Chapter 142

Chapter 142

other side!

It’s not serious yet!

Bai Feng took a deep breath, his mood was very complicated, he didn’t know whether he questioned the words of the winner, or was shocked by the opponent’s strength.

Hundred-step flying sword and other tyrannical swordsmanship were all displayed, completely suppressing him.

But at this level, the other party even said that it was just a warm-up, not serious yet.

One can imagine how dignified Bai Feng’s heart is.

If the other party is serious.

So, what will be the result?

Bai Feng’s heart was full of doubts, and his eyes gradually became more dignified.

“Be careful.”

The Winner grinned, holding a sword in one hand, kicking both feet, and his figure resembling a bow and arrow. With a sound of “Ah,” he cut through the air and attacked towards Baifeng’s position.

Bai Feng was able to clearly capture the speed of the winner. The opponent’s speed was not very fast, but it brought heavy pressure to him, not the pressure that could turn things around in speed.


Winner also had a smile on his face and slashed with a sword.

Bai Feng’s pupils shrank, and with a frightening flicker he quickly avoided.

The iron sword slid down along the trajectory, cutting off Bai Feng’s hair, and sliding past his ears dangerously and dangerously.


As Bai Feng retreated quickly, feathers appeared in his hand, attacking in the direction of Winning Ziyi.

Facing Bai Feng’s attack, the corners of Ying Ziyi’s mouth curled slightly, the internal force of his left hand surged, and the light blue internal force radiated from the palm of his hand.

“Soul Xi Longyou!

The internal force of the winner also formed a looming dragon shape, and the majestic internal force made people feel chills.

Bai Feng’s expression changed dramatically, and he felt a strong crisis.


Winner also threw Soul Longyou out, rushing in the direction of the feathers that Bai Feng had made.

In just one face, Bai Feng’s attack all fell apart, and the Winner also frightened the soul formed by his internal force and slammed into Bai Feng’s body.

Bai Feng’s speed exploded to the extreme, and he passed in the direction of the right hand at the speed of the afterimage.


The soul dragon swims on the ground, producing a huge noise, and its destructive power is very strong.


An unbelievable look was revealed in Bai Feng’s eyes, and he took a deep breath and solemnly looked at the winner. In addition to the Hundred Step Flying Sword, the other party has even mastered the onmyoji technique!

When did the empire appear such a number one person?

He was completely at a loss, and he didn’t know why.

The beautiful eyes of Da Si Ming and Shao Si Ming who were watching the battle flashed, especially on Da Si Ming’s pretty face, full of exclamation: “Second Young Master’s onmyoji has become stronger!”

The call to the soul just now made him feel a strong sense of crisis.

If she was allowed to face it by herself, she would not have the confidence to be able to block it from the front.

The longer it takes to follow the winner, the greater the clear in the heart of Da Si Ming, how high the talent of the winner is!

In addition to onmyoji, even the amazing swordsmanship of the Hundred Step Flying Sword is well used.

Just ask, in this world, who else can do this kind of thing like Winner!

“Second Young Master’s internal strength is a little weird, and it doesn’t seem to be very stable.”

Shao Siming spoke up. She has always been cold-tempered, but she also noticed the internal strength of the Winner.

“Indeed, it seems to be an abrupt promotion.”

Da Si Ming nodded in agreement, his beautiful eyes flashed again and again.

Xiao Li looked at the strength of the winning son, with a bit of bitterness on his face: “The strength of the second son has completely put me aside.”

As the escort of Winner, but the strength is surpassed by Winner, Xiao Li’s mood can be imagined.

This also strengthened Xiao Li’s belief in becoming stronger!

He wants to protect the winner, if his strength can’t protect the opponent, then what is the meaning of him as a guard.

the other side.

Winner is also very strong internally, and his smile on his face is very bright.

Using the tyrannical Yin and Yang technique of Hunxi Longyou requires huge internal force for blessing. He used the Hundred-Step Flying Sword again, and these swordsmanship require a strong internal force as the foundation all the time.

However, the current winner still feels ample internal strength.

It turns out that the ability of God Transformation is so tyrannical!

At this moment, the winner also fully felt the horror of the ability to transform the gods.

Tenfold increase in internal strength!

At this point, if the winner has also reached the innate, and then the internal strength has increased tenfold, what degree will it achieve?

“A wonderful ability!”

Winner also has bright eyes and joy.

It’s just that there are still some doubts that have not been explored.

For example, the duration of the Hua Shen Gai, whether it will bring side effects and so on.

It is also necessary for the winner to have experienced today before the result can be reached.

Immediately, Winner also fixed his gaze on Bai Feng’s body.

I saw that, except for the embarrassment, Bai Feng didn’t have much injury.

Of course, this is what the winner can keep, he and Bai Feng are not enemies of life and death. What’s more, he still needs Quicksand to help capture the Mo Family Institution City. At this time, if Bai is killed, it will undoubtedly cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

The reason for fighting against Bai Feng was that the Winner also couldn’t bear to see someone passing over his head. What’s more, he wants to try the ability to transform the gods. Going further to explore the ability of Huashen Gai.


Winning Zi also held the sword in his right hand, stabbed the sword fiercely on the ground, and looked at Bai Feng with an interesting look on his face.

Upon seeing this, Bai Feng looked suspicious and stepped back unconsciously. He was not timid, but the other party’s behavior made him feel uncomfortable.

In Ying Ziyi’s hand, a dark blue internal force appeared, and it was surrounded by his hand, and the terrifying internal force surged, very majestic. Far away, you can feel the breath of palpitations.

“Gather Qi into a blade!”

A serious look appeared on Yingzi’s face, and light blue air blades appeared in his hands. This is (good, good) an extremely advanced technique in Yin Yang, which gathers energy into an edge.

And today’s winner, even under the blessing of powerful internal forces, can only use the three successful forces to gather energy into an edge.

Internal strength is far from enough.


After Winning Zi also succeeded in gathering Qi with both hands, he slowly closed both hands, and the two gathered into a blade into one.

Sixty percent of the energy gathered into a blade!

This terrifying aura permeated Bai Feng’s body, his eyelids throbbed violently, and the ominous premonition in his heart became even stronger.

The winner also controls the internal force in the body, and the power that gathers energy into a blade and floats is even more manic.


Winner also nearly exploded out all the internal forces in his body, and used Qi Gathering into a blade to 70%!

Nowadays, there is a solemn expression on Ying Ziyi’s face. This is already his limit.

Coupled with the ten-fold increase in internal force brought by the Huashen Gai, the limit of the energy-gathering and blade-forming effect it can be used!

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