Chapter 131

Chapter 131 He Is Here (third more seeking subscription)

In an inconspicuous place in the corner of the banquet, there was a group of ordinary men sitting there, most of whom were older, and looked a little unnatural.

They are the caravans that were invited.

Facing Zhao Taishou’s order, they dared not resist at all, and quickly came to the banquet.

It’s just that they are incompatible with the people in Zhao Zhiyao’s circle, and they are completely afraid to please each other.

After seeing the arrival of many elder brothers and General Muhecheng, the old man in the caravan sighed.

Li Wangcai also sighed, and said with a worried expression: “That lord, if he goes to a banquet, he will really be in jeopardy.”

“Unexpectedly, Master Zhao would find so many people in power in Muhe City. If they join forces, who else in the entire Muhe City would dare to disobey their orders. Although that adult has three thousand cavalry, I still want plant.”

The old man shook his head and said slowly.

On the contrary, it was Li Erhu who sneered: “That is what he deserves. It is not good to provoke him, but he provokes the daughter of Lord Zhao. It is not a pity to die!”

“You eat inside and out, you forgot who saved your life from the robbers?”

Li Wangcai immediately became angry and scolded Li Erhu.

Hearing this, Li Erhu, instead of being embarrassed, said with his head up and his chest tall: “That’s his nosy. For a few hundred robbers, I can also save your lives!”

“Speaking so lightly, when I first saw the robbers 303, I didn’t know who ran the fastest.

Li Wangcai sneered and said.


Li Erhu was also angry. What Li Wangcai said was that he meant him.

This is also true. After the robbers appeared, he did hide in the safest place inside the caravan.

“What, am I wrong?”

Li Wangcai’s power is not forgiving, and his face is full of contempt.

“Li Wangcai, you are very well! But it is a pity that the adult who saved you will have to suffer today. Maybe, even his life will be lost here!”

Li Erhu’s eyes turned and spoke.

Just when Li Wangcai was about to speak further, the old man stopped his words and whispered: “Stop talking, this is the site of Lord Zhao. We talk too much, once we get into trouble, no one can run away!”


Li Wangcai snorted coldly and forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart.

Indeed, in the Taishou Mansion, the dozen or so members of his caravan do not have any human rights at all.

Compared with the winners, the people in the caravan were more curious about why they were invited here, and everyone was puzzled.

One of them asked curiously: “Master Zhao, a high-ranking (cdfg) person, what is the matter for inviting us to the banquet? Does he want to thank us for escorting his daughter back to Muhe City safely? ”

“I don’t know, if this is the case, then our opportunity will come. This is Mr. Zhao Zhao, the prefect of Muhe City. With a word of him, our caravan will definitely be able to win the battle.

Everyone in the caravan showed hopeful smiles.

Upon seeing this, Li Wangcai opened his mouth, but still said nothing.

These people seem to have forgotten the life-saving grace of Win Ziyi.

Regarding this, Li Wangcai sighed heavily, not knowing whether it was not worth it for the winner.

Unexpectedly, it was only half a day before these people had already forgotten their kindness.

Instead, I remembered the benefits of Zhao Taishou calling them to the banquet!

I have to say, it’s really ironic.

Li Wangcai stopped speaking, and when he talked to these people, he felt extremely serious disdain.

A group of wolf-hearted guys!

Li Wangcai was indignant, watching the caravan start discussing his reward for Zhao Taishou, a burst of sorrow emerged.

It’s just that Li Wangcai couldn’t help but worry, if the winner also came to this banquet, what would happen to it?

He couldn’t imagine it at all.

The masters of this banquet are all big figures gathered in the hall.

Everyone there is a figure who can make Muzurucheng tremble by raising his hand.

There are also people like Zhao Taishou who cover the sky with only one hand, and one person can cover the upper half of the city.

It is no exaggeration to say that the people gathered here are able to give orders on behalf of the entire Muhe City, so that everyone in Muhe City will follow their instructions.

On the other side, people in the circle such as Zhao Zhiyao and Mr. Muhecheng were talking and laughing.

At this time, Zhao Zhiyao has completely lost the unbearable appearance of being oppressed before. She is wearing white clothes, which looks very noble, out of the mud but not stained, just like a snow-white noble white swan. When facing these brothers, Zhao Zhiyao looked lukewarm.

Of course, she also has the capital of Jiangzhang, after all, her father is Zhao Taishou!

“Sister Xiaoyan, tell your sister Ji, what ups and downs have gone through after leaving Muhe City. I’m very curious.”

Beside Zhao Zhiyao, stood a woman who was about 27-8 years old. She was wearing light blue clothes, and her delicate face was full of mature charm, especially her figure.

Her appearance is a bit inferior to Zhao Zhiyao, but it is the mature taste on her that makes people who like her far more than Zhao Zhiyao.

In this era, twenty-seven and eighty-eight women are already very old. What is even more weird is that she is still unmarried, and in the circle of Muhecheng, everyone knows the existence of such a beautiful woman.

Her name is Ji Ruyun, the granddaughter left behind by an old general in Muhe City, and she is the only one left in the whole gate.

If it weren’t for this level of relationship, her beauty would have long been used compulsively to fix it.

It is precisely because Ji Ruyun knows her own situation deeply that she is desperately looking for a relationship, wanting to climb a powerful person, so that she does not have to fear every day.

Getting along with Zhao Zhiyao is one of Ji Ruyun’s goals. Under her scheming, she soon became good sisters with Zhao Zhiyao and integrated into the circle of this nobleman.

Otherwise, with her already declining family, it is undoubtedly a very difficult thing to integrate into this circle.

“Sister Ji.

A blunt smile appeared on Zhao Zhiyao’s pretty face.

Soon, she told Ji Ruyun about her experience. Speaking of encountering robbers and Winning Ziyi, she deliberately avoided being humiliated by the other party, but also described the hatefulness of the other party, so that besides Ji Ruyun, the surrounding son brothers were also upset.

Wang Heyi was even more angry: “Damn, I didn’t expect this damn kid to be so bold. You don’t even care about the identity of you. Xiaojun, don’t worry, I will take care of this matter. What about three thousand horses? . I let my father kill him in minutes!”

However, Wang Heyi clearly noticed that after he said this, Zhao Zhiyao’s eyes became a little stiff.

Wang He was not clear, so he followed Zhao Zhiyao’s gaze.

I saw that at the gate of the Prefect’s Mansion, a young man walked in with a flat face.

“Xiao Yao, what’s the matter with you? Which family’s elder brother is this, why I haven’t seen it.

Wang He asked suspiciously, he could see that the young man exuded a natural majesty and aura.

A trace of resentment flashed through Zhao Zhiyao’s beautiful eyes, gritted her teeth, her expression became distorted, and said, “Here comes!”

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