Chapter 128

Chapter 128: Entering the City (fourth more seeking subscription)

“Brother, my lady has invited me. There is Muhe Castle. As the host of Muhe Castle, my lady will order someone to set up a banquet. Please brothers be sure to come here with a big prize.”

Uncle Zhang came to the front of Winner and said kindly.

Upon seeing this, Li Wangcai’s eyes flashed with fear, and he dared not say anything. He hurriedly said in a low voice: “My lord, I will go back to the caravan’s team first.”

“up to you.

Winner also nodded, very calm.

In response, Li Wangcai flapped his horses and left Ying Ziyi’s side. Just before leaving, he still hesitated, wanting to remind Ying Ziyi, but after seeing Uncle Zhang, under the control of fear, he had to shake his head and sigh and leave, his expression full of sigh.

In Li Wangcai’s view, this is definitely going to happen to Winson.

“It’s still too impulsive. Although this lord also has decent military strength. But he absolutely can’t fight against Zhao Taishou of Muhecheng, so why bother hitting the stone with an egg!”

Li Wangcai sighed and thought to himself.

He was very puzzled by the idea of ​​Winning Ziyi, and he could leave there and get along well.

Why must we go to Mutsuru Castle?

He never believed, and the winner did not see the thoughts of Zhang Shu and Zhao Zhiyao.

The only possibility left is that the winner is too self-confident.

At least in Li Wangcai’s mind.

On the other side, Uncle Zhang returned to Zhao Zhiyao’s carriage after reporting this sentence. Leading the winner behind him, as well as all the caravan owners, kept getting closer to the gate of Mutsuru Castle.

Winner also sat on the horse, his face calm, facing the situation getting closer and closer to Muhe City, there was no trace of tension or ambition at all.

Da Si Ming, Shao Si Ming, and Xiao Li who were behind the winner also did the same with expressionless faces.

Zhang Luo led three thousand cavalry slowly, but he glanced at the one hundred dull zombies from time to time. Of course, he didn’t know that these soldiers were already zombies. He just thinks that the hundred people are weird, but he can only think that it is the hundred people who have practiced some special martial arts.

Otherwise, it is completely impossible to explain that the hundred people were able to keep up with the speed of their horses, and there was no sign of fatigue in the long journey day and night.

At the end of the line, it was the caravan.

After Li Wangcai returned to the team, he sighed.

Seeing this, an old man couldn’t help but ask: “Wangcai, what did your lord say? Did you remind him.”

“I have said, but, my lord, he is too confident. There is no intention to leave at all. It is useless to persuade me.”

Li Wangcai shook his head and said truthfully.

The old man also sighed and said, “It seems that this time, Muhe City is going to be contaminated with blood and blood. However, the life of this adult is in jeopardy. He saved our entire caravan, and we are unable to repay. .”

“Facing the Zhao Taishou in Muhe City, we have no ability to help at all.”

Li Wangcai nodded in agreement, then shook his head and said.

A young man from the caravan on the other side, with a scar on his face, said directly: “Old Li, how can we blame our caravan. We have all the good things to say, and we all told him that the crisis in Muhe city is serious. , If he wants to go. Then what can we do, if he is dead, blame him for being too confident, thinking that he can run the world without a horse? A joke!

The young man named Li Erhu was a guard in the caravan.

Because Winner wanted to abandon their caravan before, Li Erhu resented Winner.

It’s just that in view of the terrifying power of the iron knight that wins.

Let Li Erhu dare not show it at all.

But now that he was about to arrive in Muhe City, Li Erhu’s bit of resentment emerged, and he was not grateful for the fact that the mouse also saved his life.

“Erhu, how do you talk!”

Li Wangcai scolded.

Li Erhu was unwilling to show weakness, glared, and said, “This is a fact, so I won’t tell anyone. He just relied on his own strength to put others in the eye. If it weren’t for Miss Zhao Zhiyao in the end. Apologies, he doesn’t plan to save us yet. I wish he would be killed by Zhao Taishou to cure his hateful spirit.”


Li Wangcai’s face was angry.

The old man said to stop him: “Well, they are all people in the caravan. Don’t cause civil strife. Wangcai, Erhu also has some truth in what we can say. We have already said what we can say. Since this adult doesn’t listen. Persuasion, then we have nothing to do. After entering Muhe City, we quickly transport the goods to the destination and leave. This is a place of right and wrong, and it is not suitable to stay for long!”

…For flowers…

“Uncle Li!”

Li Wangcai opened his mouth, and finally sighed.

But Li Erhu was sneer all over his face. He stared at the back of Ying Ziyi in front of him, full of resentment.

During the days when he was walking with Zhao Zhiyao, he had long been in love with this noble and beautiful daughter.

And the way that the winner is to force the goddess in his heart to lose face.

Ever since, Li Erhu had a trace of sorrow and resentment in his heart.

He hates that he has no strength to do something to the winner!

Nowadays, seeing Winner keep approaching Muhe City, his heart is really happy. It was as if he had seen the appearance that the winner was about to be killed by Zhao Taishou, so happy!


“A mere iron cavalry, dare to force the daughter of Zhao Taishou to slap herself, and she is impatient! This is not only to make Miss Zhao wronged, it is to slap Zhao Taishou in the face openly. He is over!”

Li Erhu is familiar with Zhao Taishou’s energy, because of this, he sneered.

Under the leadership of Uncle Zhang, the group quickly arrived at the city gate.

Uncle Zhang jumped off the carriage and ordered the soldiers on both sides of the city gate: “Open the door! Miss is back!”


The soldiers on both sides naturally recognized the identity of Uncle Zhang and respectfully opened the city gate.

Zhao Zhiyao poked her head out of the carriage and looked at the winner who was less than ten meters behind him. His eyes flashed with coldness, but he quickly smiled and said, “Little brother, please!”

“Miss Zhao, you are polite.

Winner also had a smile on his face, calm and calm.

Soon, Winner also led many people behind him, slowly entering the city gate.

A powerful team, if it is in peacetime, it will definitely go through layers of screening. However, under the identity of Uncle Zhang, no soldier dared to say anything.

“You are polite? I want to see how you will die!”

Zhao Zhiyao looked at the back of Winner entering the city gate, and his heart was filled with murderous intent and sneer.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Zhiyao’s face was frosty, and she said to Uncle Zhang next to him: “Uncle Zhang, go and tell my father to have a banquet. I want to solemnly thank this great benefactor!”

Zhao Zhiyao deliberately increased her tone when speaking of the three words great benefactor. door,

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