The nobles of the Wei state tied up the King of Wei and surrendered to the Qin army in order to ask for forgiveness, in the vain hope of preserving their glory and wealth.

Zhao Yun's eyes were full of contempt, and he didn't look at these people, and directly rode into the city to take over the city defense and seal the palace treasury.

Wang Ban was behind, looking at King Wei and these subordinates, and laughed loudly.

"King Wei, you now know who your subordinates are!"

"The yellow bell is destroyed, and the tile kettle is thundering! Instead of reusing loyal people and promoting talents, let these stupid wolves occupy the court..."

"You Wei Kingdom, you deserve to perish!"

Wang Bian's eyes were full of disdain, and one more glance at these sycophantic Wei ministers made his eyes dirty. As a courtier, he did not serve the country faithfully, but betrayed the king in order to survive, which is simply unworthy of being a man!

He directly ordered the soldiers to take them into custody together and await their disposal.

Daliang Kaicheng surrendered, the King of Wei was bound, and the entire Wei kingdom naturally would no longer have the slightest resistance.

Wang Ban himself garrisoned Daliang, and let Zhao Yun take the tiger and leopard cavalry to constantly accept other cities in the Wei state.

Zhao Yunbing was fast and galloped all the way. The remaining Wei cities, when they learned that Daliang had surrendered and that the King of Wei had been captured, were even more desperate.

Leaving a small number of soldiers and horses to guard the back road of the city, Zhao Yun placed the tiger and leopard on the border between the Wei and Qi states to deter the Qi state.

The king of Qi was already incompetent, and the minister of power was even more greedy and stupid, and when he learned that the Wei state was destroyed, Zhao Yun and Chen Bing bordered, he did not dare to move any thoughts.

"Quick! Send an envoy to send a heavy gift, just say that my Qi State respectfully serves the Qin State, and I will never have the slightest intention of disobeying. "

The King of Qi sent an envoy to give Zhao Yun a generous gift, fearing that he would march into the Qi state.

Zhao Yun came here only to deter the State of Qi, lest he take advantage of the fire and rob and annex the land of the city of the State of Wei. Now that Qi Guo is cowardly and acknowledged, it is natural that there will be nothing to do.

There was no external threat, and Wang Bian's handling of post-war affairs in Daliang was naturally very smooth.

"Seal all the palaces and treasuries of the Wei Kingdom, and transport all the wealth back to Xianyang."

"Gather all the craftsmen of the Wei Kingdom, as well as their families, and all move to Xianyang..."


Wang Ban methodically issued various orders to sort out the Wei kingdom and handle it properly. As for the specific government affairs after that, they will be handled by officials sent by Xianyang.

King Wei traveled from Daliang to Xianyang in a prison chariot, closely guarded by a large number of Qin troops. He was accompanied by many Wei ministers and nobles, as well as the Wei queen's palace.

The farther away they were from the Wei Kingdom, the more they lost their souls.

All the way forward, after arriving in Xianyang, King Wei in the prison car finally had a little more radiance.

At this time, King Wei's prison car passed through a bustling street.

"That was..."

"Night Pearl!"

"How can there be so many night pearls!"

King Wei was shocked, and he saw that on a stall on the side of the street, countless large and small night pearls were placed and sold at will.

It turned out that the night pearl that was worth thousands of gold in the Wei Kingdom and caused endless riots was just a glass bead.

As long as a fluorescent ore is added to it during manufacturing, it can emit bright light.

With the technological progress of Tiangongyuan, glass has long been manufactured in large quantities. Nowadays in Xianyang, the 'night pearl' is just a child's plaything.

King Wei was horrified and ashamed to death.

The Wei Kingdom, who had been in his house for hundreds of years, actually fell into the hands of such a child's plaything?

At this moment, King Wei was full of remorse, and his heart was like death.


Xianyang, Zhangtai Palace.

"Meet the King!"

Wen Wu Qunchen, led by Prime Minister Liu Bowen, bowed to Huan Zheng.

"Secretaries, please."

Huan Zheng had a smile on his face, now Daqin is extremely strong, Wen Chen military generals, countless talents, and more prosperous.

"Great King, the Wei kingdom has been destroyed, and you must no longer implement the policy of dividing the seals, repeat the mistakes of Zhou Tianzi, divide the counties as soon as possible, and send officials to govern."

A young Wen Chen stood up and proposed a proposal.

This person is Li Si, who once studied under Xunzi but later joined the Legalist family.

With his powerful ability, he gradually rose to prominence in the court of the Qin State and won the favor of Ying Zheng.

"Yes, this plan just completely digested the Wei Kingdom."

"The minister seconded!"

The ministers echoed and agreed with this view.

The county system has been gradually promoted in the Qin state, and it is not a new practice. Its benefits are also very obvious, the central government's control over the local government is very strong.


Ying Zheng immediately approved and immediately ordered.

"Originally, the land of the Wei Kingdom was divided into East County, Dang County, Sanchuan County, etc. Then divide the county town, and each appoint officials to govern. "

Li Si got the right to speak, but he refused to stop there.

"Great King, the new Wei Kingdom has fallen, I am afraid that there are still many people who do not obey the discipline of Qin Law and act recklessly in the local area."

"The local aristocratic tycoons accumulated by the Wei Kingdom for hundreds of years occupy the countryside and dominate one side."

"It's better to move all these rich families to Xianyang, and the strong and weak branches."

The previous Han country also had a similar treatment, and there was naturally no reason to oppose it.


Ying Zheng nodded, Li Si's words, but said the previous strategy, many did not expect the effect. Strengthening the weak branch can also strengthen local order, which he did not think of before the government.

"Great King, the craftsmen and captives of the Wei Kingdom, must be sent to the Tiangongyuan as soon as possible, and now the railway plan needs craftsmen and manpower everywhere to be able to carry out the construction."

The public revenge also stood up and asked for victory.


With a wave of his hand, this is a big thing, and naturally there is no reason to refute it.


After some discussion, today's content was basically finished, and at this time, Prime Minister Liu Bo came out.

"Great King, King Wei has been brought and is kneeling outside the palace gate, waiting to be summoned."

Ying Zheng was sitting down, revealing a domineering air that looked at the world.


Soon, King Wei was taken to the main hall of Zhangtai Palace.

King Wei looked haggard, holding the state seal in his hand, and knelt on the ground to pay respects.

"Wei Zeng, the king of the dead country, meets the great king!"

"Xiao Wang is willing to offer the seal of the Wei Kingdom, and from now on, the entire territory of the Wei Kingdom will belong to the Qin Kingdom!" I only ask the great king to open up grace and keep my Wei Kingdom sacrifice for endless incense! "

King Wei couldn't help crying as he spoke, and kept pleading with Ying Zheng.

Huan Zheng sat high on the throne and looked coldly at the King of Wei below.

"If Wei Wei is made Chengjijun, he can move to Chengji in Guanzhong to build a family temple and continue the incense."

"The former Wei state made monarchs and nobles, all stripped of their titles and degraded to commoners. All land shall be confiscated. "

Soon, Ying Zheng gave the disposition of the Wei monarchs.

"Thank you for your grace!"

The monarchs of the Wei Kingdom wept bitterly one by one. Land wealth, they do not expect to be able to keep, can survive a life, is already a blessing in government.

King Wei's wail faded away, and Zhao Gao collected the seal of the Wei state.

The seal of the State of Wei represents the inheritance and destiny of the State of Wei. Now that the state seal has returned to Qin, it means that in terms of ritual law, the Wei state has completely perished.


True Dragon's Nest, Crystal Palace.

The purple-gold light filled the air, and a huge Qi Luck True Dragon slept. Breathe and see, roll up endless wind and clouds.

"Ding! The host binds Emperor Yingzheng to complete the 'Annihilation of Wei' mission, and Yingzheng gets a reward: Qiao Feng summons the card! "

"Ding! The host binds Emperor Yingzheng to complete the 'Destroy Wei' mission, congratulations to the host for getting the reward: 150 achievements! "

"Ding! The host binds Emperor Yingzheng to complete the achievement of 'Overthrowing the Kingdom of Wei', congratulations to the host for obtaining the achievement reward: Nine Ghost Cleansing Soul Water! "

"Ding! Qin annihilated Zhao Wei, congratulations to the host for advancing to the ninth level peak of the Dynasty National Fortune! "


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