On the vast field, two armies confronted each other.

Yan Dan led the 250,000 Wei army, and had already set up a formation and waited for the formation.

Among the Qin army, two generals, Wang Ban and Zhao Yun, were discussing countermeasures.

"Although the Wei army is a rabble, it is a large number of people, and it needs to be dealt with carefully, and the enemy should not be underestimated."

Wang Ban inherited some of the characteristics of his father, the old general Wang Yi, and was extremely cautious on the battlefield.

Zhao Yun is different, he is young and very aggressive.

"General Wang, I don't see it that way!"

Zhao Yun was dressed in silver-white armor, extremely powerful and handsome. His eyes were sharp, and he seemed to see through the Wei army camp on the opposite side.

"Wei Jun just looks powerful, but it's actually extremely fragile!"

"According to the intelligence of the spies, the Wei army general is not from the Wei country at all, but the prince of the Yan country, Dan! ,"

A flash of excitement appeared in Zhao Yun's eyes, he had already sensed the weakness of the Wei army on the other side!

Wang Ban is wonderful, a little incredible.

"King Wei actually handed over the strength of the whole country to an outsider?"

He suddenly understood that outsiders commanding troops must have come from the air, and there was no foundation in the army at all.

If the war goes well, once the wind is headwind, it may trigger a big crash!

Zhao Yun and Wang Ben looked at each other, obviously knowing that the other party had understood.

"General Wang, please lead the firearms battalion and the mechanical beast and the Tianji puppet brigade to confront the Wei army head-on and attract the main force of the Wei army!"

"I led the tiger and leopard to ride, went around behind the Wei army, and broke through the enemy position in one fell swoop!"

Zhao Yun's eyes were shining, and there seemed to be a glow emanating!

Such tactics are very testing of the generals' military talents and personal bravery. And Zhao Yun, the most important thing is military strategy and bravery!

This strategy will take a little risk, but it will be ten times more rewarding!

The Wei army fought on its own soil, and the girder was not far behind, and supplies could be obtained at any time.

And the Qin army penetrated deep into the Wei realm, the battle line was already stretched for a long time, and the cities attacked in the rear had to be guarded by troops.

Today, neither logistics nor troop strength has an advantage.

If the Wei army could not be defeated quickly, the battle might drag on. Once the war drags on, the Qi State, the Chu State and the Yan State are very likely to send reinforcements!

Wang Ben was originally a handsome talent, so he naturally understood this. He thought about it for a while and felt that this plan was feasible!

"General Zhao, it's okay to run around the back and attack, but you have to be careful not to be entangled by the Wei army!"

Wang Ban held Zhao Yun's arm and instructed.

"General Wang rest assured, Zhao Yun has the confidence to defeat the Wei army with a bang!"

Zhao Yun was angry and turned over on his horse.

The white horse silver spear Zhao Zilong, majestic, roared away.





When the Qin army started the war, it was still a domineering beast in front of it, and it was invincible.

"Artillery, put!"

The disciples of the public losers who harnessed the machine beasts constantly fired the cannons carried by the machine beasts to bombard the Wei army camp.



Fire and explosions, in the Wei army, set off chaos, but were quickly suppressed.

Among the Wei army, Yan Dan had long guarded against this.

He looked to the side with eagerness in his eyes.

"Old man Ban, Xu Fuzi, against the Qin army beast, it depends on you!"

The two gray-bearded old men nodded one after another.

They were the Mo family's organ masters and were proficient in all kinds of organ techniques.

The Mo family and the public loser, above the trick, have always been hostile. In a simulated controversy that year, Mozi, the ancestor of the Mo family, defeated the public loser Lao Zugong Lose Class (Luban), and the public loser has always remembered the grudge.

Now in the face of the public loser's domineering organ technique, Yan Dan directly invited the Mo family organ technique to fight.

"White Tiger Beast, dispatch!"

With Old Man Ban's order, a group of huge bronze white tiger beasts, jumping with flexible steps, rushed out of the Wei army camp.

"That was..."

The disciple of the public loser who manipulated the organ beast of the Qin army was stunned when he saw the organ beast of the Wei army opposite.

"It's the Mo Family Technique!"

He quickly recognized the enemy, an old rival of his own family.

Mojia organ, wood and stone walking, bronze opening, to ask the public loss!


"Hmph! Mojia thought it was still back then? "

The public loser disciple smiled contemptuously, and his heart was full of confidence.

Originally, the public loser and the Mo family's tricks originally had each other's victories and defeats, and they were not equal to each other.

But since entering the Qin Dynasty, the public loser has obtained many divine books given by the ancestor, and the mechanics have greatly improved. Not long ago, he made the heavenly puppet of the fairy world, and the mechanism technique went to a higher level.

So the artillery is directly integrated into the machine beast, and the cannonball can be sprayed at the mouth, so that the power of the machine beast is greatly increased!

"Earth Dragon Thirteen, shred the White Tiger Organ on the opposite side for me!"

The disciple of the public loser shouted loudly, and the earth dragon beast rushed forward.


Suddenly, two copper and iron monsters collided together.

The strength of the Mojia White Tiger Organ Beast was obviously half worse, and it was suppressed by the public loser Earth Dragon Organ Beast.

The Mo family disciples on the opposite side quickly changed their tactics and kept moving with the flexible maneuvers of the White Tiger Beast.


The disciple of the public loser controlled the Earth Dragon Beast, and suddenly fired a cannonball, hitting the White Tiger Beast. Suddenly, the White Tiger Beast was blasted to the ground and shattered.

The Mo family disciples inside the organ beast bled and died on the spot.

The entire battlefield gradually showed a crushing situation, and the public loser organ beasts spewed out artillery fire from time to time, destroying one Mo family white tiger organ beast after another. The Mo family was defeated and gradually declined.

Among the Wei army, Yan Dan's brows furrowed tighter.

"It's not a way to go on like this!"

He turned his head and looked at Xiaoyaozi, the head of the Daoist Sect on the side.

"Xiaoyaozi is in charge, I'm afraid this time, I will still trouble you!"

Xiaoyaozi looked resolute and did not shirk at all.

"Resisting the violent Qin is my unshirkable responsibility! In the last big war, the Renzong lost two elders and countless disciples, this feud, Xiaoyaozi will be rewarded today! "

Xiaoyaozi's eyes showed anger, and there was a different kind of expectation.

The red talisman seal that Meng Tian used last time, Xiaoyaozi was very interested, and he wanted to take a few from the Qin army and study it well.

Yan Dan was overjoyed when he heard Xiaoyaozi say this.

"Good! I will hand over all the masters of the rivers and lakes under my command to you! "

"Carry out a decapitation operation to assassinate the opposite master!"

With an order, Yan Dan handed over many of the leaders and masters of the Mo family under his command, as well as all the jianghu forces he had recruited, to Xiaoyaozi to lead him to raid the main general of the Qin army.

Xiaoyaozi immediately responded to the order, took the three Renzong elders, gathered everyone, and began to cast spells.

"Everyone, get ready, I will immediately use the Taoist secret method Dream Butterfly Escape, directly appear in the Qin army, and implement the beheading plan!"

Everyone responded, each getting ready and tightening their weapons.

Xiaoyaozi and the three Renzong elders cast their spells with all their strength, and suddenly, a burst of light lit up.


Xiaoyaozi stopped drinking, and everyone's figures suddenly turned into butterflies and scattered, disappearing without a trace.

In the middle army of the Qin army, Wang Ban was riding a war horse, overlooking the entire battle situation.

Suddenly, not far from him, a butterfly appeared and danced.

"It's not good, it's a Taoist dream butterfly escape!"

Wang Ben reacted instantly and quickly raised his vigilance.

"The Tianji puppet obeys the order and forms a formation!"

As Wang Ban broke his drink, two hundred bronze puppets and two silver puppets quickly gathered around him.

Zhao Yun left these puppets together and prepared to use them to attack the Wei army, but he did not expect that at this time, it would come in handy.

The butterflies dissipated, and a large group of figures appeared.

Xiaoyaozi appeared in the middle of the Qin army with many masters, not far from Wang Bian.


Before Xiaoyaozi and the others could stabilize their figures, there was a boom around them.

With Wang Bian's order, the puppet suddenly began to attack wildly.


The sword Xueji in Xiaoyaozi's hand was slashed at a bronze puppet.

But I saw a spark stirred up on the blade of the sword, and the puppet was knocked to the ground, but it quickly stood up without the slightest damage!

"It's not good, it's a metal puppet!"

Xiaoyaozi drank heavily, feeling bad in his heart, but it was already late.


There was a scream and wail beside him, but it was a master of the Mo family who was slashed by a puppet.

Soon, there were screams and wails around one after another, and many masters faced more Tianji puppets, and they were not opponents at all.

In particular, the two silver-white puppets, who actually had the strength of a grandmaster, suddenly set off a bloody storm.

"Rebel thief Xiaoyaozi, die!"

Wang Ben drank loudly, and punched out several red talisman seals in a row, which immediately turned into Xiaoyaozi's fame spell, and the first clear after the snow attacked him.


Xiaoyaozi's face changed drastically, and his heart was full of resentment.

In the middle of the battle, using this talisman paper is simply destroying the balance!

It's a pity that Wang Biancai doesn't care about this, he didn't come to a fair duel, in the battlefield, what can kill is a good thing!


Next to Xiaoyaozi, an elder of the Human Sect was stabbed to death by Wang Bian's sword.

Xiaoyaozi looked sad and anxious. How many elders are there in the Human Sect? He had lost two before, and now these three were all the elder-level masters of the Human Sect.

"Don't do anything, let's go!"

Xiaoyaozi was helpless, facing so many puppet masters, as well as the talisman seal in Wang Ben's hand, it was impossible to behead.

He directly launched the Dream Butterfly Escape, turning a group of people into butterflies again and escaping the battlefield.

Even though Xiaoyaozi retreated decisively, he still lost most of his manpower.

Wang Ben snorted coldly and ignored it.

"Tianji puppet, all put into the front line of the battlefield!"

With Wang Bian's order, the offensive of the Qin army on the front line increased greatly, and the Wei army felt that the pressure was great, and it was faintly unable to bear it.

While trying his best to command the army to resist, Yan Dan anxiously waited for the results of the beheading of Xiaoyaozi and the others.

But I didn't want to, it was not Xiaoyaozi who waited first, but Zhao Yun!

"Tiger and leopard ride, the whole army charges!"


Zhao Yun's white horse and silver spear, one horse in the lead, led 30,000 tigers and leopards to ride, and had already circled behind the Wei army.

The rolling cavalry surged like a flood, and suddenly reopened a bloody road.

"It's not good, Qin Jun killed from behind!"

The Wei army was under the enemy's back, and there was a sudden chaos.

The main forces of the Wei army were attracted by Wang Ban in the front, and the defense behind them was empty. At this time, Zhao Yun led the tiger and leopard to ride a rush, and suddenly the rout was like a tide, and it was out of control.

The army was defeated.

The Wei army, which was not highly morale, suddenly cracked like a mountain and was defeated.

"How could it be..."

"How could the Qin army appear behind it..."

Yan Dan was stupid all of a sudden, and the whole person was stunned on the spot.

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