes, and his expression was thoughtful. He opened the Ten Thousand Worlds Mall and found a similar treasure. But the price...

Jiang Han was so frightened that he immediately turned off the Ten Thousand Worlds Mall and didn't take a second look. His current achievement point is not enough for a fraction!

"This special qi luck treasure can enhance the foundation of a force, and it is the most precious thing!"

Jiang Han decided to keep paying attention in the future and collect this treasure as much as possible.


Just when Jiang Han was promoted to the national fortune of the imperial dynasty and condensed his flesh and blood, the government on the platform of sacrifice also underwent great changes.


An invisible desire to fight coercion spread out from Ying Zheng's body, and all the surrounding plants and trees were bent over.

Within ten meters of Ying Zheng's side, a light golden sphere emerged.

All of them, whether it was wild grass and rocks, ants and insects, or Liu Bowen and other courtiers, suddenly like insects trapped in amber, unable to move.


Liu Bowen just wanted to open his mouth, but he couldn't move at all, let alone make the slightest sound!

A terrifying wave was set off in his heart, and there was an endless shock.

"This is the field!"

"Within the field, follow your word!"

Liu Bowen was not only a Wen Chen, but also a master cultivator. Proficient in the Five Elements Bagua, Qi Men Dun Jia.

He immediately recognized that the abnormality around Ying Zheng was the legendary realm!

At this time, Ying Zheng also felt his own changes. Suddenly, a wave of information naturally emerged from his mind.

"Imperial realm, all laws do not invade, words follow the law!"

Ying Zheng's heart was terrified, this kind of magical power, even beyond his grasp, some could not be controlled!

Fortunately, this is only the most basic area, and it is not perfect.

With the idea of winning the government, the imperial realm slowly dissipated, and everything around it finally returned to its original state.

Liu Bowen's forehead instantly oozed countless sweat, as if he had just washed his head, all wet.

"Within the realm just now, I didn't have the slightest power to resist!"

"As long as the king's mind moves, he can wipe me out like an ant!"

Liu Bowen naturally knew that Ying Zheng would not erase himself for no reason, but this feeling of uncontrolled life still made his body instinctively warn madly.

"From now on, within ten meters, no one will be the opponent of the Great King!"

"If someone wants to assassinate the king, I am afraid that they will never succeed!"

After a long time, Ying Zheng finally regained his composure.

"Imperial realm, promising!"

He was very excited in his heart, this imperial realm was completely connected to the national fortune. Become the head of the dynasty and you will automatically awaken.

With the promotion of the imperial dynasty, the national strength becomes stronger, and the imperial realm can be stronger!

At that time, you can really talk and follow the word!

"Swing and go back to Xianyang Palace!"

With a strong excitement, Ying Zheng walked down the altar, rode on the Black Dragon Dragon, and took the ministers and officials to end this consecration ceremony.

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