Zhao Guo, capital Handan.

The huge Lu Chamber of Commerce came to Handan with a long convoy loaded with a large amount of goods.

One carriage after another, like a long dragon, slowly entered Handan City. According to the plan, the Lu Chamber of Commerce will hold a large exhibition of commodities in the most prosperous street.

Soon, after handing over a large sum of gold, the Lu Chamber of Commerce obtained the qualification to build a booth in the most prosperous street.

There are many people and great strength, and the guys of the Lu Chamber of Commerce are constantly busy, and it didn't take long for a tall wooden platform to be built.

The people of Handan who came and went below couldn't understand what they were doing.

As the capital of the Zhao Kingdom, Handan has a centuries-old heritage. It has always been a famous prosperous place in the world.

The residents of Handan are even more knowledgeable and will not be surprised by anything.

But today, the Lu Clan Chamber of Commerce that came from Daqin broke all this.

The first carriage was displayed on paper.

These papers are large and small, and there are not only written words on them, but also pictures of flowers, birds, insects and fish, and stunning dancing girls.

Heavenly ceramics, Yujing rice paper.

The people present had only heard of such famous treasures, but had never seen them.

And the luxurious and elegant ceramic utensils make people feel ashamed of themselves, and they feel that they are not worthy of use.

However, in addition to ordinary people, Handan also has many aristocratic and wealthy businessmen, who are not short of money.

Treasures that could not be bought before, are now open for sale, how can they let go.

In this way, white paper, porcelain, frosted sugar, etc. brought by the Lu Chamber of Commerce, precious goods unique to the Qin Kingdom, were sold in Handan in the Zhao Kingdom.

Boxes and boxes of gold and silver were loaded onto the carriage of the Lu Chamber of Commerce, and what was exchanged was goods that were actually terribly low in cost.

Perhaps there are too many rich people in the Zhao Kingdom, and they even feel that the things of the Lu Chamber of Commerce are sold too cheaply and are not worthy of the style of treasures.

The steward of the Lu Clan Chamber of Commerce looked at this lively scene and stroked his beard with satisfaction.

"The time is almost right, you can start the next step!"

With the steward's order, the Lu Clan Chamber of Commerce hung a large rice paper notice on the high platform, fluttering in the wind.

It is written with the words of the State of Qin and the State of Zhao, and it is also accompanied by graphic pictures, which can be easily understood even by illiterate people.

"Really, within two years, the Lu Clan Chamber of Commerce will purchase silk infinitely, and the price is three times higher than the market price!"

Zhao Guoren showed unbelievable eyes one by one, and many shrewd businessmen had a light of cash and money in their eyes.

"Business opportunity! Big business opportunity! "

While most people were still confirming the information, some shrewd businessmen quietly left the scene.

Naturally, they couldn't trust the Lu Chamber of Commerce, but they trusted it too much. There are white paper, porcelain, such goods, which sell well all over the world, and the credibility of the Lu Chamber of Commerce is comparable to gold in the eyes of many big businessmen!

They just seize the opportunity and act first. He sent all his men to buy silk in other parts of Handan.

Not only Handan, but even other cities in the Zhao Kingdom sent people to buy them.

In addition to these shrewd big businessmen, ordinary people of Zhao Country are still wondering.

At this time, the steward of the Lu Clan Chamber of Commerce walked up to the high platform and read the notice loudly in the face of the people under the black pressure.

He is eloquent and loud, and he tells things clearly.

"The Great King of the State of Qin stipulated that all Qin people with knighthoods must wear clothes made of silk. If there is a violation, the knighthood will be stripped away! "

"Gentlemen, the title of the Qin State is different from the Zhao State. Since the Shang Martingale Revolution, the State of Qin has adopted the military merit knighthood system, with a total of twenty rank titles. "

"The people of the Qin State who hold a knighthood are more than one-tenth of the total population!"

The steward waved his hands and was very engaged, constantly leading everyone's emotions to a higher level.

"Think about how much silk it takes! I'm afraid that all the silk in the entire Zhao Kingdom added up, it is not enough! "

"We only bought it in Zhao Country first because Zhao Country is closest to Qin Country, and if Zhao Country is gone, we will have to cross the mountains, cross the big river, and go to other countries to buy!"

The steward's words were sincere and full of emotion.

Not only did all the people of Zhao Kingdom believe it, but even he himself did not have the slightest doubt.

The highest trick is not to deceive!

That's right, Ying Zheng did promulgate such a decree in the Qin Kingdom!

All people with knighthoods in the Qin State need to wear silk.

This is not only to cooperate with the Mandate of Heaven plan, but also to predict the future of Ying Zheng.

The Qin State will surely dominate the world, and with the various technologies given by Jiang Han, the productive forces will surely develop in great strides. It is only a matter of time before anyone with a knighthood wears silk.

It is precisely because the steward did not lie that the people of Zhao Guo are even more trusted.

Thus, a fiery silk transaction began.

Faced with three times the market price, the people of Zhao Guo scrambled one by one, scrambling to sell their silk to the Lu Chamber of Commerce.

"Fuck off, I came first!"

A rich merchant with a big belly, holding a large curly silk, squeezed in front. He had limited knowledge, and he was afraid that the Lu Chamber of Commerce would suddenly stop the acquisition.

In order to sell the silk one step earlier and obtain a profit of three times the market price, the rich businessmen were unwilling to back down by half a step.

"Bold maniac, actually dare to contradict your uncle!"

Squeezed away was a small, thin man.

Don't look at him small, but his temper is big enough.

"I am a person from Shangqing's mansion in Zhao Kingdom, you are a businessman, you dare to contradict me, and you will definitely let Shangqing destroy your family!"

The little man looked a little funny with a violent threat.


The rich merchant spat and landed on the small man's face.

"You think you're alone with a backstage?"

The rich businessman looked disdainful and disdainful, and did not take his threat seriously at all.

In these years, which merchant did business without the support of several nobles?

Silk is not ordinary linen, even if it is not as good as brocade, it is a kind of silk.

Generally, only nobles can afford to wear. The big nobles passed on brocade, and the small nobles passed on silk.

Therefore, the price of silk is not low. Three times the market price, twice the profit. Who doesn't want to do this kind of trading that is only in Handan City and can make money without running outside?

The two clashed, each reported to the house, and finally found that they were comparable to the great nobles.

So, for the prestige of the nobles behind them, as well as the interests that made people red, the two fought desperately.

These two are not masters, just ordinary mortals. And one is too fat to move, the other is too thin and has no strength, but he hit half a pound and eight taels.

A lot of noise, did not cause much damage to the opponent, but made a big joke.

If there is a literate person here, maybe they will make up idioms like 'Handan toddler'.

But fortunately, this is under the public.

The steward of the Lu Clan Chamber of Commerce finally discovered this farce while he was wiping his sweat while he was busy and wasting his sweat.

He hurriedly stepped forward and promised to buy all the silk of the two at three times the market price, and finally understood the farce.

The dispute between the two is only one aspect.

More Handan people, after getting all the silk in the family to sell it, even began to play the idea of silk clothing.

"Even if it has already been made into clothes, we will accept it!"

The steward of the Lu Clan Chamber of Commerce solemnly promised to everyone. For the effect of the Tianming plan, this little thing is nothing.

"Those who have already made clothes are bought at twice the market price of silk! Go back and change it, you can always wear it! "

Such words pushed the enthusiasm of the market to a climax.

Many Handan people found all the silk fabrics that could be found.

Even the intimate clothes of the women in the family were not let go, and they were sold with a cheeky face.

For the sake of profit, these are nothing!

The frenzy of silk can be seen.

In this way, in less than a day, the entire silk silk in Handan was all purchased by the Lu Chamber of Commerce. Even King Zhao couldn't find a piece of silk.

And this silk craze quickly expanded to the entire territory of Zhao Kingdom.

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