Chapter 117

Chapter 117 Snow Girl (first more seeking subscription)

The sun rose from the horizon, and the hot temperature gradually rose.

A very warm atmosphere enveloped all quarters.

A golden halo shone down from the horizon and imprinted on the ground. Sunlight penetrated from the woods next to it, illuminating the earth from the perforation, and nourishing everything.

It was the early morning of another day, and the air was still entrained with a little mist, which was very refreshing.

The breeze is blowing in, and it makes people feel comfortable all over the body. When I raised my head slightly, I could see the white clouds on the horizon, floating slightly.

White clouds fluttered.

The blue sky is like a sapphire, flawless, pure, and fascinating. The white clouds set off the sky to bring out a sense of beauty.

If time freezes at this moment.

This scene.

Will become eternal!

The green leaves fluttered and beat each other, and there was a clear and sweet sound, like the sound of a piano, full of rhythm, and one couldn’t help but get stuck in it and couldn’t extricate itself.

Looking along the way, the forest in the distance, the green and bright, refreshing, the vision is a bit of comfort and comfort, and the spirit is full.

Occasionally, I can see a few birds dancing in the air, and there is crisp music. It is so beautiful and full of artistic conception.

The beautiful and peerless beauty that appeared in front of Yan Ziyi, the skin is better than the snow, the beauty who is more beautiful than the Da Si Ming, is the famous Yiwu Allure, the Snow Girl!

To be honest, Winner was also very surprised that he would meet the Snow Girl in this place and on this occasion.

This is really weird.

Under the moon, there was a hint of cold air, and in the river, Xue Nv’s beautiful eyes looked at Ying Ziyi without emotion.

The Snow Girl, who was attracted by the music, was naked, her slender jade hands tightening.

However, in this case, she still has no shame, and some are cold and murderous.

In her eyes, Winner is already dead.

Her body was not even seen by Gao Jianli.

Actually, he was seen by such a strange man.

The degree of killing intent in her heart at this time can be imagined.

Seeing the Snow Girl appearing here, Ying Zi also narrowed his eyes slightly, and he glanced around inadvertently.

Snow Girl appeared here, does that mean that the Mo family members are also around here?

“You, go away!”

Snow Girl’s voice is cold, her face is expressionless, her hands are on her chest, covering the key places.

Although she is underwater, but in the moonlight.

Hearing that, the Winner also smiled, appearing to be very calm and said: “Girl, whoever said in advance, come first, come first, here, but I came first. And you, a latecomer, logically speaking, you shouldn’t have left. Here?”

Suddenly, Xue Nu’s beautiful eyes became more murderous, and if she could, she wanted to leave.

However, the eyes of Winner stayed on her, and she could feel that if she left, the place that was covered would definitely be completely seen by the other party.

And if she doesn’t leave, then she will be deadlocked here with Winner.

Therefore, she can only ask that Winner also leave here first.

Who knows, Yingzi is so calm, and his eyes are still unbridled on her body, making her biting her silver teeth and hating her.

“I will kill you!”

Xue Nv looked at Ying Ziyi coldly, with ups and downs of murderous intent.

“I am waiting.

Winner said flatly with a smile on his face.

After the conversation, Ying Zi also touched the piano with both hands, with a smile on his face and fingers flicking.

One by one, the clear and sweet sounds, once again connected into a burst of memorable music.

This time, the piano music that Yingzi also played is the one that Xuenu is most familiar with, Yangchun Baixue!

However, this song of Yangchun Baixue has been modified by Yan Ziyi, and some of the rhythms in it have been modified to become more perfect.

Therefore, when the first voice appears.

Xue Nu’s delicate and pretty face couldn’t help stiffening.

Yangchun Baixue, with fresh and smooth melody, lively and brisk rhythm.

It is used to show the early spring scene when the earth is resurrected, everything is prospering, and the spring is coming from winter to spring.

The difficulty of this piece is fairly medium, but if you can really play the artistic conception and make people feel like spring is in front of you, it will be even more difficult.

……Please ask for flowers……………

Without profound piano skills, it is impossible to do such a thing.

But as soon as Yingzi started to play, Xuenu was shocked because she felt the charm in the music.

At this moment.

Xue Nu had forgotten her surroundings and her current situation. She closed her big eyes slightly, and her long eyelashes moved slightly.

She is feeling the charm of this music in detail.

It is completely different from what Gao Jianli played.

Qiang Qiang!

Winner also gradually increased his hand speed, completely showing Yangchun Baixue, coupled with his modified melody, floating into Xuenu’s ears, as if she had seen a piece of spring vitality.


A horror appeared on Xue Nu’s face. She found this Yangchun and Baixue after comparing it with Gao Jianli.



Gao Jianli’s Yangchun Baixue could not be compared with the Yangchun Baixue of the man in front of him.

Nowadays, Xue Nu has too many doubts in her heart, but the piano music is not over yet, she soon fell into the artistic conception of piano music again, unable to extricate herself.

Even her hands couldn’t help but began to dance in the water.

At this moment, she was already intoxicated, forgetting the surrounding environment and her own situation, drifting slightly in the river, looking strangely white in the moonlight, just like snow!

No wonder, she would be called the Snow Girl!

Her skin is very white.

Years of dancing has brought her a devil figure that all women admire extremely. The thin areas are slender, and the prominent areas are very full.

She has slender hands, dancing in the water, and her long and straight legs. Because the river water is too deep, she can only catch a trace of shadows dimly, but she has a white complexion.

The snow-white hair is floating in the air, with traces of water stains. Using the water droplets, it presents a beautiful picture in the air.

With the ups and downs of Yingziyiqin’s music, Xuenu continued to dance with different movements.

At this moment.

Xue Nu’s whole person is just like a fairy walking out of a picture scroll, full of fairy-like beauty.

The graceful dance in the water made her involuntarily exude an elegant temperament.

Her beauty is beyond words, her beauty is so beautiful that everything in the world will be overshadowed.


The river was surging, and the snow girl danced like a fairy in the water. Her skin was softer than snow, causing faint ripples on the river surface.

This scene, presented in the eyes of Ying Ziyi, made him, the young man surrounded by beauties, couldn’t help feeling amazed.

I have to admit, Snow Girl, really beautiful! Door,

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