Meng Tian represented the state of Qin and accepted King Zhao's surrender.

How to deal with King Zhao was naturally not something he could decide on Meng Tian. King Zhao would be imprisoned and sent to Xianyang to meet with King Huanzheng of Qin.

Meng Tian led the Golden Fire Cavalry and strode into Handan.

As soon as he entered Handan City, Meng Tian quickly sent people to take over the city defense before calming down.

"Come, block King Zhao's palace, as well as all the treasuries, no one is allowed to trespass!"

With Meng Tian's order, the Golden Fire Cavalry quickly sealed off all the important places in Handan.

These places store the wealth accumulated by the Zhao Kingdom over the centuries.

Especially the palace of King Zhao, gold, silver and copper coins, rare treasures, is even more piled up.

Zhao Guo lacks food, but there is no shortage of money!

It is a pity that at critical moments, gold and silver jewelry can neither be eaten nor drunk. Zhao Guokong guarded endless treasures, but he could not exchange it for a grain.

Meng Tian commanded the soldiers to seize all the wealth, register it, and then transport it back to Xianyang.

These riches were useless in the grain-starved Zhao Kingdom, but they were of astonishing value in Xianyang.

In addition to the physical wealth of gold and silver, there is also a more precious wealth, and Meng Tian has not let go.

"Come, let the subordinates of Zhao Guo cooperate, and gather all the craftsmen of Zhao Country!"

"All craftsmen and their families moved to Xianyang together!"

In Daqin's view, these craftsmen who are proficient in various techniques are the most valuable wealth.

Qin Guo's science and technology is developing rapidly, all walks of life are blooming, and the participation of craftsmen is indispensable everywhere.

Therefore, at this time, the Qin State was extremely short of craftsmen. For the craftsmen of Zhao Guo, none of them are ready to let go.

Meng Tian's order, naturally no one disobeyed. Zhao Guo's officials in charge of hundreds of labors were diligent and conscientious, for fear of doing things unfavorably, and were cut by Meng Tian's sword.

And these craftsmen are even more grateful.

At this time, Zhao Guo was extremely short of food, many craftsmen, and the whole family was hungry. Even some unfortunate ones have starved to death at home.

When the Qin kingdom wanted to move them to Xianyang, the first thing they did was to distribute grain for help.

A bag of grain at this time is completely a human life!

The craftsmen of Zhao Guo burst into tears for a while, extremely grateful. Under the envious gaze of many neighbors, the family moved and followed the Qin army to assemble outside the city.

In addition to the craftsmen, there were all the clans of the Zhao Kingdom, all the nobles, officials, and family members who migrated together.

King Zhao's harem concubine beauty, as well as all his children, was naturally the first.

The Qin army collected all the carriages in Handan, but it was still not enough. As a last resort, he could only demolish many palace houses, order the craftsmen to assemble, rush to work overnight, and make horse-drawn carriages.

Car after car of gold and silver treasures, King Zhao's harem beauties, escorted by the Qin army, first went to Xianyang.

Among these treasures and beauties, a relatively luxurious carriage was guarded by heavy soldiers. In the carriage, King Zhao was sitting.

As for the craftsmen and their families, they had to wait for more carriages to be made before they could migrate to Xianyang in batches.

Along the way, from time to time, a piece of gold, a pearl, rolled down from the carriage. If it falls too far, the Qin soldiers who escort the car are too lazy to pick it up.

These days, Qin Jun has seen too many gold and silver treasures, and he has long been numb. Delaying time for a piece of gold is not worth it at all.

The carriage team marched all the way, passing through many cities in the Zhao Kingdom and heading towards Xianyang.

Seeing that the homeland of Zhao was getting farther and farther away, the beauty of Queen Zhao's palace in the carriage was crying and crying, and she was full of grief.

But these cries could not shake Qin Jun's iron heart in the slightest. Their fate has long been predetermined.


As soon as it entered the territory of the Qin Kingdom, the convoy went more and more smoothly, the road of the Qin Kingdom was very straight, the road surface was flat, and the trees were planted on both sides.

The deeper into the Qin Kingdom, the more prosperous it became. The people heard each other and lived in peace.

King Zhao came all the way, and he felt more and more in his heart, although the Qin State continued to use troops, it could feed and warm the people, which far surpassed the Zhao State.

And entering Xianyang, King Zhao was even more shocked.

Porcelain rice paper, which is rare to see outside, is everywhere. People on the street actually wore silk silk one by one!

Seeing this scene, King Zhao completely understood.

All the silk purchased by the Lü Chamber of Commerce was shipped to Xianyang and sold to the people of Xianyang at a low price.

The wealth lost by the silk silk has long been earned back by the Lu Chamber of Commerce with other commodities. The country of Zhao went up and down, destroyed grain and planted mulberry, and finally fell to this point, but it was all to make wedding clothes for the state of Qin.

More importantly, the Lu Chamber of Commerce monopolized the grain trade of the Zhao Kingdom. Cutting off the grain at once made Zhao Guo completely chaotic.

Then the Qin army attacked, so that it could be invincible.

"To come up with such a brilliant plan, the oligarchs have not lost unjustly!"

At this time, in addition to regret, King Zhao had endless admiration in his heart.


Xianyang of the State of Qin, early dynasty of Zhangtai Palace.

Ying Zheng occupies the throne, looks down on the courtiers, and looks at the world with a domineering attitude, which makes people feel heartbroken.

"Meet the King!"

Hundreds of civil and military officials lined up on both sides, bowed and saluted, and paid respects to the government.

"Secretaries, please."

Ying Zheng stretched out his hand and was full of majesty.

After some etiquette, Prime Minister Liu Bowen stood up and reported to Huan Zheng.

"Great King, King Zhao has arrived in Xianyang and is kneeling outside the palace gate, waiting for His Majesty to summon him."

All this has been arranged for a long time, and the disposal after the destruction of the Zhao Kingdom is the biggest government affairs at the moment.

Ying Zheng's expression remained unchanged, and he spoke lightly:

"Announce him in."

Soon, the guards were ordered to bring King Zhao to the main hall.

"The king of the dead country, Zhao Wei, greets the great king!"

King Zhao knelt down with a respectful face, holding the Jasper State Seal high in his hand.

"Zhao Wei is willing to offer the national seal, remove the number of King Zhao, and serve the king for the rest of his life as a courtier!"

King Zhao is different from King Han, he took the initiative to surrender Kaecheng, and he can still leave a little thin face. But how to deal with it depends entirely on the decision of the government.

The eunuch on the side took the state seal from King Zhao, walked up the steps and handed it to Huan Zheng.

While Huan Zheng grabbed Zhao Guoguoxi, he played with it inadvertently.

He looked at King Zhao for a while, groaned in his heart, and suddenly spoke.

"That's it, since it is the initiative to surrender in Kaesong, there will be no accountability."

"Go to the number of King Zhao, seal the Duke of Xingping, and go to Xingping to stay."

For King Zhao, the king of the kingdom, Ying Zheng really didn't care much. Randomly sealed a small city in the pass, as a fiefdom, to ban King Zhao.

The State of Qin has annexed the State of Han and the State of Zhao, and its territory has grown a lot, and its national strength has increased a lot.

As the king of the Qin State, Ying Zheng has more confidence and grace. When he disposed of King Zhao, he was also more casual and calm.

King Zhao quickly knelt on the ground and thanked Huan Zheng.

"King Xie forgives, and the ministers will raise the heavens in Xingping'an!"

This ending is already good.

From this moment on, the State of Zhao, one of the seven heroes of the Warring States, was completely destroyed from the fundamental point of view of etiquette.


True Dragon's Nest, Crystal Palace.

The purple-gold light filled the air, and a huge Qi Luck True Dragon slept. Breathe and see, roll up endless wind and clouds.

"Ding! The host binds Emperor Yingzheng to complete the 'Destroy Zhao' mission, and Yingzheng receives a reward: Wang Chongyang summons the card! "

"Ding! The host binds Emperor Yingzheng to complete the 'Destroy Zhao' mission, congratulations to the host for getting the reward: 150 achievements! "

"Ding! The host binds the emperor Yingzheng to complete the achievement of 'Overthrowing the Kingdom of Zhao', congratulations to the host for obtaining the achievement reward: breaking the eye of delusion! "

"Ding! Qin annihilated the Zhao Kingdom, congratulations to the host for advancing to the ninth level of the dynasty national fortune! "


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