Chapter 147

Chapter 147

After sensing the faces of Wei Zhuang and others, Mazi also smiled a little strangely.

In fact, he did not spend a day.

It’s an hour!

However, if you say one hour, the winner also feels a little inappropriate.

After all, the Hundred-Step Flying Sword, as Guigu’s stunt, was practiced in an hour, which is really an incredible thing.

Therefore, the winner also exaggerated that it took a day to practice.

Unexpectedly, one day is still too ridiculous for Wei Zhuang.

Since he returned to Ghost Valley to get the Hundred Step Flying Sword, it took at least half a year.

However, in front of him, he appeared and thought, claiming to be a person who took a glance and could practice a hundred-step flying sword in just one day.

His mood naturally needs no words.

“Second Young Master, since you don’t want to be honest, you don’t need to cover up too much.”

Wei Zhuang’s face was flat, showing that he did not believe in the words of the winner at all.

In this regard, the winner also waved his hand and smiled: “If you don’t believe it, then I have nothing to say. I wish you all the best, and I won’t bother you.

“Second son, goodbye.”

Wei Zhuang’s voice did not fluctuate, and he turned around, preparing to leave.


Chi Lian snorted coldly, glanced at Ying Ziyi, his face was full of contempt.

The opponent doesn’t believe it, and the winner will not deliberately explain it, so just let it go.



Ying Zi also flashed a gleam of light in his eyes, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Will he be as calm as he is now? I am really looking forward to it more and more!

The winner of this sentence will naturally not speak.

Even if he wants to see Transverse all directions now, it is estimated that Wei Zhuang will not let him do what he wants.

Moreover, at this critical juncture, the winner did not want to have too much disagreement with Wei Zhuang.

Quicksand played a big role in breaking the Mohist school.

If there is no quicksand, if you want to win and conquer the Mo family, you still need to think about it long-term.

In the eyes of Winner, the three Wei Zhuang and Wei Zhuang were gradually leaving. A group of venomous snakes on the ground dispersed, and there were still some snake corpses and blood, floating in the air, and the smell of blood was very strong.

After Wei Zhuang appeared, Ying Zi also noticed that the expressions of Da Si Ming and Shao Si Ming had become solemn.

Wei Zhuang is innate!

This is beyond doubt.

Even if the winner also blessed the role of God Transforming Gu, if he wanted to fight against Wei Zhuang, his winning rate was not 20%.

Because even if the internal strength of the winner increases tenfold, it is not entirely innate.

“We still need to continue to devour internal power, but with so many worms today, it is a very simple matter to want to become innate.

Winner also smiled, and a touch of indifference flashed across his face.

Thinking of this, Winson also looked into the depths of the forest, smiling very inexplicably.


That’s a group of nourishment.

In addition to increasing blood volume, it can also enhance countless internal forces.

There is nothing wrong with calling it a treasure!

“It’s just tailor-made!

Yingzi also smiled indifferently at the corners of his mouth, which made Da Si Ming, Shao Si Ming and others see it in the mist.

“My son, do we need to contact other people next?”

Zhang Luo’s face moved and asked.


Winner also shook his head and attacked the main force of the Mo family. Naturally, there would not be only the three thousand cavalry he led, and there were many soldiers who had not yet appeared.

Moreover, the winner is also in this battle, the role played is just an accompanying spectator.

From this it can be seen that from the overall layout, Li Si did not count the strength led by the winners into the chessboard at all.

In other words, as long as the layout of the chessboard is not destroyed, the winner also wants to make a move.

After a bit of relaxation, Winner also had bright eyes, and said, “We just need to wait here. For other things, special people will be responsible.

“Yes, son!”

Zhang Luo nodded respectfully and stopped talking.

If a line of three thousand cavalry is placed on the open ground, it will definitely be a team that people cannot ignore.

But placed in this lush and huge forest, the three thousand iron horses can completely cover up.

“Let everything spread out and rest on the spot.”

The fan also glanced at the cautious (cdfg) appearance of the iron cavalry, and said directly.


Zhang Luo nodded, and immediately left the Winner’s side, and quickly ordered the Iron Cavalry to disperse and rest.

Before the war has begun, the most important thing is to recharge.

Although it is unknown whether the winning team will participate in the battle, it is absolutely pros and cons to relax everyone’s mood appropriately.

Qing Qing Qing Qing!

A small bird estimated to be the size of a palm flew in the sky. It was covered with jet-black feathers, and its eyes flashed with monster blood. It was very agile. It swiped across the top of the fan and its head.

at the same time.

Winner’s eyes also brightened, and the inner force surged in his palm, and the majestic inner force covered the whole body of the bird in the sky.

In just a moment, the bird’s wing movement stopped, and the whole body seemed to have received an extremely severe blow, becoming stiff, and gradually falling from the sky.

In the end, the bird fell on the palm of Winning Ziyi.

Both Da Si Ming and Shao Si Ming did not know what the purpose of Ying Ziyi’s move was, but they did not speak.

Xiao Li’s expression remains the same, regardless of the winner, what he needs to do is to protect the safety of the winner.


The winner grabbed the bird’s wings with both hands, and the internal force dissipated, so the bird regained its vigorous appearance and wanted to break free from the winner’s hand.

But how can the power of the winner be shaken by a small bird, no matter how hard it struggles, it can’t escape the palm of the winner.

“Call out one confused cover!”

The smile on the corner of Ying Ziyi’s mouth is very bright, he is trying, if Luangai can control animals, then this battle to capture Mohism will be even more interesting.

A small confusion cover appeared on Win Ziyi’s hand, and suddenly got into the bird’s body.

The bird, who had been struggling, slowly stopped, and his smart eyes became calm and dull.


Winner also smiled even more, confused, and can indeed control animals!

With this discovery, the plan for Winning Ziyi can finally be implemented.

“All call out the heart-biting cover, the yuan-biting cover, and the confusion cover.

Winner said silently in his heart.

Suddenly, a very small black-spotted coverworm appeared on Ziyi’s hand, all of which quickly got into the bird’s feathers, and it is absolutely impossible to easily catch the bird’s feathers with the naked eye. A huge number of five to six hundred worms.

“Hint! Hint!”

“There are 116 heart-biting covers, 212 biting-element covers, 200 confused covers, all have been called out.”

After hearing the system’s business, the winner also slowly released his palm.

I saw that the black bird flew into the air all of a sudden, and kept going away in Ying Zi’s smiling eyes until it disappeared.

This time, the winner has also laid his blood, hiding all the diseased insects on the bird that was controlled by the confused cover.

The purpose is to sneak all the infected insects into the Mo family, looking for parasites!

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