Chapter 144

Chapter 144 Mo Family Organ City (fourth more seeking subscription)

“A day later?

Yingzi also flashed a glint in his eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing Ying Ziyi’s smile, Zhang Luo looked suspicious, but did not dare to say anything.

Immediately, the Winner also said silently in his heart: “Exchange for 100 Heart Devourers and 200 Yuan Devourers.”

“Hint! Hint!

“The redemption is successful, the heart-biting cover 100 only costs 30,000 HP, and the 200-bite yuan only costs 40,000 HP, and the total HP is 70,000 points.”

“The remaining HP of the host is now 21541 points.”

Hearing the mechanized sound emerging from his head, Zi Yi’s mouth raised a faint smile, this is the real power that can be seen at a fair price.

Every time a worm is exchanged, it proves that his power is increasing.

The more the bitter heart is, the faster he can absorb blood.

The effect of Chu Yuan Gai “March 20” is exactly the same, allowing him to increase his internal strength faster.

After a pause, the winner also thought about it for a while, and said again: “Exchange the god of transformation for one. Confused, for 200.”

“Successful redemption, cost 10,000 HP, successfully redeem 1 God Transformation Gu; cost 10,000 HP, successfully redeem 200 Miscellaneous Covers.

“The remaining HP of the host is now 1541 points.”

Suddenly, the smile on the corner of Ying Ziyi’s mouth was a little stiff and a little distressed.

In an instant, less than a few seconds before and after, all the 90,000 points of blood that had been hard-earned were all consumed by him.

But when he thought of the power brought by the bug, Winner was relieved.

The amount of blood is spent, it’s worth it!

Winner also had bright eyes, and said silently in his heart: “Call out all the insects.”

“As far as possible, 62 blood-sucking, 116 heart-devouring, 2128 yuan-shrinking, 100 zombies, 2 god-changing Gu, and 200 being confused.

Hearing the number of long worms, Ying Ziyi’s smile became brighter.

These worms are all his capital to become stronger!

Relying on the number of these covers, the winner is also confident. Even without the intervention of quicksand, it is absolutely possible that he will lead this iron cavalry to capture the Mo Family.

The most important thing is the confusion cover.

Once you experience the tightly guarded city of Mohism, then the ability to be confused will be fully demonstrated.

This is a worm that can manipulate the human body.

In other words, the winner can also use the confusion cover to forcibly control two hundred Mohists.

From the inside to the outside, the inside should be combined with the outside!

With a two-pronged approach, the winner also wants to conquer the Mohist Institution City, and it will become very simple.

Although the parasitic parasites do not have too much thinking ability, it seems relatively dull, but if you do not observe carefully, you will not notice any problems at all.

Therefore, the confusion cover is one of the best Gu worms used in large-scale wars.

In war, the dead are not terrible!

The scary thing is that the companion who talked and laughed with himself stabbed himself in the back.

When the time comes, people are panicked, and no one knows who to trust. There is a mess. This will definitely give Yan Zi also a great opportunity to attack.

It is conceivable that Chaos Island, as the name implies, confuses the crowd and blinds the eyes.

Mo Family “? I will give you a big surprise.”

Winner also had a smile on the corner of his mouth, thinking so in his heart.

In addition to conquering the Mohist school, Ying Zi also had a thought in his heart. The seeds planted some time ago, now, it should be time to germinate and bloom, waiting for him to pick them.

Snow girl!

Now, Winner is also very curious about what Xue Nu thinks in her heart.

The words of Ying Ziyi made him absolutely sure that Xue Nu’s heart is not at peace, or that her heart has been driven by Ying Zi Yi.

It’s just that the snow girl hasn’t moved for a long time.

It is because it has not reached a critical point!

And if the winner appears in the Mohist school, it is when this critical point erupts.

There is still a high chance that Xue Nu will leave the Mo family.

But if suddenly, let Xue Nu know the identity of Ying Ziyi, then everything will become unpredictable again.

Therefore, Yan Zi also needs to take a long-term view.

Gradually, the sunset went west.

As the sun sets, the iron ride led by Ying Zi is stretched very long and thin in the sunset.

Until night fell, the shadow gradually disappeared and no longer appeared.

Winner also led everyone to choose a quieter place to camp.

Here, there are rivers and fish, so you can hunt alone.

The fire was blazing in the dark night, and there appeared a fiery red light spot, which made people look dazzling, and countless fires became the embellishment of the dark night.

No words for a night…

The next day.

Under the leadership of Winner, continue to approach the direction of the map.

And the God Transformation Gu in the Winner’s body completely left, and he took it back from the system.

In a day’s time, Winner did not feel any negative effects.

In other words, the ability to transform gods seems to have no side effects!

Thinking of this, there was a smile on Yingzi’s face. If there are no side effects, there is no need to be too scrupulous when using the power of transforming the gods.

Although it is said that the cooling time for the cessation of the gods is one month.

But with the existence of hundreds of Heart-Eating Gu, Winner also has no worries about the increase in blood volume.

If the blood volume is sufficient, the number of the Gods Caps will definitely not be less.


The horse stopped, and the winner also recovered from his thoughts and looked at the scene ahead.

“My son, here it is.”

The whole team stopped moving forward, Zhang Luo respectfully said.

Winner also nodded, looking at the steep cliff in front of him, his eyes flashed with interest.

Standing on the mountain peak where the fan is now, it is just a dangerous place with steep cliffs, one by one high mountains.

Looking ahead, there is still a bottomless abyss on the ground.

The breeze glides by, and you can feel the direction of the cold wind while standing here.

Flowers, plants and trees can be seen here. On the surface, this is a beautiful paradise, erected in the wilderness, where no one cares about it. 5.6

The road here is steep, and most people would never come to such a place.

Below, is a lush forest, turning everything here into green.

A very peaceful and peaceful place!

But no one would have thought that the Mo family’s organ city was built in such a place against the remnants of the Qin party.

It took several ages to build the Mohist Institution City, and it is also the place where the anti-Qin Yuniers discussed matters.

But on the surface, no one would tell that a huge residential area would be hidden in such a place.

This can also show from the side how powerful the Mohism’s organ techniques in the past dynasties are.

Of course, any secret, as long as someone knows it, then he will no longer be a secret.

No matter how deeply the Mohist Institution City is hidden, as long as someone knows it, its secrecy will be greatly reduced.

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